Peter Palumbo
BILL GATES WANTS TO DIM THE SUN - 'Apocalypse Never' author Michael Shellenberger calls this idea 'terrible' on 'Tucker Carlson Tonight.' - Remark: I totally desagree with the author's opinion about …More
BILL GATES WANTS TO DIM THE SUN - 'Apocalypse Never' author Michael Shellenberger calls this idea 'terrible' on 'Tucker Carlson Tonight.' - Remark: I totally desagree with the author's opinion about Bill Gates: "I think his intentions are very good", which is quite preposterous because all the evidence is against it. Nonetheless, his book is worth reading. - "What’s really behind the rise of apocalyptic environmentalism? There are powerful financial interests. There are desires for status and power. But most of all there is a desire among supposedly secular people for transcendence. This spiritual impulse can be natural and healthy. But in preaching fear without love, and guilt without redemption, the new religion is failing to satisfy our deepest psychological and existential needs." - Sources: Bill Gates backs project to 'dim the sun', Tucker Carlson reacts - - About Bill Gates (most of the videos are in English with Spanish subtitles): 1. “Prepárense para la siguiente …More

SONS OF THE DEVIL: Viganò Exposes the Great Reset.

Vos ex patre Diabolo estis, et desideria patris vestri vultis facere. You are of your father the Devil, and the desires of your father you will do. - Jn 8:44 I offer heartfelt thanks to dear Professor …More
Vos ex patre Diabolo estis, et desideria patris vestri vultis facere.
You are of your father the Devil, and the desires of your father you will do.

- Jn 8:44
I offer heartfelt thanks to dear Professor Massimo Viglione, who wanted to invite me to take part – remotely so to speak – in the conference he has organized as President of the Confederation of the Triarii. I also extend my warmest greetings to each of the illustrious participants in this event. Please allow me to express to you my profound esteem and my fervent thanks for your courageous testimony, for the enlightening contributions and the tireless commitment you have not ceased to display in the most pressing and incisive way, beginning in February of last year. I encourage you not to retreat and not to disarm in this deadly battle that we are called to fight in this fatal hour of history as never before. “Be strengthened in the Lord and in the might of his power. Clothe yourselves in the armor of God, that you may be able to …More
Viva Vigano