Maccabean Uprising
Maccabean Uprising


Sadly, Mother Theresa expressed the heresy of religious indifferentism. This heresy was roundly condemned and rejected by Pope Pius IX's encyclical Mirari Vos. Also, Pope Pius XI condemns ecumenism in his encyclical Mortalium Animos. In Time Magazine, Mother Theresa is quoted as saying that she only wants to "convert a Hindu to be a better Hindu, or convert a Muslim to be a better Muslim". A true …More
Sadly, Mother Theresa expressed the heresy of religious indifferentism. This heresy was roundly condemned and rejected by Pope Pius IX's encyclical Mirari Vos. Also, Pope Pius XI condemns ecumenism in his encyclical Mortalium Animos. In Time Magazine, Mother Theresa is quoted as saying that she only wants to "convert a Hindu to be a better Hindu, or convert a Muslim to be a better Muslim". A true saint would not, and could not say these things!
Maccabean Uprising

Next Pope: The God Of Surprises At Work

Don't think we are going to ever have a real pope again. The anti-popes are anti-christ... pagan idols, praying in Mosques with Muslim, changing our holy rites and religion! These are the many false Christs that Our Lord warned us about, and said that they would deceive many. This is fulfilled. Christ is at the gate! Go back to Traditional Catholicism... and make sure it is not in communion with …More
Don't think we are going to ever have a real pope again. The anti-popes are anti-christ... pagan idols, praying in Mosques with Muslim, changing our holy rites and religion! These are the many false Christs that Our Lord warned us about, and said that they would deceive many. This is fulfilled. Christ is at the gate! Go back to Traditional Catholicism... and make sure it is not in communion with Rome. Ave Maria
Maccabean Uprising

Abp Viganò: ‘The abomination of idolatrous rites has entered the sanctuary of God’ (Exclusive)

You are deceived. The church of Antchrist has been existing since the NO rite/Vatican II. JP II and B 16 are heretics, just like P 6 and J 23. The NO rite was a new, profane rite on a new second altar... JUST LIKE in the books of the Maccabees (the abomination of desolation). Vatican II did away with the Traditional discipline and teachings of the Catholic Church. You @FRA Alexis are trying to tie …More
You are deceived. The church of Antchrist has been existing since the NO rite/Vatican II. JP II and B 16 are heretics, just like P 6 and J 23. The NO rite was a new, profane rite on a new second altar... JUST LIKE in the books of the Maccabees (the abomination of desolation). Vatican II did away with the Traditional discipline and teachings of the Catholic Church. You @FRA Alexis are trying to tie people to the NO rite through a false set of choices. Your position, as you quote above "is now totally unsustainable".
Maccabean Uprising

May 30, 2010, Our Lady of the Pine forewarned the world about Bergoglio, the imposter

I understand why you say that JP II is a saint. I used to love him, sadly. He is one of the false christs and false prophets announced by the Lord that will come before the end. The organization in Rome is NOT the Catholic Church. It is an antichurch, with an anti-mass... and an anti pope. It is Anti-Christ since all three of those (Church, Mass and Pope) are the ways in which Christ was present. …More
I understand why you say that JP II is a saint. I used to love him, sadly. He is one of the false christs and false prophets announced by the Lord that will come before the end. The organization in Rome is NOT the Catholic Church. It is an antichurch, with an anti-mass... and an anti pope. It is Anti-Christ since all three of those (Church, Mass and Pope) are the ways in which Christ was present. Satan has mocked all three by making "fakes". The Church had to "flee Rome" in the last days, just as the early Christians had to flee Jerusalem. Soon, the Vatican will be destroyed. I believe before it is destroyed, first the Lateran Treaty will be revoked (in the near future) which will eliminate the sovereign and immune status of the Vatican. Then, the international law (or probably Italian law) can go after all the perverts and financial crooks that are being harbored in the Vatican. The Great Harlot is about to be destroyed, as it is stated in the Book of the Apocalypse. Get out while you still can. :)
Maccabean Uprising

May 30, 2010, Our Lady of the Pine forewarned the world about Bergoglio, the imposter

This is a very short video, but gives a summary of something absolutely marvelous! God has caused the entire history of the Church to be prefigured by the entire history of the Old Testament. This has occurred in the same chronological order, and in an "event by event" fashion. It sheds so much light on the current crisis. I sincerely encourage you to just check out this very short video. Here is …More
This is a very short video, but gives a summary of something absolutely marvelous! God has caused the entire history of the Church to be prefigured by the entire history of the Old Testament. This has occurred in the same chronological order, and in an "event by event" fashion. It sheds so much light on the current crisis. I sincerely encourage you to just check out this very short video. Here is the link to the video :)
Maccabean Uprising

May 30, 2010, Our Lady of the Pine forewarned the world about Bergoglio, the imposter

There is so much to say. Our Lord told us that many false christs (anti christs) would come at the end and deceive many. If a true pope is the vicar of Christ, then a false pope (and antipope) is an anti-christ. We are all upset at Francis for the worship of pachamama... but JP II allowed false, evil, satan worshiping religions from all around the world to "pray" in Assisi. JP II even allowed a …More
There is so much to say. Our Lord told us that many false christs (anti christs) would come at the end and deceive many. If a true pope is the vicar of Christ, then a false pope (and antipope) is an anti-christ. We are all upset at Francis for the worship of pachamama... but JP II allowed false, evil, satan worshiping religions from all around the world to "pray" in Assisi. JP II even allowed a statue of Buddha to be placed on the tabernacle! If Francis is a heretic, obviously JP II is the same. Benedict XVI followed in the footsteps of JP II. So, to answer your question, we are without a pope. This is to fulfill the prophesy that the "sun" will cease to give light at the end. The "sun" is that which sheds light, and the papacy is that which sheds the "light of Truth". We are just waiting for the Lord to come. My plea to you is to "come out of the Whore of Babylon" and find the Traditional Catholic Mass that is not in communion with Rome. Rome has been the prophesied "Whore of Babylon" since Vatican II / NOvus Ordo.
Maccabean Uprising

‘That time the Madonna came with a bevy of Angels…there were lots of Angels, both small and large.’

Medjugorje is a false apparition! Their are many "messages" that contradict the teaching of the Catholic Church, prior popes and great Saints!
Maccabean Uprising

Bishop Schneider quoting Pope Pius VI. on ambiguous language at a Synod

Oh my! Vatican II is loaded with ambiguous language! Francis is just taking his ideas from the revolution that started in 1962, and has been occurring ever since! Leave the Novus Ordo Babylon and find a Traditional Catholic Mass that is outside of Rome's reach!
Maccabean Uprising

How Cardinal Sodano robbed the Papacy from Pope Benedict!

B 16 is a heretic himself
Maccabean Uprising

Go with the flow of grace. Dialogue 154

these are dangerous videos and full of errors... leading people to Hell! Be advised to stay away from them, full of the errors and consequences of Vatican II.
Maccabean Uprising

Medjugorje: focus on the first ten days

Just a sample
Maccabean Uprising

Medjugorje: focus on the first ten days

@petrus100452 - The Novus Ordo rites are most likely invalid.. and because of this.... the things mentioned in your list (reasons why Medjugorje is legitimate) are negated.
Maccabean Uprising

Fraud: Facial Recognition Technology With 2,400 Picture Comparisons Shows Sister Lucy I (Pre-1958) …

Yes, this story broke yesterday and is HUGE news. I suspect that this story (when the offical report comes out in a couple weeks) will be looked upon with a bit of suspicion (even though it is clearly true)... but as the Vatican continues to deteriorate, this story will show that we were lied to all the way back from the beginning of the "New Church"!
Maccabean Uprising

Rare video - Paul VI speaking on Humanae Vitae in English

Humanae Vitae distorts and confuses the two ends of marriage..and takes them out of their Traditional hierarchy. That is the basis for today's NFP.. and the current form of selfish spacing, or prevention of pregnancies.
Maccabean Uprising

Prophecy of "70 Weeks" from Daniel 9.... Fulfilled in Church History

Well, from what I've presented above (in the graphic) I can say that I have read Daniel 9 :)
Maccabean Uprising

Prophecy of "70 Weeks" from Daniel 9.... Fulfilled in Church History

@Dr Bobus @Rafał_Ovile What about the amazing "coincidences" shown above? Stop to give you pause?
Maccabean Uprising

Prophecy of "70 Weeks" from Daniel 9.... Fulfilled in Church History

@Rafał_Ovile Perhaps I don't understand what you are getting at here. By saying he didn't resign... then the logical conclusion is that you think he is still the pope. If that is so, then I ask you... do you think that Francis is an antipope, or do you think there are two popes?
Maccabean Uprising

Prophecy of "70 Weeks" from Daniel 9.... Fulfilled in Church History

@Rafał_Ovile , so are you saying Francis is an antipope or are there two popes?