
Family sues over hospital’s religious exemption for euthanasia

I hope this law will not come to America.

Family sues over hospital’s religious exemption for euthanasia

The world is upside down. 🙏

Slowly but Surely: Francis Has Begun Corrupting Poland

I guess I understand they are trying to change their hearts and come to Jesus but how can the lay the RAINBOW flag on our Lord's altar? Dear God, someone explain to me please! I just a dumb lay person.. but this is awful. I tried to believe the Pope was doing good... DEAR GOD, please help us and our priest!

Chicago Priest: Sorry For "Choice of Words" in Homosexual "Blessing"

How can you bless something that is against God?!

10 Virgin Mary Statues Caught MOVING on Camera

Where did you find this?

Biskup Mari Emmanuel

I wish I could find one, priest, Bishop or Cardinal on fire like this Bishop.. The apparitions always say, the Priest are asleep.
Please send the Holy Spirit upon on priest, Bishops, Cardinals and Holy Father. Come Holy Spirit, come by the means of the powerful intercession of Immaculate Heart of Mary, your well beloved spouse. Amen.More
I wish I could find one, priest, Bishop or Cardinal on fire like this Bishop.. The apparitions always say, the Priest are asleep.

Please send the Holy Spirit upon on priest, Bishops, Cardinals and Holy Father. Come Holy Spirit, come by the means of the powerful intercession of Immaculate Heart of Mary, your well beloved spouse. Amen.

Cardinal Burke: Francis Has Achieved Exactly the Opposite

Where is he? I have not heard a word from Cardinal Burke and Father Altman? The White House flies Transgender Flag on Easter Sunday!? Why is the mental illness of Transgender the only mental illness recognized?! How about Depression, schizophrenia?
I don’t hear anything from priest or Bishops!More
Where is he? I have not heard a word from Cardinal Burke and Father Altman? The White House flies Transgender Flag on Easter Sunday!? Why is the mental illness of Transgender the only mental illness recognized?! How about Depression, schizophrenia?

I don’t hear anything from priest or Bishops!


I believe Justin is becoming a Christian.

CNN’s Kaitlan Collins tries to gotcha pro-life Dr. Christina Francis: "Just to be clear, Dr. Francis …

Kaitlan, seems manly.. I do not know why.. Sorry, is this one of those transitioning people? Why is it these women want to kill their babies, don't care if other women die doing this, just so they can KILL?! God help us in America!


Unbelievable how far America has fallen. Now squatters are able to take over your home, if you change the locks to keep them out, you go to jail. Pray for America.

Baby Olivia Bill: Learning About Babies Before Birth

God Bless Lila Rose!

This is a Life Teen Rock Mass. Looking like sick weirdos?

It makes my cult antenna's go up.

The False Christ of The Chosen

We started to watch this , I told my husband it does not feel right. I did not like something about the way they portrayed Jesus… The Holy Spirit must of guided us. Amen.

Insider Paper

Thomas Aquinas talked about immigration….

February 27, 2024..🫵 🗽 .. 🇦🇺 🇨🇦 🇺🇸 🇬🇧 .. 😎 Mr.E 😎

OH my!
I seen a lady on Twitter upset she could not take her son, who thinks he is a Cat to a VET! When can we sue schools for having Pride flags, encouraging such sin/evil around innocent children. The atheist sue when they see a Christmas tree or baby Jesus. When? When does this madness stop? I pray, I see it getting worse.
My Jesus, please help the precious children. Amen. Oh, Mary conceived …More
OH my!
I seen a lady on Twitter upset she could not take her son, who thinks he is a Cat to a VET! When can we sue schools for having Pride flags, encouraging such sin/evil around innocent children. The atheist sue when they see a Christmas tree or baby Jesus. When? When does this madness stop? I pray, I see it getting worse.

My Jesus, please help the precious children. Amen. Oh, Mary conceived without sin, pray for us who has recourse to thee. Amen.

Cardinal Dolan should watch this footage and rethink his comment (reported by LifeSiteNews) that Fr.…

Oh Dear Lord! Do you see the gay couple hugging in the church?!