
Archbishop Cordileone Will Ordain A Homosexualist

It doesn't matter if he has repudiated it or not! His proclivity is enough to disqualify him from being ordained as deacon, priest or anything else in the Church! For Heaven's sake, that is such a huge problem in the Church right now. These people cannot truly change their bent, they can only refuse to give in to temptation. And when they are ordained, they become a danger to children and young men …More
It doesn't matter if he has repudiated it or not! His proclivity is enough to disqualify him from being ordained as deacon, priest or anything else in the Church! For Heaven's sake, that is such a huge problem in the Church right now. These people cannot truly change their bent, they can only refuse to give in to temptation. And when they are ordained, they become a danger to children and young men they may work with in their capacity as priest or deacon.

Francis Minion Confirms: Francis Clutches On to Power

Yes, but we will see the Triumph of the Immaculate Heart of Mary one of these days and the Church will be more glorified than ever in the past. We must pray for a pope who will consecrate Russia to Her Immaculate Heart! Nil desperandum!

Another Phony Conservative Judge Nominated to US Supreme Court

I would like to know what is your purpose here? We have absolutely no power over who is appointed. They are not voted in, except indirectly by voting in a pro-life president, which, to the best of our ability, we have done. Lets join the baying pack of jackals who are trying to tear him down, shall we?

Nuncio Strikes Balance After Two Years of Old Latin Liturgy

Absolutely they do! At least at the traditional Benedictines of Our Lady of Guadalupe in NM!

One PiusX Bishop Is a Nursing Case

Everyone who know +Tissier considers him a saint.

Cardinal: Archbishop Lefebvre Will Be Declared A Doctor Of The Church

Yes, the One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church. If you oppose what +Lefebvre believed and taught, which is NOTHING other that the Catholic Faith of the Ages, unchanged and uncorrupted, then YOU are not Catholic. Believing you are Catholic, does not make it so, if you fail to embrace the authentic Magisterium. Look to it!

Many claims of ChurchMilitant vs SSPX refuted

Also his wife left him because she got tired of him beating her. Matter of record.

Many claims of ChurchMilitant vs SSPX refuted

Kurt Chione, what a piece of work. So this is your stellar witness, eh? He stole from St. Mary's before he left us, yes he did.

Many claims of ChurchMilitant vs SSPX refuted

I was in St. Mary's at the time and I am still here. Are you referring to this Kurt Chione?
Or are you referring to this Kurt Chione?
www.newspapers.com/…/chione-pleads-g…Or is the Kurt Chione that said this?
Oh wait, those are *all* the same Kurt Chione who beats his wife and has been left by her since. Sheesh! Get a life and stop making things up, will you?

SSPX Reacts To Pope Pachamama

The SSPX is not now, nor has it ever been schismatic. We do not attempt to set up an alternative Church with an alternative hierarchy and we have always acknowledged the popes. We cannot, however, follow any Church leader, pope or otherwise, when he leads away from the Church Christ founded. "Jesus Christ, the same yesterday, today and tomorrow."

"Conservative" Diocesan Bishop Retires With SSPX

This story is a lie. How can gloria.tv be trusted? This article was published in 2015 and describes Bishop Huonder suspending a priest for 'blessing' an unnatural union.
Here is another article which describes the how controversial that Bishop Huonder is for his defense of the Faith, which is obviously not popular in Chur.
And lastly, …More
This story is a lie. How can gloria.tv be trusted? This article was published in 2015 and describes Bishop Huonder suspending a priest for 'blessing' an unnatural union.
Here is another article which describes the how controversial that Bishop Huonder is for his defense of the Faith, which is obviously not popular in Chur.
And lastly, another article about His Excellency being sued for being a homophobe!
And gloria.tv claims he is an enemy to them? Who cares? Apparently he is a friend to the Church.