“I am Our Lady of America. I desire that My children honor Me, especially by the purity of their lives.” September 26, 1956 - from the letters of Sister Mary Ephrem to Archbishop LeiboldMore
“I am Our Lady of America. I desire that My children honor Me, especially by the purity of their lives.”
September 26, 1956 - from the letters of Sister Mary Ephrem to Archbishop Leibold
Our Lady of America Pray for us!

Our Lady of America Booklet

Archbishop (now Cardinal) Raymond Burke’s letter to the Bishops supporting “Our Lady of America” below.
English Catholic
This just looks like a piece from a Luisa Piccaretta page, who has recently been censured by the Vatican: "The Church has suspended the Cause of Luisa …More
This just looks like a piece from a Luisa Piccaretta page, who has recently been censured by the Vatican: "The Church has suspended the Cause of Luisa Piccaretta and a Nihil Obstat has not been granted, due to "Theological, Christological, and Anthropological Difficulties".
4 more comments
Please sign and promote this petition for Sister Mary Ephrem PETITION FOR SISTER MARY EPHREM TO BECOME SERVANT OF GOD Please sign and promote this petition for Sister Mary Ephrem to become Servant of …More
Please sign and promote this petition for Sister Mary Ephrem
Please sign and promote this petition for Sister Mary Ephrem to become Servant of God with friends, family, clergy, religious, etc.
More signatures are needed before presenting this to the Church for a Cause to begin.
Our Lady of America Appeared to Sister Mary Ephrem, and Our Lord Jesus said Sister Mary Ephrem is the Sign of Peace He will Give to the world.
To hope for the realization of the Requests of Our Lady of America, we must honor Sister Mary Ephrem, the little white dove!
Video: Our Lady of America and the Little White Dove
Booklet: Our Lady of America Booklet


For all those who love Our Lady of America, Patroness of the United States of America. We were all introduced to Our Lady of America, The Immaculate …

The Ratzinger Code!!!

The Ratzinger Code The hidden Pope - veiled language. “…(Pope Benedict XVI) warns us to wait before judging his Pontificate, which will be regarded as the Pontificate of millenary importance and which …More
The Ratzinger Code
The hidden Pope - veiled language.
“…(Pope Benedict XVI) warns us to wait before judging his Pontificate, which will be regarded as the Pontificate of millenary importance and which will be the gateway that opens a new world.”
“Whoever searches will find!”

Committee to liberate Pope Benedict XVI

Support the Committee to liberate Pope Benedict XVI Motto: "Cooperators of the Truth" "Ratzinger Code" by Andrea Cionci - available in English on Amazon Kindle. Excerpt: "We are living through a "…More
Support the Committee to liberate Pope Benedict XVI
Motto: "Cooperators of the Truth"
"Ratzinger Code" by Andrea Cionci - available in English on Amazon Kindle.
Excerpt: "We are living through a "final war"and it is necessary to decide which side we are on: the side of the Truth, or the side of the Lie. We must act accordingly: each of us is called to choose on which side we want to fight in such an eschatological battle that is also a battle for the identity of our culture. Pope Benedict XVI, one of the greatest and most significant popes in the entire history of the Church, has placed us at this unavoidable crossroads.”

Our Lady of America and the little white dove

Our Lady of America and the Little White Dove There is so much more to Our Lady of America, Who Leads us to Peace and into the New Jerusalem, as She Speaks through Sister Mary Ephrem, the little white …More
Our Lady of America and the Little White Dove
There is so much more to Our Lady of America, Who Leads us to Peace and into the New Jerusalem, as She Speaks through Sister Mary Ephrem, the little white dove! Our Lady Appeared to Sister in 12 Ways. Sister also received Heavenly Visits from Our Lord Jesus, St. Joseph, St. Michael, St. Gabriel, from the foundress of her Order, and more!
Link to Petition for Sister Mary Ephrem to become Servant of God:
"For it is mainly through these Miracles of Grace that the Holy Trinity is Glorified among men and Nations. Let America continue and grow in its love for Me and I in Return, in Union with the Heart of My Son, Promise to Work Wonders in her. My child, I Desire that this be known.” - Our Lady of America to Sister Mary Ephrem, September 1956 -Imprimatur on prayers and diary by Paul F. Leibold, Archbishop of Cincinnati, 1963

Give your "Fiat" to God!

Dawn of a Mystery - Luisa Piccarreta (English) (added- Feast of Mary, Mediatrix of All Grace-Fiat!) Beautiful video including writings of the Servant of God Luisa Piccarreta! From a 2012 letter of …More
Dawn of a Mystery - Luisa Piccarreta (English) (added- Feast of Mary, Mediatrix of All Grace-Fiat!)
Beautiful video including writings of the Servant of God Luisa Piccarreta!
From a 2012 letter of Giovan Battista Pichierri, Archbishop of Trani-Barletta-Bisceglie (Nazareth), in charge of the Cause of the Servant of God Luisa Piccarreta:
(…) "In the prayerful anticipation of the outcome of this examination, I wish to address all those who claim that these writings contain doctrinal errors. This, to date, has never been endorsed by any pronouncement by the Holy See, nor personally by myself. I would like to note that in this way, in addition to anticipate the legitimate judgment of the Church, these persons cause scandal to the faithful who are spiritually nourished by said writings, originating also suspicion of those of us who are zealous in the pursuit of the Cause. In the anticipation of the judgment by competent Authority, I invite you to make more serious and in-depth meditations …More
Our Lord has Spoken through chosen vessels throughout the Old and the New Testaments; especially in Redemption through Our Blessed Mother! Goodness of …More
Our Lord has Spoken through chosen vessels throughout the Old and the New Testaments; especially in Redemption through Our Blessed Mother! Goodness of God in giving us Moses, Elijah…St. Margaret Mary, St. Faustina…!
2nd Epistle St. Paul to Corinthians 2:15-17 - “But even until this day when Moses is read, the veil is upon their heart. But when they shall be converted to the Lord, the veil shall be taken away. Now the Lord is a Spirit. And where the Lord is, there is liberty. But we all beholding the Glory of the Lord with open face, are transformed into the same Image from Glory to Glory, as by the Spirit of the Lord.”
Tony Smith
Just read the Our Father some time. No need for these 'visionaries'.
JMLFiat shares from Servant Of Divine Mercy
Growing Food Indoors - The Ultimate Guide Growing Your Own Food Indoors Made Easy! Did you know that many of your favorite backyard veggie crops can also be grown indoors over winter? Indeed they can!…More
Growing Food Indoors - The Ultimate Guide
Growing Your Own Food Indoors Made Easy! Did you know that many of your favorite backyard veggie crops can also be grown indoors over winter? Indeed they can! Don't stop cultivating that green thumb, continue to grow delicious herbs and vegetables all year long no matter what the weather is doing outside!
All plants will grow and produce with the right conditions....temperature, light, water, and soil. These 4 parameters govern our indoor success and once we solve the puzzle for a particular crop, the sky is the limit!
Join me today while we talk about everything you need to know about indoor gardening as it pertains to growing food. On top of that, we'll deep dive into my top 9 favorite crops, hand-picked to ensure your success no matter your previous gardening experience or skill level!
2021 is the Year of the Garden! We deserve it after the last little while, and growing our own food and self sufficiency is just the reward we need to get back …More

God is Working Powerfully through His Mother

Our Lady of America and the "little white dove" Our Lady of America and the Little White DoveMore
Our Lady of America and the "little white dove"
Our Lady of America and the Little White Dove

Pope Benedict XVI taking the Church to Her Resurrection

Benedict XVI Tried To Warn Us About Francis And The Ape Of The ChurchPope Benedict XVI…realized his own staggering and monumentous mission - that he was being Called, like Abraham, to set forth in …More
Benedict XVI Tried To Warn Us About Francis And The Ape Of The Church
Pope Benedict XVI…realized his own staggering and monumentous mission - that he was being Called, like Abraham, to set forth in Faith, "not knowing where he was to go.” To take the Church, as Abraham took Isaac, and prepare to offer Her as a holocaust. So that "from one man, himself as good as dead" numerous descendants would one day come forth because of Benedict's Faith. A step that could only be taken because of a direct and personal Call from God. A step that would make no sense if considered in terms of human calculation or worldly prudence. But a step that would initiate a New Exodus for the New Israel at the hour of Her "final Passover, when She will follow Her Lord in His Death and RESURRECTION." Thy Kingdom Come! Fiat!

Give your "Fiat" to God!

DAWN OF A MYSTERY Dawn of a Mystery - Luisa Piccarreta (English) (added- Feast of Mary, Mediatrix of All Grace-Fiat!) Servant of God Luisa Piccarreta, little daughter of the Divine WillMore
Dawn of a Mystery - Luisa Piccarreta (English) (added- Feast of Mary, Mediatrix of All Grace-Fiat!)
Servant of God Luisa Piccarreta, little daughter of the Divine Will
64 years on the Blessed Sacrament. The last 64 years of her life on the Blessed Sacrament only! Pope St Pius x was one of the two Popes whom gave …More
64 years on the Blessed Sacrament. The last 64 years of her life on the Blessed Sacrament only! Pope St Pius x was one of the two Popes whom gave permission for daily Holy Mass in her bed ridden room! There is so much proof of Sanctity that anyone displeased with SoG Luisa, simply hasn’t read her life and mission.

Petition for Sister Mary Ephrem to become Servant of God

Please join this effort with your signature for Sister Mary Ephrem to become Servant of God! PETITION FOR SISTER MARY EPHREM TO BECOME SERVANT OF GOD Sister Mary Ephrem is the visionary of Our Lady …More
Please join this effort with your signature for Sister Mary Ephrem to become Servant of God!
Sister Mary Ephrem is the visionary of Our Lady of America. Our Lord Jesus named her His "little white dove" and in July 1955, Jesus said to her:
“Ask Me not for a Sign. Wouldst thou be as the Scribes and Pharisees or even as My Apostles, always seeking Signs? What I ask of thee is Faith, that deep, strong Faith that seeks no Signs but only Believes."
"Thou thyself, shall be the Sign, the Sign I will give to the world. A little, white dove, a Sign of Peace, yes, the Reign of Peace in the world.”
Sister Mary Ephrem is key to hoping for the fulfillment of the Wishes of Our Lady of America!
“I Come to you, oh children of America, as a last resort. I Plead with you to listen to My Voice. Cleanse your souls in the Precious Blood of My Son. Live in His Heart, and take Me in, that I may Teach you to live in great purity of heart which is so …More