Martin G Machine
The attached document, translated by Mr. Anthony Pointing (England) is, to my knowledge, the first ever complete English-language translation of Fr. Alvaro Calderon’s 2014 SiSiNoNo study on the new (…More
The attached document, translated by Mr. Anthony Pointing (England) is, to my knowledge, the first ever complete English-language translation of Fr. Alvaro Calderon’s 2014 SiSiNoNo study on the new (1968) rite of episcopal consecration.
Fr. Calderon is a longtime professor at the SSPX seminary in La Reja, Argentina, and alongside Fr. Pierre-Marie, O.P. (Avrille, France), is reputed by +Williamson to be one of the two best theologians in all of Tradition.
Although Fr. Calderon’s study concludes that the NREC is “very probably valid,” it likewise acknowledges “a shadow of doubt” hangs over it because of inherent ambiguities.
15 pages
Sean Johnson
PDF attached above.
Martin G Machine
Would it be possible to put this online as a pdf in order to make it easy to download? Thank you
Fr Paul Kramer Interview - February 2024. Counterfit church. Canada, Russia, China, US - the future of those countries. The Jewish impact. The coming synod.More
Fr Paul Kramer Interview - February 2024. Counterfit church. Canada, Russia, China, US - the future of those countries. The Jewish impact. The coming synod.
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