rickster shares from PopeTube
The Bishop of Rome. The Franciscan PontificateMore
The Bishop of Rome.
The Franciscan Pontificate
Habemus Papam! Jorge Mario Bergoglio, to be called Francis. At 19:06 on Wednesday March 13, white smoke emerges from the chimney of the Sistine Chapel! The 115 cardinals in the conclave elected, on …More
Habemus Papam! Jorge Mario Bergoglio, to be called Francis.
At 19:06 on Wednesday March 13, white smoke emerges from the chimney of the Sistine Chapel! The 115 cardinals in the conclave elected, on the fifth ballot, the 265th successor of Peter. At 8:12pm, on the Central Loggia of the Hall of Benedictions in the Vatican Basilica, the proto-deacon Cardinal Jean-Louis Tauran announced the name of the new Pope to 100,000 faithful gathered in St. Peter's Square, as well as those around the world. (Cardinal Protodeacon) Annuntio vobis gaudium magnum; habemus Papam: Eminentissimum ac Reverendissimum Dominum, Dominum Georgium Marium Sanctae Romanae Ecclesiae Cardinalem Bergoglio here sibi nomen imposuit Franciscum. At 20:22, Pope Francis, the Argentine Jorge Mario ...
rickster shares from Gloria.TV News
The Bishop of Rome. The Franciscan PontificateMore
The Bishop of Rome.
The Franciscan Pontificate
Gloria.TV News on the 13th of May. No Problem: In an interview with the magazine of the Latin Mass Society Bishop Mark O’Toole of Plymouth has praised the fidelity of those attending the Old Mass and …More
Gloria.TV News on the 13th of May.
No Problem: In an interview with the magazine of the Latin Mass Society Bishop Mark O’Toole of Plymouth has praised the fidelity of those attending the Old Mass and said he would like to establish a systematised provision of the Old Mass for his faithful. If people attend to the Old Mass instead of going to their New Rite parish church, he does not see this as a problem.
Embarrassing: On May 10 titular archbishop Víctor Manuel Fernández gave an embarrassing interview to the Corriere della Sera in which he discarded the Roman Curia, the Vatican and all Cardinals as – quote – “a non essential structure” and attacked the prefect of the Congregation of the Doctrine of the Faith, Cardinal Gerhard Ludwig Müller. Fernández is the rector of the Catholic University of Argentina and has been the personal theologian of the Pope since the time when he was archbishop of Buenos Aires.
Trashed: In an article on his blog, Sandro Magister writes that archbishop Fernández …More
rickster shares from Gloria.tv
The Bishop of Rome. The Franciscan PontificateMore
The Bishop of Rome.
The Franciscan Pontificate
The Francis Effect. Fr. Linus Clovis on the Francis Effect at a seminar for Pro-Life Leaders in Rome, 8th May 2015.More
The Francis Effect.
Fr. Linus Clovis on the Francis Effect at a seminar for Pro-Life Leaders in Rome, 8th May 2015.