
Father Frank Pavone to Gloria.tv: “Yes, We Will Fight” - Interview

Why have you been laicized by the Vatican? Father Frank Pavone: This has been the result of many years of certain bishops trying to restrict our work. All along the way, the reasons have changed. The …More
Why have you been laicized by the Vatican?
Father Frank Pavone: This has been the result of many years of certain bishops trying to restrict our work. All along the way, the reasons have changed. The whole history is posted at FrFrankPavone.com. There are a lot of links there to original documents and letters.
What are they complaining about?
They’ve complained about my political involvement, a lot of times they haven’t given any reason. They will say you have to come back and do this other work instead of the pro-life work and I said, “Well, why? Is there something wrong with the work I’ve been doing? Is it against doctrine? What’s the problem?” They’ve never been able to identify a problem. They just say, “You have to listen to us.”
Is that wrong?
Well, that’s the default. Normally you do. Except that, when we appealed to the Vatican, as we did multiple times when the bishop was trying to restrict me from this work, I appealed to the Vatican and the Vatican said to him, “Let him do …More
Did anyone ever think that Frank Pavone gets to say anything he pleases, true or not, about why he was defrocked? The Church can't really defend the decision without appearing to calumniate him.
As long as he is not doing or saying anything against the teachings of the Church, the Church is morally restricted from discussing the situation. But from what I have read from others, the decision was …More
Did anyone ever think that Frank Pavone gets to say anything he pleases, true or not, about why he was defrocked? The Church can't really defend the decision without appearing to calumniate him.
As long as he is not doing or saying anything against the teachings of the Church, the Church is morally restricted from discussing the situation. But from what I have read from others, the decision was perfectly justified. Frank Pavone is a total fraud.
chris griffin
@spinmeister “Frank Pavone is a total fraud.” This may be your opinion but it is unjustified, unfair and unproven.
Pavone is the one who is actually following Jesus when Jesus said” “What man among you, if he has a hundred sheep and loses one of them, does not leave the ninety-nine in the wilderness and go after the one which is lost.” Luke 15:4.
“What man” means every Catholic in the world …More
@spinmeister “Frank Pavone is a total fraud.” This may be your opinion but it is unjustified, unfair and unproven.

Pavone is the one who is actually following Jesus when Jesus said” “What man among you, if he has a hundred sheep and loses one of them, does not leave the ninety-nine in the wilderness and go after the one which is lost.” Luke 15:4.

“What man” means every Catholic in the world should leave the 99 and go find the lost sheep which is what Pavone did in regard to abortive mothers. Shame on most Catholic bishops for not following Jesus in the midst of the holocaust of abortion. Shame on Pavone critics for his trying to obey the command of Jesus.
Of course Frank Pavone did not get defrocked for allegedly being anti-abortion. His stance on abortion had nothing to do with it.
De Profundis
Well, Pavone got this wrong. Marin Luther King was the guy filmed by the FBI at sex orgies...
Dr Bobus
Notffilmed--taped (audio)
Clifton Webb
MLK was also the proud recipient of the highest honor from Planned Parenthood Federation of America Margaret Sanger Award in 1966. Contributing to the reason that 30% of abortions are conducted on only 4% of the U.S. population; black woman.
Pavone with Jim Hale of LifeSiteNews