
Francis Minion Confirms: Francis Clutches On to Power

Francis is giving the Church a “new impetus” [into disintegration] so much that there is “anything but an air of resignation,” Bologna Cardinal Matteo Zuppi, 66, said at a recent book launch (…More
Francis is giving the Church a “new impetus” [into disintegration] so much that there is “anything but an air of resignation,” Bologna Cardinal Matteo Zuppi, 66, said at a recent book launch (CatholicNewsAgency.com, November 18).
Zuppi is being considered as a possible future pope, promoted by Francis, and closely connected with the Community of Sant'Egidio.
Regarding Covid-19, he believes that “we can spend a lifetime arguing among ourselves, fuelling an internal conflict, but the point is that it is a crisis, generative of something new” - which is a truism as "something new" happens daily.
The pro-gay prelate refused again to address the controversy around the failed Zan Gaystapo bill which wanted to deliver the citizens into the hands of their homosex persecutors.
Picture: Matteo Zuppi, © Quirinale.it, wikipedia, CC BY-SA, #newsCvjxgzjjjc
Ursula Sankt
These pro-gay Cardinals have all the same smile
Cardinal Zuppi has not polled traditionalist Catholics and it shows.
Was His Eminence even asked about the sodomy Bill in the interview? If so, what was the question? And what then, was his exact response to the question asked? In charity we should seek to have clarity regarding all the facts of a situation before we presume a person’s behavior or actions - or the lack thereof - is rooted in evil or tainted in darkness. Particularly when it involves Our Lady’s …More
Was His Eminence even asked about the sodomy Bill in the interview? If so, what was the question? And what then, was his exact response to the question asked? In charity we should seek to have clarity regarding all the facts of a situation before we presume a person’s behavior or actions - or the lack thereof - is rooted in evil or tainted in darkness. Particularly when it involves Our Lady’s priestly sons and especially when they are Princes of the Church. May we all learn the Lord’s grace of merciful forebearance, and be endowed with the power of His humility.
atreverse pensar
No, he is encouraging the NWO.
Jan Joseph
Het is weer hetzelfde liedje, we komen nooit door de crisis de Rooms Katholieke kerk heen. Meerdere schisma’s en het uiteenvallen van de Rooms Katholieke kerk zijn al niet meer te voorkomen, omdat iedereen bang is zijn mond open de doen. Het lijkt wel een sekte.
Yes, but we will see the Triumph of the Immaculate Heart of Mary one of these days and the Church will be more glorified than ever in the past. We must pray for a pope who will consecrate Russia to Her Immaculate Heart! Nil desperandum!