
Catholics May Not Pray For Deceased Non-Catholics !

It is NOT a dogma that only Catholics go to heaven. Just as Moses and Elijah (Matthew 17:3

The "Everything Was Tested on HEK" Lie - Catholic Family News

Disgusting lies. Only if a drug is tested during its development with HEK is its use immoral. If the drug, or anything else for that matter, is developed morally, then immoral people can do anything they want with it.

Shocking Example: How The Novus Ordo Manipulates Holy Scripture

Deny Baptism of Bood? Or Desire? Sad for you!

July 3 The First Reading breski1 Letter to the Ephesians 2,19-22. Brothers and sisters: You are no …

Pope Eugene IV Papal Bull at the Council of Florence is NOT ex cathedra. It is not an infallible teaching of the Council since it does NOT have the Bishops signatures. It is simply a papal bull.

FDA Safety Communication: PCR Test is Unsafe

Antigen test (also called the rapid test) detects protein fragments specific to the Coronavirus
PCR test detects RNA (or genetic material) that is specific to the virus

FDA Safety Communication: PCR Test is Unsafe

The rapid antigen test is NOT the PCR test. This title/article is pure ignorance

Another Voris Slander? Insinuates Pro-Gay Cardinal Had Homosex Affair As A Student

Nice biased "title" too. SSPX folks will be in full attack mode

Pope John Paul II Crucifix Falls, Crushes Man to Death

Matthew 7:15 Beware of false prophets, who come to you in the clothing of sheep, but inwardly they are ravening wolves.
Prophesying this unfortunate accident (Marco ran in the wrong direction) as an act of God against pilgrims of JPII is really disgustingMore
Matthew 7:15 Beware of false prophets, who come to you in the clothing of sheep, but inwardly they are ravening wolves.

Prophesying this unfortunate accident (Marco ran in the wrong direction) as an act of God against pilgrims of JPII is really disgusting

Pope John Paul II Crucifix Falls, Crushes Man to Death

So a fallen cross kills 21-year-old student Marco Gusmini, and Ludovic Denim says this happened because Gusmini (RIP) followed Pope St. John Paul II and was therefore abandoned by God.
Ludovic Denim is obviously a Protestant, since only Protestants blaspheme the SaintsMore
So a fallen cross kills 21-year-old student Marco Gusmini, and Ludovic Denim says this happened because Gusmini (RIP) followed Pope St. John Paul II and was therefore abandoned by God.

Ludovic Denim is obviously a Protestant, since only Protestants blaspheme the Saints

NASA: Falsus in uno, falsus in omnibus

this post is so wrong

This modernist priest has now been diagnosed with a brain tumor

The man has a brain tumor and DefendTruth wants to demean him? Shame on you!

The Evil Of Cremation

Who said they are not allowed to comment?

The Evil Of Cremation

FYI: this blog is sedevacantist

Bishop who denied Nazis used gas chambers loses hate speech appeal

My co-worker was at Auschwitz and lost his entire family. Courtesy prevents me from describing what I really think of Bp. Williamson and the posters here

Father Arturo Sosa SJ venerates the Buddha

Remember, he was voted in.

German Canon Lawyer Spreads Conspiracy Theory about Benedict XVI

Benedict's address is vague enough to be interpreted in many different ways. Buhahhaha

Pro-Gay Cardinal Attacks Dubia-Cardinals

“If they want to have an audience with the pope, then they ask for an audience..." Either Cardinal Schönborn is not aware that the dubia Cardinals did request an audience, or he is playing the victim to those who do not know they requested it

Does Francis Plan to Abolish Summorum Pontificum?

"...once the Vatican erects the Society of Saint Pius X as a Personal Prelature..." Since these talks aren't going very well, Andrea Grillo's speculation now means Summorum Pontificum looks to be with us for a very long time indeed.

Apostate James Martin will hold a procession for sodomites murdered in an Orlando gay club by the gay …

Does James Martin ever read the Bible? How about the Doctors of the Church? They must mean nothing to him. He is his own god.

Jesuit Claims "Homophobia" One of the "Principal Sins of the Church"

GodsCowboy: God calls homosexual acts an abomination because the Bible is the Word of God. The Bible is inerrant. The Doctrine of the Faith also condemns homosexual acts. The Doctrine of the faith is revealed truth and is protected by the Holy Spirit (= GOD). They are GOD's laws.