Damascus Route
Damascus Route

Report: Pope's resignation linked to probe into 'Vatican gay officials'

I do believe that the choice of a new Pope will entail looking in depth into his passed life. The cardinals will have to look at his life with a magnifying glass right from his infancy up until now. Therefore, I wonder if the conclave might take longer than we think. But at the end of the day and this I full heartedly hope is that all the attending cardinals listen to the Holy Ghost free of any …More
I do believe that the choice of a new Pope will entail looking in depth into his passed life. The cardinals will have to look at his life with a magnifying glass right from his infancy up until now. Therefore, I wonder if the conclave might take longer than we think. But at the end of the day and this I full heartedly hope is that all the attending cardinals listen to the Holy Ghost free of any ambition and earthly politics. And for this I personally pray.
Damascus Route

Watch for the Anti-Catholics To Weigh in on the Papal Succession

Matthew 7:15
“Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep's clothing but inwardly are ravenous wolves.
In view of the new forthcoming papacy, I believe we need to be wary of prophecies and to some so called prophets who might even be currently embedded within the Vatican.
It is clear to me that at this early time of lent the only humble thing we can do is to pray, fast, give and be alert at …More
Matthew 7:15
“Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep's clothing but inwardly are ravenous wolves.

In view of the new forthcoming papacy, I believe we need to be wary of prophecies and to some so called prophets who might even be currently embedded within the Vatican.

It is clear to me that at this early time of lent the only humble thing we can do is to pray, fast, give and be alert at all times for is it not said in Matthew 24:42 "Therefore keep watch, because you do not know on what day your Lord will come."
Damascus Route

The Reluctant Pope

The Pope Benedict XVI has always surprised me in a positive manner. Would I say less charismatic than John-Paul II certainly not but more discreet if you like. Even though disappointed by his resignation just before Lent, here is a man who has paved the way for sensible change within the Church. Here is a man who has dared to be outspoken. And as such, condemning the uncompassionate world of ultra …More
The Pope Benedict XVI has always surprised me in a positive manner. Would I say less charismatic than John-Paul II certainly not but more discreet if you like. Even though disappointed by his resignation just before Lent, here is a man who has paved the way for sensible change within the Church. Here is a man who has dared to be outspoken. And as such, condemning the uncompassionate world of ultra-capitalism and hence taking on the erratic financial and banking sphere. Confronted with the existing paedophilia issue within the church, the man was not only saddened but took the matter into his own hands and as such has to a certain extent cleansed the place. Whilst dealing with all this, he has written some fine books which upon reading can change a person's life for the better.
Always offering an outstretched hand to other steams or religions such as the anglicans, islam and the traditionalists (Monsignor Lefebvre) within the catholic church. And very recently of course and due to his resignation, he gives us an example of pure humility. Humility of which we will be in need of during this present period of Lent.
Damascus Route

Apparitions occur in Alabama

Before getting all hot and bothered about this, let's see what the Holy See has to say about the apparitions in Medjugorje at year end. Having been there and putting the visioniaries aside for a minute, I'm personally convinced that Medjugorje has graced thousands with true undisputable conversions. Am I somewhat sceptical about the state of mind of some of the visioniaries? Well personally the …More
Before getting all hot and bothered about this, let's see what the Holy See has to say about the apparitions in Medjugorje at year end. Having been there and putting the visioniaries aside for a minute, I'm personally convinced that Medjugorje has graced thousands with true undisputable conversions. Am I somewhat sceptical about the state of mind of some of the visioniaries? Well personally the answer is yes. This being said I might be completely wrong. Take care and God bless.
Damascus Route

The Turin Shroud is a fake… and it’s one of 40

If it were to be a fake, I suppose that it would then just show that science can't really explain everything.
Damascus Route

Morning Prayer for Thursday 3-15-12

Fabulous. Thank you. Dziekuje.
Damascus Route

La sainte vierge exorcise à Medjugorje

Tout à fait d'accord avec toi cher Pothin. Je suis allé à Medjugorje en 1991 et j'ai bien senti à ce moment là que l'esprit de la Sainte Vierge repandait ses grâces. Toutefois, il est temps que le Vatican fasse savoir ce qu'il en est actuellement, aujourd'hui.
Damascus Route

25 Février 2012 - Medjugorje message

Ne me croyez nullement blasphématoire mais je croyais avoir lu que notre Sainte Vierge Marie avait annoncée qu'elle ne transmettrait plus de messages au voyants de Medjugorje. Peut être que je suis totalement dans l'ignorance. Si quelqu'un pourrait m'éclaircir.
Damascus Route

Views on provocative Real Catholic TV station anger Detroit archdiocese and others

I'm sure that Real Catholic Tv doesn't represent Catholicism as a whole but is certainly brave enough to give us the view of conservative Catholicism.
In every debate you need balance and seeing as most Catholic internet sites are liberally inclined, Real Catholic Tv does as such offer the practising Catholic this equilibrium. And in this sense, it's as universal as any other Catholic internet site. …More
I'm sure that Real Catholic Tv doesn't represent Catholicism as a whole but is certainly brave enough to give us the view of conservative Catholicism.
In every debate you need balance and seeing as most Catholic internet sites are liberally inclined, Real Catholic Tv does as such offer the practising Catholic this equilibrium. And in this sense, it's as universal as any other Catholic internet site.
Does the current Church not understand that what the young Catholic people want these days is clarity and Real Catholic Tv does certainly provide this without any pussy-footing. I personally think that the Holy Church is sometimes loosing the plot and it pains me.
The Archdiocese of Detroit should therefore be more open-minded that within the global network mapping all views should be catered for.
So keep on the good work Real Catholic Tv because I enjoy your reports.
Why not relay our views to the Archdiocese of Detroit? This is what I'm going to do. As they say 'acta non verba'.
Damascus Route

Global Christianity

As you know. Moens told me this : 'alone under a blood red sky'. Carl. Let's carry on but it's not that cold really.
Damascus Route

Muslim Father "Gay People Should Be Hanged"

No, homosexual people should be in a first instance listened to and we as Catholics should be able to show these human-beings solace and compassion.
Treating these people as outcasts is of no good purpose whatsoever.
As for the ghastly diatribes of these extreme Mohammedans, I prefer to keep my mouth shut
Damascus Route

Following atheist trend, Britons seek 'de-baptism'

It goes without saying that child abuse within the Church is a most serious issue and should be dealt with without any compromise and with stealth.
As for Anne Morelli's claims which are probably correct to a certain extent, there is a very different reason for 'these de-baptisms'. Morelli as such is known a an outright atheist who has a very extreme dislike towards Christianity as a whole. On top …More
It goes without saying that child abuse within the Church is a most serious issue and should be dealt with without any compromise and with stealth.
As for Anne Morelli's claims which are probably correct to a certain extent, there is a very different reason for 'these de-baptisms'. Morelli as such is known a an outright atheist who has a very extreme dislike towards Christianity as a whole. On top of this, the Free-University of Brussels to which she belongs is a free-masons' beehive.
Most of these so-called 'de-baptised former Christians' were in a first instance much too lazy to get up on a Sunday morning to attend service and much to full of themselves in order to pick up the Holy Scriptures and read something useful for once. It's a simple as that. On top of this, let's not forget that our Pope has lately been encouraging us to be brave and to pick up our staff in order to proclaim God's glory. This is what really matters not a few Christians who have decided to jump of the train at their own risk and peril.
I am personally confident that the Catholic Church will eventually come out of all this as a much more solid and strengthened entity. Haven't we been through tougher times?
Damascus Route

Retailers Ban "Merry Christmas" at Their Own Risk

How I dislike the term "political correctness". As a mere mortal and Catholic, I have my limitations and cannot content everyone. Political correctness in my view can only be applied if one holds oneself accountable for one's honest and true views and stands up for them. Yes this might lead to some people not having what they want (and in this case it's totally disregarding the ban) but in no way …More
How I dislike the term "political correctness". As a mere mortal and Catholic, I have my limitations and cannot content everyone. Political correctness in my view can only be applied if one holds oneself accountable for one's honest and true views and stands up for them. Yes this might lead to some people not having what they want (and in this case it's totally disregarding the ban) but in no way and this with the aid of God and with the notion of discernment should one give into the facility of putting bucks before one's faith. We as Christians also have our values, traditions and rituals and these should in no way be tampered with in order to favor greed and money.
Damascus Route

Radical Muslim Cleric: Christmas the Pathway to Hell

Who are they to judge and who are they to demand? These are obviously extremists and let's admit that most Muslims enjoy Christmas to a certain extent. Do I as a Catholic complain when celebrating Aïd el-Kebir or Aid Al Adha they are slitting the throats of sheep left, right and center. It's part of their creed and of their ritual. But one should not always fear the Muslim for if you are proud of …More
Who are they to judge and who are they to demand? These are obviously extremists and let's admit that most Muslims enjoy Christmas to a certain extent. Do I as a Catholic complain when celebrating Aïd el-Kebir or Aid Al Adha they are slitting the throats of sheep left, right and center. It's part of their creed and of their ritual. But one should not always fear the Muslim for if you are proud of being a Christian and if one puts one's faith in God and in the Holy Ghost, there is always a way of approaching them and making one's voice heard without violence. I've tried it and it works.
Damascus Route

How does one become a member of Opus Dei?

Yes this is reassuring. They surely don't force anyone to become a member and it's one step at a time. They don't need to compel anybody seeing as they are powerful enough as it is and have enough members throughout the world to keep the vessel shipshape. In a nutshell, it's a call inspired by our Lord who tells you that this is where you as a Catholic are likely to fit in just as one would fit into …More
Yes this is reassuring. They surely don't force anyone to become a member and it's one step at a time. They don't need to compel anybody seeing as they are powerful enough as it is and have enough members throughout the world to keep the vessel shipshape. In a nutshell, it's a call inspired by our Lord who tells you that this is where you as a Catholic are likely to fit in just as one would fit into the charasmatics for instance. It's once one has become a member and put into the hands of men and women within a highly disciplined organization with "understandings" between fellow acolytes and peers that in some circumstances things can turn sour.
Damascus Route

Michael Voris: The Inquisition. RealCatholicTV on Dec 5, 2011 Did the Catholic Church really harbor …

Definitely worth watching Michael's report on Real Catholic Tv. It matches exactly what I read a few years back pertaining to the fact that the inquisition was not exactly what most people think it to have been.
Damascus Route

France - Catholic Students at the Mosque

Just one thing. I work amongst Christians, a few Jews, Muslims and a vast quantity of unbelievers. One thing I have noticed with regard to devout Muslim colleagues is that when they know you are a practicing Christian, that you attend mass, try to be merciful, that you pray, that you read about Christian affairs and respect most creeds, they then tend to be much more respectful towards you. I think …More
Just one thing. I work amongst Christians, a few Jews, Muslims and a vast quantity of unbelievers. One thing I have noticed with regard to devout Muslim colleagues is that when they know you are a practicing Christian, that you attend mass, try to be merciful, that you pray, that you read about Christian affairs and respect most creeds, they then tend to be much more respectful towards you. I think what it is is that eventhough in their eyes you still might be considered as the infidel, in a way they regard you as playing in the same league: the league of believing in God (in Only One and True God). It just goes to show that if you are unashamed of your religion, a relationship of mutual respect can be attained. This being said I am not one at work to go ramming my beliefs down the throats of my fellow colleagues but I am not ashamed of saying that I am a practicing Catholic and that having faith in God works and that hence without doubt God is amongst us at all times.
Damascus Route

"Avec la religion catholique, on peut tout se permettre!"

Benguigui qui est certes de confession juive a été touché, peut-être même blessé par cette diatribe de blasphèmes. Je sentais qu'il avait de l'empathie pour les catholiques regardant cette émission. Ses paroles m'ont consolé. Les autres sur le plateau ont fait preuve de lâcheté car c'est facile de taper sur le catholique. En ce qui concerne ce pauvre type qu'est Buffet mais voilà un qui bouffe …More
Benguigui qui est certes de confession juive a été touché, peut-être même blessé par cette diatribe de blasphèmes. Je sentais qu'il avait de l'empathie pour les catholiques regardant cette émission. Ses paroles m'ont consolé. Les autres sur le plateau ont fait preuve de lâcheté car c'est facile de taper sur le catholique. En ce qui concerne ce pauvre type qu'est Buffet mais voilà un qui bouffe à tous les rateliers pour tout simplement se faire le plus de fric possible. Je me demande si il serait aussi "courageux" en s'attaquant à l'islam? Merci Monsieur Benguigui car comme disait 'l'autre', tu m'as rechauffé le coeur.
Damascus Route

Happy Thanksgiving

My prayers go out to all the military men and women (religious or not) sometimes going through doubt, tiredness and fear but still courageously and relentlessly pursuing their task in very difficult circumstances. All this in order to protect our freedom and those of others (Christians or not).
I invite you if you like to read Psalm 91 (Soldier's prayer).
www.thoughts-about-god.com/prayer/soldiers …More
My prayers go out to all the military men and women (religious or not) sometimes going through doubt, tiredness and fear but still courageously and relentlessly pursuing their task in very difficult circumstances. All this in order to protect our freedom and those of others (Christians or not).
I invite you if you like to read Psalm 91 (Soldier's prayer).
God bless