Vitam Aeternam
Vitam Aeternam

Voter’s Guide for Serious Catholics

Don’t participate in a fraud. Voting is fake. It’s all rigged.
Vitam Aeternam

8000 Catholics participated in the New York State Eucharistic Congress which took place in Auriesville

It’s sad that that same location rejected the Latin mass just a few weeks earlier. Our pilgrimage had probably 800 people, some walking all the way from Lake George, only to have the bishop forbid any Latin mass in the church or on the grounds.
Vitam Aeternam

The children of the Gaza Strip are suffering

This is heartbreaking. It’s disgusting that there are so many innocent children mixed into this. They are indiscriminately being blown apart along with everyone else. God have mercy!
Vitam Aeternam

Commentary: Why you should purge Kellogg’s from your pantry

Read the labels. There are poisonous ingredients in these cereals like Trisodium phosphate.
Vitam Aeternam

‘I can love God in prison’: Full statement of pro-lifer Joan Andrews Bell jailed in DC FACE Act trial …

How long are they in prison for? This is a travesty of justice
Vitam Aeternam

Best video of the day. Straight fire from New York mom

I have a one f bomb your out policy.
Vitam Aeternam

PiusX General Superior Confuses Right With Crime

If he did a tiny bit of research he would find that these covid jabs are not vaccines at all. They are gene therapy that hasn't had any safety studies and have killed the animals it was tested on. There is so much wrong with these shots on so many levels, its astonishing that an intelligent priest like Fr. Pagliarani wouldn't take the time to find the truth. I think he is too afraid of looking like …More
If he did a tiny bit of research he would find that these covid jabs are not vaccines at all. They are gene therapy that hasn't had any safety studies and have killed the animals it was tested on. There is so much wrong with these shots on so many levels, its astonishing that an intelligent priest like Fr. Pagliarani wouldn't take the time to find the truth. I think he is too afraid of looking like a "my body, my choicer". Which is very odd because all of those people are vax pushers. Father's position makes zero sense and is damaging to those on the fence about saving their job by taking the poison.
Vitam Aeternam

PiusX General Superior Confuses Right With Crime

What will it take to convince Fr. Pagliarani that he is seriously wrong on this most important issue? Is he unaware of the means in which these meds are made? Is he ignorant of the terrible side effects? Is he ignorant of the plot to destroy mankind with this poison? Has he looked at all into who made these "vaccines"? Just digging a little into one of these questions should help him see the error …More
What will it take to convince Fr. Pagliarani that he is seriously wrong on this most important issue? Is he unaware of the means in which these meds are made? Is he ignorant of the terrible side effects? Is he ignorant of the plot to destroy mankind with this poison? Has he looked at all into who made these "vaccines"? Just digging a little into one of these questions should help him see the error of his ways and redirect the faithful far away from these abortion derived, one world order, poisons.