Gloria.TV News on the 27th of October 2014 On Saturday Pope Francis answered questions during an audience with over 7000 pilgrims of the Schönstatt movement. Among others he said that Christian marriage …More
Gloria.TV News on the 27th of October 2014
On Saturday Pope Francis answered questions during an audience with over 7000 pilgrims of the Schönstatt movement. Among others he said that Christian marriage has never been so attacked as nowadays because there exists a throw-away culture in our society. Francis did not elaborate on whether in regard of this the recent Synod of Bishops was part of the solution or a part of the problem.
Revolution Phantasies: The Pope said to the Schönstadt-pilgrims that people describe him as a revolutionary and claimed that the Church has always been revolutionary confusing multiple times the two terms “revolution” and “reform”. Francis stressed that a first revolution happens through inner holiness. Nevertheless, holiness has never been described in the Church with the discredited and totalitarian political term “revolution”.
Polemicizing Pope: Pope Francis spoke about the importance of what he called “freedom of spirit” warning against closing ourselves …More
When I say trust and faith is not my god is people... my God is Jesus and my trust is in Him, but 'some' people have done many things to me that this is why I've said what I've said. Unfortunately I trusted some which bashed my sweet pope Benedict and I trusted this people because of that I find myself alone in this fight and is ok, because my only friend is Jesus and He will never disappoint me. …More
When I say trust and faith is not my god is people... my God is Jesus and my trust is in Him, but 'some' people have done many things to me that this is why I've said what I've said. Unfortunately I trusted some which bashed my sweet pope Benedict and I trusted this people because of that I find myself alone in this fight and is ok, because my only friend is Jesus and He will never disappoint me. Blessings.
"my trust and faith in people has been broken..." - i'm sure, Our Trust and Faith should be lifted to God, not to people. Most of my life i was dissapointed with people too, unless i realized that only God deserves ou trust, love and faith. Solo Dio! He will never let you down. In God i put all my trust!
(Pope Benedict XVI is really great, after receiving His blessing at the Audience …More
"my trust and faith in people has been broken..." - i'm sure, Our Trust and Faith should be lifted to God, not to people. Most of my life i was dissapointed with people too, unless i realized that only God deserves ou trust, love and faith. Solo Dio! He will never let you down. In God i put all my trust!
(Pope Benedict XVI is really great, after receiving His blessing at the Audience the most beautiful things happened in my life)
All we need to do is pray more Hail Mary against the devil
adeste fideles
✍️ "The Lord sees not as man sees; man looks on the outward appearance, but the Lord looks on the heart"
May God bless Pope Benedict XVI !
For this reason I am well-pleased with weaknesses, with insults, with constraints, with persecutions and distresses for the sake of Christ. For whenever I am weak, at that time I am powerful. - says Saint Paul. 2 Cor 12, 10
“Assuredly, I say to you, there is not a Prophet who is received in his town.” says Our Lord. Luke 4, 24

Our Lord accepted as a final reward on earth His Crucifixion. There …More
For this reason I am well-pleased with weaknesses, with insults, with constraints, with persecutions and distresses for the sake of Christ. For whenever I am weak, at that time I am powerful. - says Saint Paul. 2 Cor 12, 10

“Assuredly, I say to you, there is not a Prophet who is received in his town.” says Our Lord. Luke 4, 24

Our Lord accepted as a final reward on earth His Crucifixion. There are many people today who feel like Jobs (Hiobs). Do not let a man trouble you. Look first up to God, second self-sacrifice to Mother of God, third follow Martyr Saints and at last pray for the Pope.

Who are you not to follow the Cross?
The level of frustration and sadness i have is beyond words... is true what blessed Catherine Emmerich said, "nobody obeys the true holy father" St Francis said the same.
I'm not even going to contest all of your words, my trust and faith in people has been broken...
May God continue to bless you my sweet pope Benedict, I love you, true Vicar of Christ!
Vatican II this, neo catholics that, sedevantists …More
The level of frustration and sadness i have is beyond words... is true what blessed Catherine Emmerich said, "nobody obeys the true holy father" St Francis said the same.

I'm not even going to contest all of your words, my trust and faith in people has been broken...

May God continue to bless you my sweet pope Benedict, I love you, true Vicar of Christ!

Vatican II this, neo catholics that, sedevantists here, lefebvrists there, it's just sad... that's why our Lord Jesus said 'in that time people are with many schisms'... love indeed has grown cold...

Everywhere I turn, every person has a different opinion, valid popes came forth and gaves us despite their limits, their enemies weaknesses and their sufferings a glimpse of holiness.

Today my faith in a remnant army described in revelations has fallen, my tears and sadness run deep... I found myself alone walking to the desert but not really alone, as Jesus promise will never cease for me, my health is declining, but that's nothing compared with my broken trust.

I don't remember the name of that saint which said 'if we like to be perfect don't follow the crowd, instead seek the minority and within that minority seek those who are little.'

I found those fighting for the truth but they too don't obey; truth first, obey second sure, but Jesus even though was left by His Father despite that He obeyed showing us He was indeed human and at the same time Divine He didn't follow the world, He didn't followed satan.

Today I'm not the same anymore, maybe that's good thing, time will tell... everytime I defend God, more and more I find myself alone... that's the only downside of defending His Holy word... and what is truth? Said Pilate... the truth is... we run away from holiness me included and people makes it more difficult, starting with a pope an antipope that is... Francis the destroyer.

Sodom and Gomorrah are here to stay and our sweet pope has made.an statement despite his limits... but I'm not expecting people to, get it... I'm past that, I'll follow tradition the best that I can, until this pope finally shows all of you what most of you already know deep inside... that he indeed is the destroyer, next Synod sadly will prove me right, in the mean time wolve will advance their agenda and many will fall for not being prepared... pope Benedict is doing what God wanted whether you believe it or not, he is, the vicar of Christ despite letting Francis roll whether you believe it or not, and when Francis signs on the best Mercy 'the spirit' has given to the world, you will see Benedict's zeal for the Lord until he dies.

God bless and remain faithful.
These are the rotten fruits of Vatican II and the 1968 cultural revolution, rebelled against any form of authority, and wanted to build their own paradise on earth, like all fascists and dictators - without Jesus Christ.
But dissidents are not tolerated by them, expelled from all sectors of society.
The negative consequences in all areas are obvious, and especially unborn children, young people and …More
These are the rotten fruits of Vatican II and the 1968 cultural revolution, rebelled against any form of authority, and wanted to build their own paradise on earth, like all fascists and dictators - without Jesus Christ.
But dissidents are not tolerated by them, expelled from all sectors of society.
The negative consequences in all areas are obvious, and especially unborn children, young people and families are the ones who suffer in this rebellion against God and his commandments.
The Church of Christ was made bad by the trouble-makers and Jesus Christ himself and his teaching was ridiculed by them and drawn in the dirt, as today by some council-bishops and the clergy.
And many speak, like Francis in his catechesis, from mercy, forgiveness and love without reversal.
He leaves his audience in the belief that the testimony of Jesus Christ in Revelation 3,15-16 by the choice between cold and hot - Jesus means light and darkness, good or evil, - but it is rather that Jesus called the good cold and hot, the only thing that you can drink... The low are these, that are spat out, who belongs to the indifference.
Evil and impure is not according to the Kingdom of God.
The Lord himself has commanded his disciples to cast out the evil and unclean spirits. The council bishops however will not implement this mission of Jesus Christ in the Act.
But the disciples of Jesus Christ rejected the sin of Sodom, as God in the Old Testament.
Genesis 19, 23-28, 3rd book of Moses 18, 22 & 24-30, 3rd book of Moses 20: 13
2nd Peter 2, 6-9, Romans of 1, 24-32, 1 Corinthians 6, 9
adeste fideles
...“freedom of spirit” is not freedom to sin neither to promote sin.
✍️ and he whole heavenly universe exclaims, Amen and amen!More
...“freedom of spirit” is not freedom to sin neither to promote sin.

✍️ and he whole heavenly universe exclaims, Amen and amen!
Is there a copy of this letter for Benedict XVI available to copy and give to our local parish priests?
Also does anyone else feel that he sounds like he is imprisoned only allowed out when told. Whom made him a cloistered monk? Did I miss something?
Is blindness required to defend Pope Benedict or JP2???? 🤦
The major problem is to be complicit with evil. For the same reason they are accused of covering up pedophilia like the famous case the Psychopath & Pedophile Marcial Maciel founder of the Legion of Christ .
- St. Peter Damián said Nobody is Above Correction in The Catholic Church.
There is a serious problem when evil is concealed or they …More
Is blindness required to defend Pope Benedict or JP2???? 🤦
The major problem is to be complicit with evil. For the same reason they are accused of covering up pedophilia like the famous case the Psychopath & Pedophile Marcial Maciel founder of the Legion of Christ .
- St. Peter Damián said Nobody is Above Correction in The Catholic Church.
There is a serious problem when evil is concealed or they let free the guilty; meanwhile priests who uncover other priests who have committed the crime of pedophilia or expose the homosexual infiltration inside the Catholic Church like Fr. John O'Connor who suffered persecution during the papacy of JP2 and was removed from office.
What Ever Happened to Fr. John O'Connor, O.P.? youtu.be/Vm9mchnu0Vc
One cannot be a pope without being a politician...
“I am very happy that the Usus antiquus lives now in full peace of the Church..."
Benedictus qui venit in nomine Domini !
Usus antiquus requiescit in pace. In pace silentii. Full stop.
With you guys no one can win... Francis is bad (and he is) and now Benedict is false. Whatever.
la verdad prevalece
✍️ Very sad to say but now to be a priest means be obedient to falsehood including Benedict. Now we can understand the prophecy of Saint Francis of Assisi when he said: "perplexities and dissensions, both spiritual and temporal, will abound; the charity of many will grow cold, and the malice of the wicked will increase."
It was St. Catherine of Siena, who uttered in disgust, 'I see the world is …More
✍️ Very sad to say but now to be a priest means be obedient to falsehood including Benedict. Now we can understand the prophecy of Saint Francis of Assisi when he said: "perplexities and dissensions, both spiritual and temporal, will abound; the charity of many will grow cold, and the malice of the wicked will increase."
It was St. Catherine of Siena, who uttered in disgust, 'I see the world is rotten because of silence.' "Silence and passivity in this regard are no less evils than the evil observed itself. Likewise, Pope St. Leo the Great once stated that 'He that sees another in error and endeavors not to correct it testifies himself to be in error.' So great is the power of evil and the duty it imposes on a true follower of Christ that it taints the casual and complacent observer with sin unless that observer acts upon the divine duty that being a true follower entails." 🤨 Now I can understand the Great Apostasy and the mystery of iniquity.
👍 Bravo Gloria
Thanks for being Guardians and defenders of our Faith.
Bravo Gloria 👏