
Ireland: Confession Is Now A Crime

An Irish bill which was passed last week, makes it a criminal offence for a priest to hear confessions, Oran Doyle, a Trinity College Law Professor, told RTE.ie (April 19, audio below). The law applies …More
An Irish bill which was passed last week, makes it a criminal offence for a priest to hear confessions, Oran Doyle, a Trinity College Law Professor, told RTE.ie (April 19, audio below).
The law applies also if a priest keeps sanitary distances and hears confessions outdoors. Strangely, the priest is allowed to meet a parishioner "for a chat."
The offence consists in attending a religious event. The ban applies to both indoor and outdoor events, except funerals and marriages.
It is the first time that, under the Covid regime, an explicit prohibition of religious services has been put in place in Ireland.
Until now, the government left citizens in the dark about what was legally prohibited and what was only an advice.
Picture: © Mazur, CC BY-NC-ND, #newsGerqezhvex
We really need to think about what we would do if the authorities went into the sanctuary and stopped the liturgy.
As in plan. The men need to have a plan.
The confession ban is as yet a personal interpretation. Good the SSPX are still trying hard here.
Roberto 55
Thanks to abp. Lefebvre who "preserved" original Latin mass. He'll be also officially a saint.
Fr Dan
They voted these loonies in, vote them out.
Roberto 55
Satan is happy...
Homosexual "married" is now the Head of State in Ireland....
Roberto 55
It explains a lot...
President Michael D Higgins has a stormy marriage to Sabina, but he is a man married to a woman, so is premier / Taoiseach Michéal Martin.
Roberto 55
They should be tested for covid 19 anal method in public...
The great chastisement continues
I dunno, @Tesa I always thought the great chastisement was gonna be, well, universal. Anybody wanting confession can get it at any parish in my home state. Besides, I personally don't like blaming God for stupidity inflicted on us by the godless.
Meeting the confessor for a conversation about football is legal...