Chad jeremy roberts
Chad jeremy roberts


From then on, his fan club grew!
Chad jeremy roberts

How could a miraculous intervention by Almighty God be explained away?

could be propaganda, but then lucifer is "light" as they say. Holograms are light trickery. You would think they would use this to make star wars light saber toys? I am still not convinced.
Chad jeremy roberts

Francis Is Spying on His Collaborators

A real Judas in the culprit.
Chad jeremy roberts


I can get out of this the satanic quote, "As above, so below" above being the "third eye" the pituary gland, the space assumed between eyes just a lil above, and below the one hand, palm exposed. This if you think about would bring this person into "heaven on earth" but under who's guidence? His or Jesus? And do they testament by doing this to further hell on earth? Ponder that. I do.
Chad jeremy roberts

"No One Has Ever Complied Their Way Out of Totalitarianism - This Is the Hill We Need to Die On" - …

I will die after a fight, if I have to, but this can not endure, this insepious way of religion will falter. They may prey on the weak but we pray to the lord. Angels will wait till they all meet their fate, and then miricles will begin, something the last one standing did not expect.
Chad jeremy roberts

Chicago - anything goes but the TLM

I am not sure of it all, but I tell you one thing, taking the blood and body of Christ while being masked is an abdomination of our teachings. It is not like women wearing head scarfs at all, that is humbling before the lord. Why is the church tying a noose around its parish?
Chad jeremy roberts

AI Algorithms & Free Will (Moral Analysis) - Fr. Matthew P. Schneider, LC

Soul-less AI and algorythms should not be the Holy Spirit. Imagine a parent being told by their child "I cannot love you, they told me love is imaginary, AI is real and algorythms forbid such talk".
Chad jeremy roberts

Devastating Fire: Our Lady Remains

I believe it is a symbol from god to us, that even in the worse times we must hold stedfast, stand our ground and family matters, and she holds lords family strongly.