
Russia: Was Francis Confused?

The Kremlin is not aware of any substantive contacts regarding a papal visit to Moscow, Russian presidential spokesman Dmitry Peskov told journalists (Ria.ru, July 6). During a July 4 Reuters interview …More
The Kremlin is not aware of any substantive contacts regarding a papal visit to Moscow, Russian presidential spokesman Dmitry Peskov told journalists (Ria.ru, July 6).
During a July 4 Reuters interview, Francis had claimed that there have been contacts between Cardinal Parolin and Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov in this regard. He spoke of a “very open, very cordial dialogue” adding that “the door is open.”
Peskov contradicted him, "A visit at the highest level should be worked out, preparations should precede it. So far, as far as I know, there are no substantive contacts on this matter."
Picture: Kremlin.ru, #newsMqvrvaezem
Cath intruth
Dare we hope that it is the true Pope who has been/ is in communication with Moscow, and that the Garabandal prophecy of the Pope going to Moscow, hostilities breaking out in Europe upon his return, and the Warning will soon be fulfilled?
michael reilly
I would not put to much confidence in any statements that issue from Moscow.
Angelici Ordinis
Lol. I literally thought you were ending your sentence with "Rome." That would have been the truth. Oh well. Can't be right all the time, eh? ;)
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
He's(Francis) is probably just babbling like Biden, (or lying). There will be no papal trip to Moscow by Francis....maybe by his successor. But I think his successor (totally the opposite to Francis in every aspect) will be more interested in cleaning up the wreckage of Francis, recinding his unjust rulings, and sacking his appointments to waste time on idiotic papal travels. I predict the next Pope …More
He's(Francis) is probably just babbling like Biden, (or lying). There will be no papal trip to Moscow by Francis....maybe by his successor. But I think his successor (totally the opposite to Francis in every aspect) will be more interested in cleaning up the wreckage of Francis, recinding his unjust rulings, and sacking his appointments to waste time on idiotic papal travels. I predict the next Pope might not be especially young, but he will be orthodox, and very in favor of Catholic tradition, and not have time for the "waste of time" papal trips of Francis, Benedict XVI and especially JPII which accomplished absolutly NOTHING of benefit to the Church.
Mary K Jones
Kenjiro, I love optimism and I hope and pray that you are right. 😊