michael reilly
michael reilly

Mom Sets Up Hidden Camera, Catches Her Husband In The Act With Young Daughter - Patriot

Amen and Amen, I have for some time been at wits end that a Catholic Information blog is being used for not only mindless nonesense (Pets etc.) but for obsene comments, dangerous politacal groups ( who could put GTV off the internet or at best give it the label of a hate group) When I have sent comments to this effect I have recieved nasty replys in return. Best to skip GTV, truly sorry Mike
michael reilly

Theologenstreit Schiitentum: Ayatollah Baerbock kritisiert Islam-+Schariaauslegung der iranischen …

German not spoken here, you are wasting your time and ours
michael reilly

Favorite part is the "King Arthur".

In your dreams. Your knowledge of Church history is sad.
michael reilly

Old style

You are WRONG, this picture ( yes it's fun) belong on a site which is supposed to be dedicated to covering the continued collapse of the Church (not Fun)
michael reilly

Finnland trainiert Kampfjet-Einsatz auf Autobahn-Notlandeplätzen. Diese werden im Kriegsfall genutzt …

German not spoken on this site. Try English, Spanish, Viet Namese, Chinese.
michael reilly

Chicago: Is the Synodalist Attacking The Roman Mass Again?

I would have only one question. Does the Institute own the property where it celebrates Mass ( keeps the faith) ? If not there is little hope of them continuing their work, unless they dig in their heels and resist, renting an appropriate property. This is an old story among Traditionalists. Good Luck and God bless.
michael reilly

Russia: Was Francis Confused?

I would not put to much confidence in any statements that issue from Moscow.
michael reilly

The Restrainer: A Possible Interpretation by Fr. Philip Wolfe, FSSP [edited from A Laugh & A Shrug]

What a very insightful presentation. I was a little amazed at the Fathers frankness. He may well experience problems if and when his presentation reaches the wrong ears, ie; those who serve the Anti Christ. Let us pray for Father Wolfe.
michael reilly

Reaction of a donkey right after see the girl who raised him

more nonsense.
michael reilly

This video never ceases to make my heart feel full. So much goodness in such a short clip

This is very nice but hardly belongs on this site. It saddens me to see a sight dedicated to the ever deteriorating of the Church used for such trivia. Get serious please
michael reilly

Fuck the System. Quelle: ifunny.co/…708f27535c837832a506726ca5505ca8e417c498b046_1.jpg

What is this post doing on Gloria T.V. ???? Are you out of your minds. This sort of thing is all too common. Maybe your sight should be taken down.
michael reilly

Francis Attacks Novus Ordo? "Beneath Outward Appearances, Faith is Fading"

I'm afraid the "relic of the past" is referring to the the ancient liturgy of pre Vatican II, too much to hope otherwise at this late date. God Bless
michael reilly

Covid Rigorism: Vatican Dissolves Cloistered Monastery

It is unfortunate that there is no filter on GloriaTV to prevent vulgar posts from being placed on its web site
michael reilly

Covid Rigorism: Vatican Dissolves Cloistered Monastery

Good and faithful Catholics do not Hate.