Binay Hans
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Priest Presides Over Novus Ordo Rubber Boat Eucharist

Father Josef Reisenhofer of Hartberg parish, Graz Diocese, Austria, presided a July 11 Eucharist at the shore of lake Greinbach. For the sermon, he rowed onto the lake in a bright yellow rubber boat. …More
Father Josef Reisenhofer of Hartberg parish, Graz Diocese, Austria, presided a July 11 Eucharist at the shore of lake Greinbach. For the sermon, he rowed onto the lake in a bright yellow rubber boat.
The songs played were banal and profane, and the liturgical texts free-style. At the alleged consecration, Reisenhofer said “Take and drink from it, all of you, this is the cup of love, my blood poured out for you, for all, for reconciliation and peace. Celebrate again and again, so that you do not forget my love.”
The Eucharist was broadcast by Austrian state television. In October, Graz diocese finally reacted saying that Reisenhofer was allowed to continue abusing the Novus Ordo in his church and on the Internet but may no longer be broadcast on television.
Reisenhofer defended his show: “A mass must be celebrated, not read. Otherwise the spark isn't pass on.”
A diocesan spokesperson explained that Bishop Wilhelm Krautwaschl did not want his diocese to appear like a "free radical" which …More
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Francis’ Humiliation Saint Peter’s Chapter Enters New Stage

Francis’ “transitional rules” for St Peter's Chapter (founded in 1053) took effect on October 1 in view of a feared “reform.” The canons will no longer assist the Pontifical celebrations and are …More
Francis’ “transitional rules” for St Peter's Chapter (founded in 1053) took effect on October 1 in view of a feared “reform.”
The canons will no longer assist the Pontifical celebrations and are reduced to “liturgical animation” with a “pastoral function.” This is how Francis has been humiliating the canons:
• May 2020: With the excuse of Covid, he forbad their choir prayer.
• March 2021: He banned Mass celebration in Saint Peter’s which affected most canons.
• May 2021: The canons were forbidden to enter Saint Peter’s during a ceremony with Francis.
• May 18 2021: During a meeting with Cardinal Archpriest Gambetti until late at night, the canons were told that the chapter will be “reformed.”
• June 2021: The canons were forbidden to use the liturgical language wanted by the failed Vatican II. They must now pray in an Italian translation.
One of the reasons for Francis' hatred of the Chapter is that Dubia Cardinal Brandmüller belongs to it. Picture: © Sean X Liu, CC BY-SA, #newsZnwxklphmaMore