
Gloria.TV News on the 7th of November 2014

The prophecy of Daniel is here with us. Francis is the anti-christ. But I will not be alarmed or lose faith because Our Lord Jesus Christ promised that the gets of hell will never prevail against his church.

A Faithful Bishop Speaks! Bp. Athanasius Schneider Synod, "manipulation", and the "neo-pagan"

We need to pray more for these Bishops that stand on the part of truth because they will eventually be persecuted.

Burke: “We act, as if we are creating the Church out of nothing.”

May God bless and keep people like cardinal Burke.

Gloria.TV News on the 6th of November 2014

The Bible is still the authentic word of God we know, and my allegiance to it will always be more than anything Pope Francis may dare to design. Sin is sin and will always be sin. Adultery will always be adultery. I am waiting to see the day Pope Francis will tell Catholics that adultery and homosexuality are no longer sins or that a sinner who lives in sin, and has not repented or asked for …More
The Bible is still the authentic word of God we know, and my allegiance to it will always be more than anything Pope Francis may dare to design. Sin is sin and will always be sin. Adultery will always be adultery. I am waiting to see the day Pope Francis will tell Catholics that adultery and homosexuality are no longer sins or that a sinner who lives in sin, and has not repented or asked for forgiveness from God can receive Holy Communion. That day, the whole world will witness the ire of the Almighty God who appears too silent and distanced from what is happening. Call it church of Progressivism, but always know it is from the pit of hell, and that light and darkness has nothing in common. There will never be agreement between Christ Jesus and Satan. We need to pray more.

Gloria.TV News on the 27th of October 2014

All we need to do is pray more Hail Mary against the devil