Mike Yerian
Mike Yerian

How the West Sowed the Seeds of War in Ukraine

Photos: Аимаина хикари, CC0, via Wikimedia Commons / Amakuha, CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons President Vladimir Putin is playing Russian roulette …
The West has steadily added country after country to NATO in the recent past. I guess they thought they could go right up to the border of Russia. They …More
The West has steadily added country after country to NATO in the recent past. I guess they thought they could go right up to the border of Russia. They miscalculated on this or maybe they actually want a war to decrease the world population. Put nothing by these evil men, all of them
When did nato or the Ukraine threaten to invade Russia ? Existential threat me arse!
Mike Yerian

My thoughts on the Ukraine disaster

1)The war is fake, the casualties are real. 99 percent of what we are being told is fake. 2)Biden, Putin, and Xi are all on the same side. 3)Biden is being run by the communists in Washington, by Obama …More
1)The war is fake, the casualties are real. 99 percent of what we are being told is fake.
2)Biden, Putin, and Xi are all on the same side.
3)Biden is being run by the communists in Washington, by Obama. Getting us involved helps cover up the Democrat corruption of Ukraine for the past 30 years, from Bill Clinton and Hillary's graft, to the CIA and State Department overthrowing the Ukrainian government in 2014, to the Ukraine's role in Biden's corruption as VP and Hillary Clinton's using Ukraine to help lend credibility to the 2016 election ("Russian collusion").
4)Biden is financially beholden to China (Hunter's laptop), and has given Putin our uranium and hypersonic missile tech (along with Hillary).
5)Rising oil prices helps Russia and China, while making the USA dependent on "Green ENergy". Biden will not allow a resumption of drilling because he wants this Green New Deal. How do you stop the USA, a country with 300,00,000 + guns? You starve it to death.
6)Concurrently, Biden and the …More
Jeffrey Ade
@Mike Yerian I agree with you. Joel Skousen has said, since Clinton the US will absorb a first nuclear strike before retaliatory launch! And that the …More
@Mike Yerian I agree with you. Joel Skousen has said, since Clinton the US will absorb a first nuclear strike before retaliatory launch! And that the trigger event is wait for it.....North Korea when the North and South go at it and the US uses tactical nukes first. Three to five day window then kablooey!
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