
The Darkest of the Aztec Idols Present at Synod

"aside from the usual idol worship...." -- please give us a break with such drivel

Warnings from the Beyond. A literal text of the revelations made by the demons Akabor, Allida, Judas …

Actually humans in Hell can be allowed to come out if God allows -- they are not literal "Demons" but they are humans sentenced to Hell and aligned with the Devil for Eternity as a result -- they hate you and want you with them....So your reading this wrong.

Warnings from the Beyond. A literal text of the revelations made by the demons Akabor, Allida, Judas …

The Transcript has NOTHING to do with her -- it is separate that is just engrafted on the beginning - -She had zero to do with it, Zero....

Costa Rica: These Are the Enemies of the Roman Rite

The Church is full of infiltrated in Masons/Homosexuals...big surprise as to this "bishop" being pro-homo....

Anti-Summorum Pontificum: Benedict’s Friends Turn Out to Be His Enemies - Surprised?

Betrayal of Chinese Catholics, Pagan ceremony for Pachamama at the Vatican, suppression of the Mass God gave the Saints -- next? Is he just warming up? Perhaps we must ask --What would Satan do?

Burke: Francis Has No Authority To Forbid The Roman Mass

"de facto" because he realized he couldn't do what Pope F has tried to do -- both were wrong/evil but Pope F's maneuver is not within his power

Francis’ Mass Only For The "Vaccinated"

African Presidents didn't give in to the DeathVaxx lies and all of them are dead now of course by sudden "health" problems -- Haitian President kept it out also -- he was removed by a bullet....

Angelus: Francis Pronounces Judgment on Himself

The St. Gallen Mafia is who....

Motu Proprio Abolishing Summorum Pontificum WORSE than expected

If you do any research of the Mystic Saints it is 100% clear that the TLMass is the Mass God gave the Saints for us. St. Gertrude was allowed to go to Heaven and saw it is the Mass in Heaven and ALWAYS will be -- her Revelations --that have the stamp of approval of Our Lord Jesus Christ on the last page -- states this fact. The NOMass is the Mass of the Masons that proven Mason Archbishop Bugnini …More
If you do any research of the Mystic Saints it is 100% clear that the TLMass is the Mass God gave the Saints for us. St. Gertrude was allowed to go to Heaven and saw it is the Mass in Heaven and ALWAYS will be -- her Revelations --that have the stamp of approval of Our Lord Jesus Christ on the last page -- states this fact. The NOMass is the Mass of the Masons that proven Mason Archbishop Bugnini hoaked in with his fellow infiltrated in Masons acting as "Cardinals" and otherwise. This is just the latest move by those Masons/Communists won't stand and all of it and them will be gone after The Warning and coming Fire Chastisement.

Motu Proprio Abolishing Summorum Pontificum WORSE than expected

The NOMass is "valid" but compared to the TLMass God gave the Saints it is stripped of grace. Our Lady oversaw an Exorcism in 1977-78 where the Demons were forced to admit this and what they did thru their Masonic "Cardinals", infiltrated in, to bring this about.
In a recent book "The Godmother" a Priest who was there in Rome at the time and around those involved who caused Bugnini's removal -- he …More
The NOMass is "valid" but compared to the TLMass God gave the Saints it is stripped of grace. Our Lady oversaw an Exorcism in 1977-78 where the Demons were forced to admit this and what they did thru their Masonic "Cardinals", infiltrated in, to bring this about.

In a recent book "The Godmother" a Priest who was there in Rome at the time and around those involved who caused Bugnini's removal -- he flat out named names and stated Archbishop Bugnini was 100% proven to be an infiltrated in Mason and that is why he was exiled to Iran at the height of his power. There is no doubt this is a fact though apologists endlessly try to deny it. So Bugnini basically gave us the NOMass -- the Mass of the Masons. So although it is not "false" as it is "valid" i.e. they could do it...-- compared to the TLMass it is an abortion.

Enough Is Enough: Homosex Bishop Needs to Go

Catholic Church gets much of its money from Government now -- Billions for settling in illegal immigrants....

During Mass: FSSP Priest Incenses His Mobile Phone

I am not getting why this is problematic -- he reverently did the Mass? He was going to use the Phone so he incensed it? Explain this one to me?

Ireland: Confession Is Now A Crime

Homosexual "married" is now the Head of State in Ireland....

Burke: “It Looks Like We Are In The End Times”

We're in the End Times -- that isn't the "End" -- it is the time before the Divine Will era-- there will be a Warning and the AntiChrist and probably a Fire Chastisement -- 3 very bad years and then the Divine Will....

Nazi/Communist Survivor: "Now The Same Thing Starts Here"

Too bad your moronic posts are constantly polluting here, you add nothing by your constant trolling....We all know the truth as to what is up and that Alinsky tactics are being used for this CVirus NWO "Great Reset" enabling HOAX

Francis Plays Lockdown Policeman

Our Lady oversaw an Exorcism in 1977-78 where the Demons were forced to admit a number of things they did in Vatican 2 and else-wise -- one of which is that the Our Lady of All Nations fraud comes from them -- thru the Masons -- they laughed at the "who used to be Mary" part (that was deleted later to keep it going, but present for years) -- because it is so obvious it was designed by them in a …More
Our Lady oversaw an Exorcism in 1977-78 where the Demons were forced to admit a number of things they did in Vatican 2 and else-wise -- one of which is that the Our Lady of All Nations fraud comes from them -- thru the Masons -- they laughed at the "who used to be Mary" part (that was deleted later to keep it going, but present for years) -- because it is so obvious it was designed by them in a mockery -- the "Devotion" is Modernist garbage.

Viganò: “For Fear of a Seasonal Flue”

Never been Pachamama Idol Worship in the Vatican during all those times -- so what we have now is qualitatively different and "new" (Akita Seer's Angel she said indicated the massive chastisements are now on...) -- and things are just getting warmed up so I wouldn't be so smug-- give it till 2024 and lets see if you think things are so great in "comparison" by then-- compare today to 2 years ago -…More
Never been Pachamama Idol Worship in the Vatican during all those times -- so what we have now is qualitatively different and "new" (Akita Seer's Angel she said indicated the massive chastisements are now on...) -- and things are just getting warmed up so I wouldn't be so smug-- give it till 2024 and lets see if you think things are so great in "comparison" by then-- compare today to 2 years ago -- if it goes to Hell at the same rate or worse we may be well into Famine -- 200 Million are right now face starvation (not in your neighborhood so you don't care) according to the UN due to the lunatic lockdowns -- these people probably don't find your comparison analogy so convincing?

Luxembourg Cardinal Wants to Burst Bubbles

NWO Cardinal

Another Phony Conservative Judge Nominated to US Supreme Court

Barnes just pointed to the evidence -- not his opinion -- but her actual work -- that is what is the problem -- you try and paint it otherwise which is a total lie. Her actual opinions give the lie to her "I'm another Scalia" bs -- Barnes went to great pains to show exactly what she has done and then you slander him here. Get lost.