
Migrant rioters threaten Jews with “Holocaust” – Allah's Willing Executioners

Apparently everyone in France has a problem, his name is Macron

Democratic congresswoman slammed for claiming Catholics are compelled by their faith to support abortion

I wonder what “ compelled “ her to appear the way she does?

This is abuse. Send the man home

Why does he always wear those hoodies? Seriously, is he not able to dress himself properly?

Biden’s Assistant HHS Secretary Rachel Levine calls the Mutilation of children ‘necessary.’ “Gender …

Minors under a certain age cannot drive a car, cannot buy tobacco products, cannot drop out of school without parental permission, cannot buy alcohol nor join the military because they aren’t considered mature enough to make such decisions.How then can they then be trusted to decide to “affirm “ their gender surgically ?

Meme, fixed for Joe Biden

Love it!

This man used to think he was trans. His dad had been violent and wasn’t there for him, but they’re …

Jesus had long hair, don’t be so quick to judge

Where there is animal worship, there is human sacrifice

Literal animal worship is not that to which he is referring. It is the preference of animals over people. How many couples have chosen to have “fur babies “ over real ones. They dress them up, walk them in strollers and wear them in carriers on their breasts. Cars sport bumper stickers that say, “ I love my grand-dog” or “Dog Gramma🐾 .We kills the real babies in the womb by the millions.If that …More
Literal animal worship is not that to which he is referring. It is the preference of animals over people. How many couples have chosen to have “fur babies “ over real ones. They dress them up, walk them in strollers and wear them in carriers on their breasts. Cars sport bumper stickers that say, “ I love my grand-dog” or “Dog Gramma🐾 .We kills the real babies in the womb by the millions.If that isn’t animal worship and human sacrifice, what is it? Don’t be a dolt!

Lego Cross At Corpus Christi

Notice it is rainbow colored


No, the point is that our thoughts, albeit wrong, do not make something right, they just normalize the error. Ergo, just because some people believe homosexuality is normal and acceptable,does not make it so.

U.S. Embassy to the Holy See flies Gay flag

How about a Sacred Heart flag

First Symposium for Queer Lifestyles in Church

They didn’t have Porn Hub

'Godlessness': Super popular Christian TV show defends gay-pride flag on set

Yessir, “Christians” pick and choose from the Bible, make their own dogma and do as they feel. Catholics, real ones anyway, follow the doctrine of Our Lord as He presented it, not changing it to please themselves.

'Godlessness': Super popular Christian TV show defends gay-pride flag on set

Because the show is heresy, the participants are heretics

Every high civilization decays by forgetting obvious things. — G.K. Chesterton

Should be but won’t, because he declares truth in a world overrun with lies


Some people believe it 🥴

McDonalds in Kiev, Ukraine last night

Doesn’t look like a war zone to me.

United Kingdom: Birth of a Baby With DNA From Three Parents

It will be interesting to see how that child turns out…