Burdeaux, France. Enough!
Visited Lourdes & Paris. The families seem very holy in Lourdes . Women wear only dresses. I was shocked they were so liberal! Favorite place was Lourdes. St. Bernadette pray for us. Amen.
Live Mike
Yes, this exemplifies the very plans of the Western traitor elite globalist servants of the prince of this world... The complete destruction / ruination of that which remains of Western Civilization through an OPEN-DOOR policy for alien Muslim hostile agents to create as much mayhem and cause as much turmoil as possible and then out of that chaos... to establish their Great Reset, One World Government …More
Yes, this exemplifies the very plans of the Western traitor elite globalist servants of the prince of this world... The complete destruction / ruination of that which remains of Western Civilization through an OPEN-DOOR policy for alien Muslim hostile agents to create as much mayhem and cause as much turmoil as possible and then out of that chaos... to establish their Great Reset, One World Government... building their New World Order upon the ashes of the old.
Live Mike
May God inspire real men to dispense His justice on criminals such as this. We can no longer rely on the government, law enforcement to protect us. They have betrayed us and failed us...we must unite to defend ourselves from these types of attacks.
Hound of Heaven
It is truly a sad day when we blame animals for not stopping us from acting like beasts.
What the hell does this even mean??? It's just crazy talk full of sound and fury and signifying nothing.
Opera 369
That's Europe of Von der Lyen, Macron, Bergoglio, and all the European Union members; those that want to erase the Christian identity and nature of the Europeans and want to transport in and disperse everywhere the savages (from way down) just like the one in this video. A 'fire extinguisher' at hand .......? 😡
3rd Order Postulant
A German shepherd would have done the same
But France wants to be inclusive and woke.
What kind of guard dog was that trade it in for German Shepard.
Mike Yerian
I'd bash that guy's brains in. Enough is enough with these barbarians.
What is with all the dog/beast talk...I didn't see a dog or a beast????
Okay, at the end. Wow, is that what you actually think is significant here? The dog!!!
Mike Yerian
@spinmeister What are you talking about?