Mynor Zuñiga
Mynor Zuñiga

Under the Vatican's new same sex blessings ruling, you can:

They knew this would instantly happen, this is their true intention, anybody can throw in a couple of "traditional quotes" to cover their backs when questioned. The document clearly refers to couples, not individuals, so at this point is lame to see the super-charitable-non-confusion-activists create a new level of mental gymnastis and contorsion in order to ignore the literal presence of the word …More
They knew this would instantly happen, this is their true intention, anybody can throw in a couple of "traditional quotes" to cover their backs when questioned. The document clearly refers to couples, not individuals, so at this point is lame to see the super-charitable-non-confusion-activists create a new level of mental gymnastis and contorsion in order to ignore the literal presence of the word "couples" or to magically substitute it with "individuals with intent of conversion".
Mynor Zuñiga

Festival of Heresy: Francis "Allows" Homosexual "Blessings"

It's a mockery how Fernandez spends paragraph after paragraph trying to explain the unexplainable and impossible, sin cannot be blessed, it is as simple as that, no way around it. And it has the approval of Francis, so we have to be ready for the tsunami of popesplainers trying to find the right interpretation of this nonsense.
Mynor Zuñiga

Pope Fancis never approved a rite or sacramental given to any union outside a catholic marriage

He is a contradictory person. He says that an act of charity is to defend the Truth, but look at what happens to bishops and priests that defend the Truth in doctrine, they get fired. He writes personal congratulation letters to disobedient priests that are rooting for homosexual blessings like James Martin. It is to be blind to not think he is aiming for the approval of such blessings, he is just …More
He is a contradictory person. He says that an act of charity is to defend the Truth, but look at what happens to bishops and priests that defend the Truth in doctrine, they get fired. He writes personal congratulation letters to disobedient priests that are rooting for homosexual blessings like James Martin. It is to be blind to not think he is aiming for the approval of such blessings, he is just crafty in making it look that he is not the one calling the shots. It it obvious at this point, his immediate actions against traditional and doctrinal figures, and his silence about what is happening in Germany. In the synod of synodality, in which they only should be talking about what is synodality, he just announced that in 2024 the subject of homosexual blessings will be considered. Is like reconsidering basketball rules in a soccer meeting. His language is ambiguous, rare to find a firm answer in one of his interviews, he goes and goes into confusing terms and theories to not answer anything with doctrine.

You have to be kidding to be defending such manipulative and destructive figure. When you go to spiritual war, like what is happening in the Church, the people you take on your side talks everything about your intentions. In this war he chooses the ones like James Martin, Fernandez, Tobin, Holerich and fires every single religious person that challenges his views. He is very careful to not make canonical statements and make it seem like it is just his opinion, but his minions turn those opinions into "canon".

Good luck popesplaining every one of his moves, simple common sense can show you his true intentions.
Mynor Zuñiga

Apparition of the Virgin Mary - 09/12/2023

This is fake and not Catholic. They claimed that something was going to happen on August 2021 and when nothing happened they just shifted the messaging. Their founder is a disciple of an ufologist.
Mynor Zuñiga

El Pentágono publicará fotos, vídeos e informes de ovnis desclasificados en un nuevo sitio web. 👀

Me parece interesante lo que dijo la Virgen de la Salette, que el anticristo hará grandes prodigios con la ayuda de los demonios de los aires. También la Beata Ana Catalina Emmerick, en sus visiones sobre el Génesis, habla de cómo los demonios previos al diluvio se dispersaron por los aires. Algo a tomar en cuenta al ver el énfasis que le están poniendo al fenómeno ovni.
Mynor Zuñiga

Cardinal Burke warns Synod is part of 'revolution' to 'radically' change the Catholic Church - LifeSite

I wonder what October might bring us with the synod. To this day we have seen brave cardinals and bishops denouncing only through interviews or writings, I hope that when the time comes to act they step up to more practical actions.
Mynor Zuñiga

Will Pope Francis Stand Against Catholic Schism? — Beyond These Stone Walls

He perfectly knows what the German synod is preparing, but he is not choosing those who could fight it, but those who seem to be more in line with it, even throwing Martin in the mix. I personally believe that he wants to allow same sex blessings at least, but doesn't want to be open about it publicly, so using allies that push him into accepting it will seem more like a charitable action by listening …More
He perfectly knows what the German synod is preparing, but he is not choosing those who could fight it, but those who seem to be more in line with it, even throwing Martin in the mix. I personally believe that he wants to allow same sex blessings at least, but doesn't want to be open about it publicly, so using allies that push him into accepting it will seem more like a charitable action by listening instead of a defiant move that comes directly from him.

I believe a schism cannot be avoided, it is just about with whom that schism will occur. I believe that his actions are pointing to a scenario where he will, apparently, have to accept the same sex blessings in order to avoid a schism, but that will create a schism with the traditional side of the Church. If he doesn't accept the German synod, then a schism can occur with them, but that would mean a schism with the world and with those he likes to receive in meetings. I doubt, at this moment, that he chooses the tradition over the world to be honest.
Mynor Zuñiga

PiusX Priest: Novus Ordo Priests "Invalidly Ordained”

Exactly. In my country and surrounding countries we only have Novus Ordo, I know it is not the most reverent form, and I admit that it has been plagued with relaxed practices in some places, but to say all our priests are invalid is throwing in the bin entire countries. These kinds of superiority claims sound very pharisaical in my opinion, like saying "Only I have the means to salvation, unfortunately …More
Exactly. In my country and surrounding countries we only have Novus Ordo, I know it is not the most reverent form, and I admit that it has been plagued with relaxed practices in some places, but to say all our priests are invalid is throwing in the bin entire countries. These kinds of superiority claims sound very pharisaical in my opinion, like saying "Only I have the means to salvation, unfortunately you don't" and they do nothing about it, I have personally been in some traditional rites in other countries and wish we could have access to it, but the Novus Ordo is what we have, and I have seen the work of God through many of it's priests.
Mynor Zuñiga

Elliot Page reveals chilling transphobic attack outside LA hotel: ‘I’m going to f–king gay bash you …

She is still a woman, doesn't matter what she thinks, so displaying topless pictures of her is still inappropriate in my opinion.
Mynor Zuñiga

Homosexualist Bergoglio Goes from Bad to Worse

With the disastrous synod going on and Hollerich gaining momentum, the wording of the response represents a new level of danger. It is going the extra mile to abstract the sin from the act itself by placing it only on the state in which the act is committed, meaning that if the Church opens to the possibility of homosexual marriage, they could finally grant a state in which the act would not be a …More
With the disastrous synod going on and Hollerich gaining momentum, the wording of the response represents a new level of danger. It is going the extra mile to abstract the sin from the act itself by placing it only on the state in which the act is committed, meaning that if the Church opens to the possibility of homosexual marriage, they could finally grant a state in which the act would not be a sin anymore.
Mynor Zuñiga


Where is this information being pulled from? Who made it public? Do you have links or sources where this came from? Why does it say that it will come to an end on 2025, but a few lines below it says that the punishment will happen in the second half of the 21st century?
Mynor Zuñiga

Peter is not Peter; Peter will not be Peter

@Just me Luz de Bonilla is extremely ambiguous and at one point even gave a conference along with the fake UFO prophet Giorgio Bongiovanni, so I'm with you on not believing every false prophet that comes around; there are tons of them. It just happens that Pedro Regis has been on point with great specificity over the years, but even after that I don't hold any living human to a divine standard. The …More
@Just me Luz de Bonilla is extremely ambiguous and at one point even gave a conference along with the fake UFO prophet Giorgio Bongiovanni, so I'm with you on not believing every false prophet that comes around; there are tons of them. It just happens that Pedro Regis has been on point with great specificity over the years, but even after that I don't hold any living human to a divine standard. The Trinity and the Virgin Mary are sufficient to me, this was just information I wanted to share, so if you are not into it that's ok.
Mynor Zuñiga

Peter is not Peter; Peter will not be Peter

I read that message the day it came out. Some comments of the readers really show how people don't want to accept we are facing a huge crisis, trying to warp our Lady's words into saying that "Peter is not Peter" will be applied to the next pope, but I think the message is clear. Pedro Regis holds good reputation, through our Lady's messages he announced that the pope would be forced out of his …More
I read that message the day it came out. Some comments of the readers really show how people don't want to accept we are facing a huge crisis, trying to warp our Lady's words into saying that "Peter is not Peter" will be applied to the next pope, but I think the message is clear. Pedro Regis holds good reputation, through our Lady's messages he announced that the pope would be forced out of his throne right before Benedict XVI "resigned" and that the next one would be a Jesuit, which came to be. Through him, Mary insists on following the TRUE Magisterium of the Church, confession, the Eucharist, and Scripture.