Mike Yerian
Mike Yerian

Extremist Fernández: "Extreme Groups Quote My Book To Humiliate Me"

You should be humiliated, shamed, and excommunicated.
Mike Yerian

Francis' Rottweiler Attacks Catholics

He's more than a modernist. He's full on demonic.
Mike Yerian

God gives you talents and someday He will hold you accountable for what you did with them

What if he gives you a mental illness? What talent can overcome that kind of cross?
Mike Yerian

For almost three years and counting, Donald Trump has consistently ignored, denied, and shut down …

Donald Trump is part of the evil plan, obviously. He is "controlled opposition", made to look like he's for us. In the end, he's all for "The Plan".
Mike Yerian

“When once you have departed this life, there is no longer any place for repentance, no way of making …

This is quite an awful realization if you have a mental illness.
Mike Yerian

Burdeaux, France. Enough!

@spinmeister What are you talking about?
Mike Yerian

Burdeaux, France. Enough!

I'd bash that guy's brains in. Enough is enough with these barbarians.
Mike Yerian

Germany: Pastor Fills Novus Ordo Void with Bikes

This is irreverent, evil. I hate it when I Hear people talking in the vestibule.
Mike Yerian

Is this a miracle, or am I insane?

Right, and it can apply on a personal level too.
Mike Yerian

Is this a miracle, or am I insane?

@Just me Thanks, but this wasn't a dream. It actually happened.
Mike Yerian

Elon Musk meets Italian PM Giorgia Meloni to discuss declining birth rates - LifeSite

Meloni is not a good Catholic, Musk is a WEF con man who wants to hook are brains up to the internet.
Mike Yerian

The SPIKE PROTEIN is making the masses cognitively RETARDED via neurological damage

The spike protein causes frontal lobe damage.
Mike Yerian

Is this a miracle, or am I insane?

@Ivan Tomas I was thinking more of a sign of hope towards myself, as I have been going through a living hell for a year. But I Mean, we all know on a meta level that the entire world is going to suffer before the end.
Mike Yerian

History professor Yuval Noah Harari says AI could one day write a new Bible leading to religions that …

This is deception. AI is not sentient, it cannot do original thinking. AI is simply a computer program. It can only do what it is programmed to do. This man is a pure demon, and I'm sure he'll have something to do with the rise of the anti-Christ.
Mike Yerian

Turbo lung cancer – 24 year old UK paramedic coughed up blood and died within 5 months of Stage 4 …

I know a man who developed stage 4 lung cancer out of the blue and died in a month. He was in his 70s and got the vax.