
Defection from the Faith & the Church -

Right. Salza joined Freemasonry right out of college. He was given permission to join by his priest, who evidently didn't look into the matter. Salza discovered on his own that Freemasonry was not compatible with the Catholic faith, left it, and has written a number of books exposing it for what it is. Not only has he been persecuted by the Freemasons for leaving and exposing them, but now bad …More
Right. Salza joined Freemasonry right out of college. He was given permission to join by his priest, who evidently didn't look into the matter. Salza discovered on his own that Freemasonry was not compatible with the Catholic faith, left it, and has written a number of books exposing it for what it is. Not only has he been persecuted by the Freemasons for leaving and exposing them, but now bad Catholics are using his innocent mistaken from 20+ years ago against him.

Defection from the Faith & the Church -

I'm sorry, but this public campaign of Fr. Kramer do discredit John Salza and Robert Siscoe is getting tiresome. First he was caught citing a fraudulent quotation (which he was forced to admit), and then it was proven that he was accusing the two authors of holding positions that they do not hold, and that they even argue against in their book. Rather than apologize, Fr. Kramer only increased his …More
I'm sorry, but this public campaign of Fr. Kramer do discredit John Salza and Robert Siscoe is getting tiresome. First he was caught citing a fraudulent quotation (which he was forced to admit), and then it was proven that he was accusing the two authors of holding positions that they do not hold, and that they even argue against in their book. Rather than apologize, Fr. Kramer only increased his public campaign. And this present article of his is so full of errors that I wouldn't know where to begin in addressing them all.

The fact of the matter is the Salza and Siscoe's book completely refutes Fr. Kramer's sede-vacantist doctrines, and proves, to any reasonable person who has a grasp of Catholic theology, that Fr. Kramer and his fellow former-Catholics are in error. It is also worth noting that Salza and Siscoe's book has not only been endorsed and publicly praised by some of today's most respected theologians, but it is published by one of the top seminaries in the world. We can only hope that God will give Fr. Kramer and his fellow former-Catholic the light to see their errors and return to teh Church.