Clifton Webb
Clifton Webb

Father Frank Pavone to “Yes, We Will Fight” - Interview

MLK was also the proud recipient of the highest honor from Planned Parenthood Federation of America Margaret Sanger Award in 1966. Contributing to the reason that 30% of abortions are conducted on only 4% of the U.S. population; black woman.
Clifton Webb

Archbishop Suggests: Why Don't Some Bishops Simply Become Protestants?

NAMBLA would sign them right up.
Clifton Webb

Cardinal McElroy Has A Problem with the Sixth Commandment

Once again, McElroy uses the language once used by pedophile priest Paul Shanley. Obfuscate the truth. Evil isn’t really bad. And bad isn’t really that bad.
Clifton Webb

Liturgical Abuses: Francis Needs to Stop

The “anything goes” attitude was one of the rotten fruits from Vatican II. Other rotten Fruits were the sodomite men ordained as priests and elevated to the bishopric. They relish every cringe worthy moment the dishonor the liturgy.
Clifton Webb

Only Stupid Catholics Use Google Google is hiding information from its users, Swiss Policy Research …

So where did ‘steve’ go? I am enjoying your commentary but am missing the point to which you were replying, or, it would seem correcting.
Clifton Webb

Pope: Altar and Tabernacle Should Not Be Separated

So where did people get the impression it was permissible to separate the tabernacle from the sanctuary and place it off to the side or in the chapel alone?
Clifton Webb

New Paris Archbishop Is "Enemy Of Heritage"

And he has that insipid smirk on his face. Like one accustomed to covering for the sins of others.