
Can a Catholic in Good Conscience Receive a Coronavirus Vaccine?

Who is willing to be the guinea pig for a disease with a less than 1% death rate?

Michael Vorris Again, SSPX is "Nazi Pedophile cult"

Can anyone tell me who Mr Voris is funded by? The SSPX is anything but a Nazi Cult, why is he constantly tearing them down? While there have been some unfortunate incidents that definitely needed to be addressed, and I pray for those who have been victimized, this is not something that is prevalent throughout the SSPX. I started to watch the first video that Mr Voris came out with attacking the SSPX …More
Can anyone tell me who Mr Voris is funded by? The SSPX is anything but a Nazi Cult, why is he constantly tearing them down? While there have been some unfortunate incidents that definitely needed to be addressed, and I pray for those who have been victimized, this is not something that is prevalent throughout the SSPX. I started to watch the first video that Mr Voris came out with attacking the SSPX, and realized it was fraught with many lies (such as the suicide note that was never there), one of the people he was interviewing, the said victims sister is a practicing witch (I am sure she would love to destroy the Church in any way possible). Two of the victims families that I personally know still attend and/or teach at the SSPX schools. He never interviewed anyone who could defend some of the priests ( who were accused and never actually charged as they are innocent).One of the accused priests was actually helping some women who were escaping from abusive husbands, and this priest was accused of showing up at the women's houses like he was secretly meeting with them, wow. Go ask the kids how they feel about the priest who was trying to help them. (One of the fathers vowed to take down the SSPX--maybe Mike is helping him). This is lousy reporting, not even worthy of the National Enquirer. Not denying that there have been some "Judas'" within the SSPX, but the majority of the priests are incredible and sacrifice themselves daily for their flock. Why don't we pray for our priest and not tear them down. Just as the Church was infiltrated a long time ago by the Communist, we have to realize it can happen to any group (Our Lord had Judas among His 12 apostles, why would we be so brazen to think others could not have traitors within?). Be vigilant in watching over your children and teach them well. My prayers for Mr Voris, something is not quite right with him. As I said, help and pray for any victims as the deepest places in hell are reserved for those who abuse the innocent, but don't believe all the sensational reporting either, it is full of half truths as well as lies. May the Holy Ghost grant us wisdom in these dark days.

Persecuted Pro-Life Professor Dies By “Suicide” – Last Interview Speaks About His Projects

He must know too much about something

Bishop Schneider Lists the Errors in Vatican II

Pretty much everything Archbishop Lefebvre has always said.

Another thing wrong by ChurchMilitant.com

Theresa Gonzales is the same person as Theresa Goodman (FYI), and yes, we do need to pray for her. I wouldn't blame all her problems on the SSPX, her family has a history of tragedies (not due to the SSPX). As someone stated before, there was no suicide note found by the police, do a little more research before you report something as a fact. It is sad to see how CM has tried tp destroy the SSPX …More
Theresa Gonzales is the same person as Theresa Goodman (FYI), and yes, we do need to pray for her. I wouldn't blame all her problems on the SSPX, her family has a history of tragedies (not due to the SSPX). As someone stated before, there was no suicide note found by the police, do a little more research before you report something as a fact. It is sad to see how CM has tried tp destroy the SSPX with a few truths mingled in with many lies. I started watching the first story made by Miss Niles and I felt as if I was watching a Catholic video version of the National Enquirer or CNN. Anyone who tried to comment on their site was not permitted to do so if their comment did not support CM's version of the story. While there have been some mistakes made by the SSPX, 99% of the clergy are awesome. Yes, just as Our Lord had Judas as one of His disciples, the SSPX will not be free of problems just as no other organization will be either (if you know of one, please do let us know). I am really questioning what the real agenda of CM is and who is really behind all this. May God help us all to see clearly during these truly confusing times. By the way, I never have watched many videos put out by CM, do they ever have any positive news stories?