Deus Vult
Deus Vult

Cardinal Grech: Civil War Among Bishops "Is Synodality"

In case you mean Aaron-Jo's comment, it's not polish but Dutch!
Deus Vult

Cardinal Grech: Civil War Among Bishops "Is Synodality"

It doesn't get anymore repulsive, disgusting,appalling, BLASPHEMOUS! In Europe (Germany being no. 1) all Novus Ordu temples have humongous 🏳️‍🌈 rainbow flags across every entrance and/or displayed from the belltower.Actual Catholics are so disgusted, that they undertake the tedious process/paperwork with their employer/goverment agencies to formally apostacise from the church. As in Germany a good …Mehr
It doesn't get anymore repulsive, disgusting,appalling, BLASPHEMOUS! In Europe (Germany being no. 1) all Novus Ordu temples have humongous 🏳️‍🌈 rainbow flags across every entrance and/or displayed from the belltower.Actual Catholics are so disgusted, that they undertake the tedious process/paperwork with their employer/goverment agencies to formally apostacise from the church. As in Germany a good chunk of "church-tax" is deducted straight from your paycheck this is the ONLY means of withdrawing from the Novus Ordo/new world order LTGBQXYZ madness. Unfortunately many have no clue that we have the FSSPX or the FSSP (which I don't entirely agree with either, as they don't take a clear step to seperate themselves from the tyranny, heresy, blasphemy of Rome's Pachamama) but at least we can get TLM and they have decent, good priests giving the sacraments.
Nevertheless the evil PRESS is not reporting what should have become entirely obvious to the repulsive German bishops, which is, that the cash flow has diminished into a trickle. I.e. soon the pudgy, gay, children diddling, homosexual "marriages" blessing, dancing, perverted clowns will no longer be able to splurge on seemingly unlimited funds as they cease to exist. It is 10 past 12 which yet many don't realize therefore our good clergy especially Cardinals & bishops need to get the long overdue TRIBUNAL going to cease Pachamama from being pope AND declare those standing with him TO BE ANATHEMA!
Deus Vult

Has science fiction become reality?

There is a reason, why I refuse to purchase or use anything created by Apple Inc. Thank you no thank you. We all know what person Steve Jobs was and since his call to the Abyss the company has outed its dark spirits even more. When you sell out to the devil, don't expect to find yourself in "paradise" ! For as you lived, you will die!
Deus Vult

San Francisco Archbishop BANS Pelosi From Communion

Bravo we need to encourage our decent Cardinals, bishops and clergy to get into pachamama's face, finally!
Deus Vult

Will Pastor Jimmy Martin of the Jesuit Church lead or participate in a formal schism from Rome over …

It isn't a secret that Francis himself blessed the outright "GAY MARRIAGE" of his buddies in the Vatican, press present and all. So good ol' Jimmy is following the footsteps of the devil. For years and years the "oh so pious" church pointed their fingers at traditionalists, the society of St. Pius etc., scolding them to be in "schism" ! Well if a NO tells me these days that I am outside of the church …Mehr
It isn't a secret that Francis himself blessed the outright "GAY MARRIAGE" of his buddies in the Vatican, press present and all. So good ol' Jimmy is following the footsteps of the devil. For years and years the "oh so pious" church pointed their fingers at traditionalists, the society of St. Pius etc., scolding them to be in "schism" ! Well if a NO tells me these days that I am outside of the church by attending the TLM of reverend priests/societies, I gladly reply, that "I am Catholic" what are you?
We can only pray that the "papacy" of Francis comes to an end soon!
I for my part stand with tradition and REFUSE to set foot into any NO temple with their "gay pride flags" across the entrance!
Ave Maria, let's pray for a conversion and clean up of our formerly Catholic church!
Deus Vult

Letzte Predigt von Pater Seraphin 10.Okt.21. Im Gedenken an diesen guten Priester der Endzeit!

Möge Pater Seraphin in Frieden ruhen!
Deus Vult

Letzte Predigt von Pater Seraphin 10.Okt.21. Im Gedenken an diesen guten Priester der Endzeit!

Immer schön bei eurer Novus Ordo Sekte bleiben. Wir sind Katholisch!