Another Phony Conservative Judge Nominated to US Supreme Court. Another Phony Conservative Judge Nominated to US Supreme Court Conservatives are dancing with glee over Trump’s nomination of Amy Coney …More
Another Phony Conservative Judge Nominated to US Supreme Court.
Another Phony Conservative Judge Nominated to US Supreme Court
Conservatives are dancing with glee over Trump’s nomination of Amy Coney Barrett to the U.S. Supreme Court. However, for Chuck Baldwin conservatives are being conned once again. Barrett has stressed in the past that a judge may not let – quote - “personal preference” colour her decisions. She has included morality under – quote - “personal preferences.” In a 2016 Hesburgh Lecture at Jacksonville University she left the impression that she was more partial to Hillary Clinton than Donald Trump. Asked about the Pro-Life issue she said, “We shouldn’t be putting people on the Court who share our policy preferences.” Baldwin asks the question: “The right to life is a policy preference?”
Abortion Was Introduced by Republicans
Baldwin recalls the little-known fact that the 1973 Roe v. Wade abortion decision was made by five Republican and two Democratic appointed judges …More
I would like to know what is your purpose here? We have absolutely no power over who is appointed. They are not voted in, except indirectly by voting in a pro-life president, which, to the best of our ability, we have done. Lets join the baying pack of jackals who are trying to tear him down, shall we?
In Gedenken an Papst Benedictus XVI. ein einfacher …
Well, Roe vs Wade is still there because of the demokkkrats blocking of Robert Bork. With his confirmation, there would have been a majority to overturn this shameful bench legislation in 1992. And Harry Blackmun also wasn´t Nixon´s first choice. It was because of a demokkkrat controlled senate.
Sonia Chrisye
🤗 😇
F M Shyanguya
“Know that the Lord is God! It is he that made us.” [Ps 100:3]
If by God’s mercy I get to Heaven and also @Holy Cannoli makes it there, will @Holy Cannoli refuse to remain there because clearly he loathes me just because of the tent the LORD made for me to dwell in? And if he refuses for just this reason, isn’t his lot with those on the outside, the cowardly, the faithless, the polluted, the …More
“Know that the Lord is God! It is he that made us.” [Ps 100:3]

If by God’s mercy I get to Heaven and also @Holy Cannoli makes it there, will @Holy Cannoli refuse to remain there because clearly he loathes me just because of the tent the LORD made for me to dwell in? And if he refuses for just this reason, isn’t his lot with those on the outside, the cowardly, the faithless, the polluted, the murderers, fornicators, sorcerers, idolaters, and all liars [cf Rev 21:8]?
F M Shyanguya
Great picture of a traditional Kenyan!
F M Shyanguya
And what will he and the like do when God raises me up? Ask for a mountain on this God’s flat earth to cover them? Cf Time is up for the second beast with two horns like a lamb and speaking like a dragon.
Holy Cannoli
clearly he (HC) loathes me
You are a pretentious, egomanical, self-absorbed worm who publicly espouses feeble-minded beliefs such as the earth being flat. Speaking of flatness, the one thing that is flat is your brain wave which makes it pointless to “loathe” such an insignificant creature.
I am not interested in “loathing” you. From time to time my pointing out your stupidity is good enough. …More
clearly he (HC) loathes me

You are a pretentious, egomanical, self-absorbed worm who publicly espouses feeble-minded beliefs such as the earth being flat. Speaking of flatness, the one thing that is flat is your brain wave which makes it pointless to “loathe” such an insignificant creature.

I am not interested in “loathing” you. From time to time my pointing out your stupidity is good enough. 🤪 🥴 🤪 🥴
F M Shyanguya
Loathing and foaming at the mouth ...
F M Shyanguya
The place for the dogs, the outside.
Don Reto Nay
@rhemes1582 and @Holy Cannoli: You remind me of those "conservative" Catholics who were praising the wonderful "conservative" bishops which JPII used to name and which, since then, have seamlessly adapted to all the popes who followed him. Do you remember how Justice Roberts was praised when he was named? I do. Therefore: It's best to keep cool and distant until facts (not nice words) prove otherwise.
Holy Cannoli
Sometimes you bet on the wrong horse but Barrett's bona fides are impeccable. Besides, I trust the judgement of DJT. Let's see what happens.
I fatti parlano più delle parole. 😎More
Sometimes you bet on the wrong horse but Barrett's bona fides are impeccable. Besides, I trust the judgement of DJT. Let's see what happens.

I fatti parlano più delle parole. 😎
Don Reto Nay
@Holy Cannoli: Never TRUST a politician, never. Only facts, only facts. Do you remember how the "conservatives" were excited about the nomination of John G. Roberts... Then came the excitement for Kavanaugh.... Plus: Trump doesn't know Coney Barrett, she was recommended to him. She is/was also teaching at the wonderful Catholic University Notre Dame...
Holy Cannoli
Never TRUST a politician, never.
I would like to slightly expand on that statement
Trust no one, believe nothing. 😎
The trick is to do it while still maintaining one's sanity avoiding paranoia and delusions of persecution.More
Never TRUST a politician, never.
I would like to slightly expand on that statement

Trust no one, believe nothing. 😎
The trick is to do it while still maintaining one's sanity avoiding paranoia and delusions of persecution.
@Don Reto Nay
Conservative Catholics. Ouch 😂
Hope not. I'm just mindful of how much worse things could be if the Biden/Pelosi Dems had their way.
Conservative Catholics...😇 Not this guy
Don Reto Nay
Since fifty (!) years, the Republicans have had their way on the Supreme Court. Roe was decide by Republican judges... Worse than that?
Holy Cannoli
Is it the fact that she is an accomplished woman that so upsets you? Although there may not be many to choose from, is there not room in this world for intelligent women? 😂 😊
...as long as she can cook, clean and doesn't nag. 🥳More
Is it the fact that she is an accomplished woman that so upsets you? Although there may not be many to choose from, is there not room in this world for intelligent women? 😂 😊

...as long as she can cook, clean and doesn't nag. 🥳
Don Reto Nay
Bader-Ginsburg was accomplished and intelligent and also a woman 😍
Holy Cannoli
At best, her cooking would not appeal to me. I prefer pasta and cannoli not bagels and lox. 😊
@Don Reto Nay
The numbers presented in this news cycle Republican, and Democrats of THE PAST are clearly not the issue today.
The issue today is the Errors of Russia are rearing their ugly head beneath the banner of the The Democratic party at this time in history. (Atheistic Communism)
Oddly as much as I believe you know this, you still make arguments against those that oppose this communist …More
@Don Reto Nay
The numbers presented in this news cycle Republican, and Democrats of THE PAST are clearly not the issue today.
The issue today is the Errors of Russia are rearing their ugly head beneath the banner of the The Democratic party at this time in history. (Atheistic Communism)
Oddly as much as I believe you know this, you still make arguments against those that oppose this communist attempt at revolution.
The nomination to the Highest court in the land is extremely important, and the last thing The United States of America needs is someone that is openly supported by the communist movement in our country.
Of course I am an American, and you are more closely related to the Soviet Block so we are possibly considering events from a much different perspective.
Our Lady of Fatima ;Pray for us
Our Lady of Akita; Pray for us.
Long Live Christ The King
Don Reto Nay
@rhemes1582: How do you know that Barrett is not a Communist? The beloved Justice Roberts turned out to be one... Besides that: The "Errors of Russia" have left Russia almost 30 years ago and are now reigning in the United States and its European satellites (but not in Russia anymore = that's why Russia is so hated by the Western Communists). The Soviet Block has died, so have Hitler and Napoleon.…More
@rhemes1582: How do you know that Barrett is not a Communist? The beloved Justice Roberts turned out to be one... Besides that: The "Errors of Russia" have left Russia almost 30 years ago and are now reigning in the United States and its European satellites (but not in Russia anymore = that's why Russia is so hated by the Western Communists). The Soviet Block has died, so have Hitler and Napoleon. As a whole D and R (and similar parties in the Western satellites) are part of the same medal and, yes, I agree un updated version of atheistic Communism.
Holy Cannoli
ACB Calmly Answers Questions While Typing Up Appellate Court Decision And Cooking Dinner For 9
Holy Cannoli
WASHINGTON, D.C.—It was quite a spectacle at the Senate hearing for Amy Coney Barrett's nomination to the Supreme Court this morning, as Judge Barrett calmly answered the committee's questions while cooking dinner for her family of nine with her right hand and typing up an appellate court decision with her left hand.
"That's a great question, Senator, thank you for asking," she responded to one …More
WASHINGTON, D.C.—It was quite a spectacle at the Senate hearing for Amy Coney Barrett's nomination to the Supreme Court this morning, as Judge Barrett calmly answered the committee's questions while cooking dinner for her family of nine with her right hand and typing up an appellate court decision with her left hand.

"That's a great question, Senator, thank you for asking," she responded to one line of questioning as she chopped up onions to put them in her stew. "Sorry if I'm crying during my response -- it's just the onions." She eloquently answered the inquiry while moving on to skinning the potatoes, simultaneously typing up a 50-page decision for the Seventh Court of Appeals with her other hand.
To repeat Holy Cannoli's words.
" For heaven’s sake my dears, she’s replacing Ginsberg "
The choice is not in a vacuum. The decision must be weighed against the alternative if the current so called Democrats were to appoint someone.
I'm a little surprised at Gloria.TV short sightedness.
She appears to be Far from perfect but for Heaven sake it could be MUCH WORSE.
I hope your not planning a news …More
To repeat Holy Cannoli's words.
" For heaven’s sake my dears, she’s replacing Ginsberg "
The choice is not in a vacuum. The decision must be weighed against the alternative if the current so called Democrats were to appoint someone.
I'm a little surprised at Gloria.TV short sightedness.
She appears to be Far from perfect but for Heaven sake it could be MUCH WORSE.
I hope your not planning a news brief on why the Earth is flat next.
Or how the Earth could be more round.😂
Holy Cannoli
In an effort to create interest in the news, I believe that sometimes GTV will use controversial material without actually agreeing with the content of that material. That may be true in today's news.
I know they are a great group of folks.
Stalwart, Catholic, Faithful etc.
The young lady that is front person for the news is, and has been a good model for young Catholic Ladies, and edifying for men that desire to see fortitude in action.
" For heaven’s sake my dears, she’s replacing Ginsberg "---
Yes, we know she's replacing that "great American life" that "smashed the ceilings" of legal masculinism.
F M Shyanguya
@Georgia59 I keep repeating, people reveal themselves. That people can overlook her support for current AND future Coronavirus/CoViD measures is beyond me.
Holy Cannoli
Some people don't need to worry about the China virus. They have developed "goat herd immunity."
Go get a needle into you from your hero then -- the rest of us have no interest -- the history shows ACB is going to be about a Roberts or worse....your just claiming otherwise does nothing to dispute the actual evidence as to her opinions and statements -- her "crying" as to George Floyd bs was a bit over the top too -- not believable.
San Atanasio ora pro nobis
Joseph Sciambra on Amy Coney Barrett apologizes for use of phrase 'sexual preference':
ACB proves one thing - a pro-life Catholic can be confirmed to the SCOTUS, but if you dare to even slightly diverge from LGBT talking-points, you are in trouble - and you must apologize.
The issue of our age is not abortion - it's identity. Doesn't take as much courage to be pro-life as to question the LGBT …More
Joseph Sciambra on Amy Coney Barrett apologizes for use of phrase 'sexual preference':
ACB proves one thing - a pro-life Catholic can be confirmed to the SCOTUS, but if you dare to even slightly diverge from LGBT talking-points, you are in trouble - and you must apologize.
The issue of our age is not abortion - it's identity. Doesn't take as much courage to be pro-life as to question the LGBT doctrines; as a pro-lifer, you can march in parades, speak at conferences, and get book deals; I can testify - there are few opportunities in society (or the Church) on the other side of gay.
southpaul55 shares this
Comey in her own words and actions
Holy Cannoli
Chick Baldwin and Robert Barnes ought to know better and I believe they do but in order to seek headlines (on Lew Rockwell 🤪) they make their injudicious comments. For heaven’s sake my dears, she’s replacing Ginsberg . How much worse could it be? These 2 are so full of BS that bulls wouldn’t even sniff.
Incidentally, there are leftist posters at Gloria.tv who have much too much time on their …More
Chick Baldwin and Robert Barnes ought to know better and I believe they do but in order to seek headlines (on Lew Rockwell 🤪) they make their injudicious comments. For heaven’s sake my dears, she’s replacing Ginsberg . How much worse could it be? These 2 are so full of BS that bulls wouldn’t even sniff.

Incidentally, there are leftist posters at Gloria.tv who have much too much time on their hands and they waste it each day making post after post after post (some lengthy) on various threads. They are to be pitied since we can be sure that their personal lives are so empty and devoid of meaningful content that they must get some kind of cheap satisfaction by seeing “their name in lights.”

Judge Barrett’s clear clarifications and her fidelity to the law follow.

President Donald Trump’s nominee to the Supreme Court, Judge Amy Coney Barrett, will tell the Senate Judiciary Committee on Oct. 12 that the Supreme Court shouldn’t try to make policy.
Her opening remarks presented her legal philosophy and will stress that she is a proponent of the late Justice Antonin Scalia’s legal theories. Barrett previously was a legal clerk for Scalia, who died in 2016.
“It was the content of Justice Scalia’s reasoning that shaped me. His judicial philosophy was straightforward: A judge must apply the law as written, not as the judge wishes it were. Sometimes that approach meant reaching results that he did not like,” Barrett writes.

Courts are not designed to solve every problem or right every wrong in our public life. The policy decisions and value judgments of government must be made by the political branches elected by and accountable to the People. The public should not expect courts to do so, and courts should not try. 😎
Holy Cannoli
The "Beast" is among us.
Her published opinions show who she is -- the Judge in Atlanta who was Hispanic would have been much better -- she is for forced vaccinations -- that alone is enough for me to dislike her -- she is just another Roberts or worse from the record she actually has -- who cares if she's "catholic" if she has stated and proved that has zero bearing on her decisions as a Judge -- poor choice and the …More
Her published opinions show who she is -- the Judge in Atlanta who was Hispanic would have been much better -- she is for forced vaccinations -- that alone is enough for me to dislike her -- she is just another Roberts or worse from the record she actually has -- who cares if she's "catholic" if she has stated and proved that has zero bearing on her decisions as a Judge -- poor choice and the Federalist Society is a curse as they want "litigation" in these areas as the make big $$$ off it -- they have a big conflict and should not be the ones suggesting Judges to Trump. Sad.
Holy Cannoli
The "slow learner" writes:
she is for forced vaccinations
Read the following again, Sweet Cheeks because you obviously did not understand it the first time I wrote it. 🤪 🥴 🤪
A judge must apply the law as written, not as the judge wishes it were. Sometimes that approach meant reaching results that he did not like,” Barrett writes.More
The "slow learner" writes:
she is for forced vaccinations

Read the following again, Sweet Cheeks because you obviously did not understand it the first time I wrote it. 🤪 🥴 🤪

A judge must apply the law as written, not as the judge wishes it were. Sometimes that approach meant reaching results that he did not like,” Barrett writes.
So she'll be good with Abortion then -- her opinion as to forced vaccinations was total bs -- it was based on an early 1900s case that could easily have been tossed -- Attorney Barnes lays it out -- read up and clue in "Sweet Cheeks" : abyssum.org/…ments-fourth-amendment-violat/
Barnes just pointed to the evidence -- not his opinion -- but her actual work -- that is what is the problem -- you try and paint it otherwise which is a total lie. Her actual opinions give the lie to her "I'm another Scalia" bs -- Barnes went to great pains to show exactly what she has done and then you slander him here. Get lost.
Holy Cannoli
Evidently you don't understand English. Go to the Polish side of GTV. You're a dingbat.
F M Shyanguya
@Gloria.TV News One of your best analyses and commentaries 🙏👍👏. God bless!
Both parties herd people and the Nation in the SAME direction.
Didn’t previously know about a majority Republican bench for pro abortion decisions! 😳 Wow!More
@Gloria.TV News One of your best analyses and commentaries 🙏👍👏. God bless!

Both parties herd people and the Nation in the SAME direction.

Didn’t previously know about a majority Republican bench for pro abortion decisions! 😳 Wow!
F M Shyanguya
And now we know why this is the case, both parties are the slaves of the Beast cf The Apocalyptic Beasts: Faces now Unveiled!
@F M Shyanguya If it's all the same to you, I'll accept the three clear prophecies saying we are to trust Donald Trump and ignore the views of the Simpsons. They preach smut, abhorrent, horrendous filth & blaspheme Christ, His Priests, & His Church.
Why don't you believe the Prophecies that are everywhere on the Net. ? Our Lord chooses whom He will to prophecy in His Name, whether it's Balam, or …More
@F M Shyanguya If it's all the same to you, I'll accept the three clear prophecies saying we are to trust Donald Trump and ignore the views of the Simpsons. They preach smut, abhorrent, horrendous filth & blaspheme Christ, His Priests, & His Church.

Why don't you believe the Prophecies that are everywhere on the Net. ? Our Lord chooses whom He will to prophecy in His Name, whether it's Balam, or the Witch that bore witness through Samuel's visit that God was condemning Saul for paying her a visit.

Why don't people like Trump? He prays! Satanists have become Saints - King David and Judah were forgiven grave crimes of immorality, worse than Trumps - ( Christ is descended from both through Our Lady) so I think there's a hope for Donald J Trump to be forgiven one day TOO! Especially since he asked for a public rendition of Ave Maria to be sung to the crowds outside the Whitehouse, which is not something that the Devil permits his minions to do.

When did Biden prove recently that he's got the Holy Spirit, since Trump is able to preach, why won't Biden? Biden's recent failed attempt to mention God went something like this... "Um Ur - Uk!.....Er....you know....you know who I mean, the one who created the world" A sure sign of a possessed nature is a the one who cannot speak the Name of God.

Whereas, what do we find with Trump? It's the complete opposite! Everywhere he goes he's demanding a return to "one Nation under God" and shouts out "God bless America" Trump is far more trustworthy IMHO than Biden. Not for nothing does Scripture inform us that nobody can say Jesus is Lord without being inspired to do so by the Holy Spirit.
If I were you, I'd vote for Trump because of the Prophecies alone - just in case God asks me later why I chose to ignore them. Take care. God Bless

F M Shyanguya
@F M Shyanguya Sorry, but three prophecies - one given by a saintly man who helped compile a Traditional Catholic Prayer Book (accepting no money for it whatsoever) which sold MILLIONS of copies..... Is a clear sign of sanctity. Trump has been attempting to restore the USA back to God. Over the last few years he has placed 3 Pro-life Judges in the Supreme Court. Disagree if you want to - but THREE …More
@F M Shyanguya Sorry, but three prophecies - one given by a saintly man who helped compile a Traditional Catholic Prayer Book (accepting no money for it whatsoever) which sold MILLIONS of copies..... Is a clear sign of sanctity. Trump has been attempting to restore the USA back to God. Over the last few years he has placed 3 Pro-life Judges in the Supreme Court. Disagree if you want to - but THREE identical prophecies??? Those who are going to vote for Biden are unwise - especially with the recent news reports. Trump at least CLAIMS to be vocalising his intent to restore Christian ethics to the USA - Biden makes no such promises.... Don't forget that Archbishop Vigano has made statements in which he makes it clear that he is supporting Trump also - not to mention Fr Altman, Dr Taylor Marshall and Michael Matt, all of whom are to be trusted and admired for their bravery and Traditional RC witness. None of them ever compromise their Faith.

In Scripture we can see that those whom prophecy are not always the Children of Israel. The Lord called on Balam, a gentile for instance.

God Bless
F M Shyanguya
@Caroline03 Er ... your prophets will be proven or not when what they say comes to pass or not. We shall see.
@F M Shyanguya
Here this...... This is BIDEN - not Trump
Biden's EVIL!!!!!!!!!! GBU
@F M Shyanguya
Here this...... This is BIDEN - not Trump
Biden's EVIL!!!!!!!!!! GBU

F M Shyanguya
@Caroline03 Moving on ...
@F M Shyanguya You move on if you want to - but I'll take more time to tell a few more people that Joe Biden is going to be forcing parents to permit their children to be "transitioned " into Satan's image instead of God's. "Catholic"???? - His Policies are straight from Hell.