Chad jeremy roberts
Hello, my name is Chad, I am many things, but I always said I am Christian American first, the rest I can do without. I have many stories, and survived many near-deaths. I came to this site by accident some may say, but I believe our Lord and Savior sent me here. I hope to make many friends to listen to carefully and share in respect and honor. The future looks bright, us together under God's light …More
Hello, my name is Chad, I am many things, but I always said I am Christian American first, the rest I can do without. I have many stories, and survived many near-deaths. I came to this site by accident some may say, but I believe our Lord and Savior sent me here. I hope to make many friends to listen to carefully and share in respect and honor. The future looks bright, us together under God's light. Let's get started, we have work to do before it is too late.