
PiusX General Superior Confuses Right With Crime

One [false] reason why the Society of PiusX is not against the Covid-"vaccines" is the heterogenous anti-vaccine alliance, the General Superior, Father Pagliarani, explained in a December 11 talk (…More
One [false] reason why the Society of PiusX is not against the Covid-"vaccines" is the heterogenous anti-vaccine alliance, the General Superior, Father Pagliarani, explained in a December 11 talk (FSSPX.news, January 5).
This alliance includes Catholics and people from all political spectrums, including anarchists or ecologists. According to Pagliarani, these people are against the vaccine "in the name of individual freedom, human dignity, human rights."
He reduces this to the slogan "With my body I do whatever I want" and equates it with the abortion cry "My belly belongs to me,” thus indiscriminately comparing a human right to a crime as if children were part of their mothers' "belly."
Vaccine critics follow the same principles like fighters for human rights or freedom, Pagliarani believes, "We find again the same principles of the New Order started 300 years ago in the name of human rights, human dignity.”
These conclusions are preposterous. Criticism on Covid vaccines are not about …More
“Prefer to step aside”!!! With due respect you can’t step aside from the sheep gate you have to remain there guarding the gate!
Ave Crux
I spoke to a very devout Catholic lawyer deeply embedded in this fight. He pointed out that the complexity of the science even to the point of the facts being different for each of the "vaccines", along with the confusion of contradictory messages being given by priests and members of the Church hierarchy, all this creates a moral climate wherein the Catholic conscience becomes confused and conflicted …More
I spoke to a very devout Catholic lawyer deeply embedded in this fight. He pointed out that the complexity of the science even to the point of the facts being different for each of the "vaccines", along with the confusion of contradictory messages being given by priests and members of the Church hierarchy, all this creates a moral climate wherein the Catholic conscience becomes confused and conflicted to the point of no longer being strictly culpable should they go ahead with the vaccine.

Sister Lucia said we live in times of "diabolical disorientation". For those of us (including this attorney who is fighting it) who take time to study the matter in depth and are convinced of the reality and horror of using fetal cells, let us thank God for His grace which brings clarity in our thinking and strength of conviction to our will, and pray that others may not be mistaken in theirs.
I think that it’s an ethical and control(communist) issue.
Rand Miller
Ironic that any layperson can tell Pagliarani's comments are stupid.
I think Our Lord is clear on the sheep gate. “Prefer to step aside”!!! With due respect you can’t step aside from the sheep gate you have to remain there guarding the gate!
Respect for Fr. Pagliarani. He is correct, this is a medical issue and not the mission of the SSPX, which only exist to save souls.
Carol H
"Only exist to save souls". Does this include the defenseless souls of the aborted? Or is this to be now excused and flouted under the misused term "medical"? And I state misused for the word 'medical' is defined as the practice of medicine and 'medicine' is defined as the maintenance and restoring of health. As these experimental, harmful and clearly non-effective "vaccines" do not do this (how …More
"Only exist to save souls". Does this include the defenseless souls of the aborted? Or is this to be now excused and flouted under the misused term "medical"? And I state misused for the word 'medical' is defined as the practice of medicine and 'medicine' is defined as the maintenance and restoring of health. As these experimental, harmful and clearly non-effective "vaccines" do not do this (how many more "boosters?? How many more cardiac arrests??), it is not a medical issue. Therefore Fr. Pagliarani is not correct. He is simply latching onto this term as a means to deflect from the ethical which IS their domain. Talk plain. This is the face of anti-Christian Communism that all SSPX priests have been forcefully condemning for years. It is global. It is aggressive. It is threatening. It is controlling. Why on earth is Father tip-toeing about calling it "medical"?
Yes, he is right here but without determining the medical issue (i.e. determining what thing is) he's unable to advise on the moral issue (saving souls question). It would be like saying: we don't know and don't care what LSD is so sorry, pal we cannot help you with your moral doubts.
Cassandra Laments
@philosopher ....and how exactly is his opinion on the green parties etc contributing to the saving of souls? Anything connected to abortion is also a spiritual issue (just as murder of adults and sins stemming from/connected to such murders would be). In truth, statements like this one only serve to add fuel to an already pervasive diabolical disorientation.
@Cassandra Laments Some of the RNA vaccines like Moderna do not contain any aborted cells. They did use a 50 year old DNA abortive line in the testing process, which falls under the remote evil Thomistic principle. The newer Covaxin vaccine neither contains fetal DNA or has used fetal lines in the testing.
Carol H
Philospher, you are spiltting hairs. Some don't. But most do. And certainly the industry as a whole is spawned from it and making billions from it. Further, this Thomistic Principle of remoteness only applies if the necessity equals or supercecdes the gravity of the evil. Well such necessity does not exist. These "vaccines" have no medical value. On the contrary, the American Heart Association …More
Philospher, you are spiltting hairs. Some don't. But most do. And certainly the industry as a whole is spawned from it and making billions from it. Further, this Thomistic Principle of remoteness only applies if the necessity equals or supercecdes the gravity of the evil. Well such necessity does not exist. These "vaccines" have no medical value. On the contrary, the American Heart Association have come out in their medical journal "Circulation" and declared that these"vaccines" are directly linked to heart inflammation and clotting. Moreover the "covid" cases globally are reported as going through the roof since "vaccinations". And this the point. The crisis is manufactured. It is manufactured to coherse us into accepting something evil and to put our own life at risk. This alone should be enough for our spiritual leaders to cry in unison "stop".
I think Our Lord is clear on the sheep gate. “Prefer to step aside”!!! With due respect you can’t step aside from the sheep gate you have to remain there guarding the gate!
1. Big Pharma is an abortion centred ruthless killer of unborn children that has no Catholic morals.
2. Every vaccinated person on the planet has been denied medical informed consent. We learn weekly of new devastating adverse events and information hidden. All this information should ONLY be discoverable at the END of the clinical trials in 2023 upon which everyone can complete the informed consent …More
1. Big Pharma is an abortion centred ruthless killer of unborn children that has no Catholic morals.
2. Every vaccinated person on the planet has been denied medical informed consent. We learn weekly of new devastating adverse events and information hidden. All this information should ONLY be discoverable at the END of the clinical trials in 2023 upon which everyone can complete the informed consent process.
Cassandra Laments
What is he rambling about? What has the 'green' opinion of this got to do with Catholic defense of unborn babies? It seems to me that he's steppng aside from condemning the use of baby parts because he doesn't want to upset anyone. He'd be better in his native tongue with a translator, but that's what he appears to be doing. I may have lost the plot somewhere, short though it was.
I've read the …More
What is he rambling about? What has the 'green' opinion of this got to do with Catholic defense of unborn babies? It seems to me that he's steppng aside from condemning the use of baby parts because he doesn't want to upset anyone. He'd be better in his native tongue with a translator, but that's what he appears to be doing. I may have lost the plot somewhere, short though it was.

I've read the SSPX statements and I can only what I've said elsewhere a few times (different persona!). One could just about (although I personally definitely wouldn't) make a case that in line with Catholic teaching on this type of thing, there is no direct link with the actual original abortion because it was a one-time event which is over and done, but that's only half the story.

The argument about this being a permissible distant co-operation with evil simply doesn't work here, because the evil done is ongoing in the continuous and growing trade in body parts in general, which in turn fuels the abortion 'industry', which now apparently includes full-term babies which is infanticide. As long as we don't 100% condemn and refuse to co-operate in this, then we are complicit.

Fr Pagliarani is seriously disorientated here - at least in my opinion.
Yes I have a right over my own body , in abortion it is not my body but the babies body.
David DeCleene
I am quite certain that both Archbishop Vigano and Bishop Scnmeider would be willing to dialogue with Fr Pagliarani.
Lisi Sterndorfer
De Profundis
Cassandra Laments
Love it!
Jan Joseph
Foute opmerking, recht en misdaad zijn besluit niet vergelijkbaar.
Angelo Santelli
I keep wondering how these bafoons were cleared for ordination. The rectors obviously had no "gift of discernment."
Dan Pronovost
what the frankincense is going on at the SSPX? One had thought they would be our refuge.
Jeffrey Ade
Some FSSPX priests are anti vaccine are some are not. Our only refuge now is Our Lady of Fatima and living by her message! God bless you!
Actually A Catholic
This is about the torture and slaughter of infants that are DENIED BAPTISM, Fr. Pagliarani.
One used to feel confident that the SSPX understood the horror of that.
To compound the moral disgust one feels it seems most of the world is whimpering about with their tails between their legs in fear of the Overlords on this CRIME that CRYS OUT TO HEAVEN.
Like a bunch of VICHY.
Used to be you wouldn't …More
This is about the torture and slaughter of infants that are DENIED BAPTISM, Fr. Pagliarani.

One used to feel confident that the SSPX understood the horror of that.

To compound the moral disgust one feels it seems most of the world is whimpering about with their tails between their legs in fear of the Overlords on this CRIME that CRYS OUT TO HEAVEN.

Like a bunch of VICHY.

Used to be you wouldn't include the head of the SSPX in a pack of effeminate VICHY.
Henry L Tucker
The danger of aligning with globalist puppet Anti-Pope.
Vitam Aeternam
What will it take to convince Fr. Pagliarani that he is seriously wrong on this most important issue? Is he unaware of the means in which these meds are made? Is he ignorant of the terrible side effects? Is he ignorant of the plot to destroy mankind with this poison? Has he looked at all into who made these "vaccines"? Just digging a little into one of these questions should help him see the error …More
What will it take to convince Fr. Pagliarani that he is seriously wrong on this most important issue? Is he unaware of the means in which these meds are made? Is he ignorant of the terrible side effects? Is he ignorant of the plot to destroy mankind with this poison? Has he looked at all into who made these "vaccines"? Just digging a little into one of these questions should help him see the error of his ways and redirect the faithful far away from these abortion derived, one world order, poisons.
I guess he's talking about the idea of vaccine not the concrete Cov19 gene therapy.
Vitam Aeternam
If he did a tiny bit of research he would find that these covid jabs are not vaccines at all. They are gene therapy that hasn't had any safety studies and have killed the animals it was tested on. There is so much wrong with these shots on so many levels, its astonishing that an intelligent priest like Fr. Pagliarani wouldn't take the time to find the truth. I think he is too afraid of looking like …More
If he did a tiny bit of research he would find that these covid jabs are not vaccines at all. They are gene therapy that hasn't had any safety studies and have killed the animals it was tested on. There is so much wrong with these shots on so many levels, its astonishing that an intelligent priest like Fr. Pagliarani wouldn't take the time to find the truth. I think he is too afraid of looking like a "my body, my choicer". Which is very odd because all of those people are vax pushers. Father's position makes zero sense and is damaging to those on the fence about saving their job by taking the poison.
Carol H
Presenting two sides of the argument as if both had equal validly is worthless. What on earth was Fr. Pagliarani trying to achieve here? Appeasement for both sides? A string of justifications and soft cushions for those who have taken the jab? Self-justification? What? And who cares what people support what side and for what reason. It's totally irrelevant to the central issue as many have pointed …More
Presenting two sides of the argument as if both had equal validly is worthless. What on earth was Fr. Pagliarani trying to achieve here? Appeasement for both sides? A string of justifications and soft cushions for those who have taken the jab? Self-justification? What? And who cares what people support what side and for what reason. It's totally irrelevant to the central issue as many have pointed out here: Is taking these experimental, abortion tainted, duress enforced "vaccines" right? Is it safe? Is it for the common good as is claimed? The answers to these questions are NOT complex. Unless we are looking for excuses to capitulate. I attend a SSPX Mass center and have done so for over twenty years. And I am appalled at this kind of non-directional waffle in this time of a global crisis.
De Profundis
That's it: "appeasement for both sides"
The SSPX is wrong here -- how sad! Why are they trying to collapse into an "appeasement" position? We need the SSPX to be authentically Catholic in opposing the covid death serums for the numerous reasons exposed on LifeSite News and other sources - at a time when the SSPX may become a primary alternative for many traditional Catholics.
It’s not the SSPX, it is an evil collaborator, falling in step with Bergolio and his minions. Pagliarani is not the SSPX just as Bergolio is not the Catholic Church. Parishioners and many priests are following the example of Lefebvre, holding the line.
Good point! Thank you for that clarification - glad to hear!
U S Spacy
Maybe not all of us think of Revelation and History and Prophecy all the time, but maybe now we should? If we did we may see the clear signs of worldwide madness, (the unborn) human sacrifice to make a serum to ally our fears, a mark to buy and sell, demonization of a group that are threatened with losing the citizenship, running to follow worldwide leadership instead of God, sacrificing our own …More
Maybe not all of us think of Revelation and History and Prophecy all the time, but maybe now we should? If we did we may see the clear signs of worldwide madness, (the unborn) human sacrifice to make a serum to ally our fears, a mark to buy and sell, demonization of a group that are threatened with losing the citizenship, running to follow worldwide leadership instead of God, sacrificing our own children with experiments they do not need, and a totalitarian society that refuses to discuss what goes against the current agenda, which changes each day.
U S Spacy
The tampering with the human code of life. All these seeds of the horrors to come.