Livinus Ugwu
Livinus Ugwu


African Nations 1. Cameroun. Faithful to the constant teaching of Ecclesial Tradition which declares acts of homosexuality intrinsically disordered and contrary to the natural law (Catechism of the …More
African Nations
1. Cameroun.
Faithful to the constant teaching of Ecclesial Tradition which declares acts of homosexuality intrinsically disordered and contrary to the natural law (Catechism of the Catholic Church n. 2357), we, the Bishops of Cameroon, reiterate our disapproval of homosexuality and homosexual unions.
Consequently, we formally forbid all blessings of”homosexual couples” in the Church of Cameroon. (Nos. 7&8)
2. Malawi
We direct that for pastoral reasons, blessings of any kind and for same sex unions of any kind, are not permitted in Malawi
3. Zambia
“To avoid any pastoral confusion and ambiguity as well as not to break the law of our country which forbids same-sex unions and activities, and while listening to our cultural heritage which does not accept same-sex relationships. The guidelines in Fiducia Supplicans are for further reflection and not for implementation in Zambia.” 4. Nigeria There is no possibility in the Church of blessing same-sex unions and activities,” …More
Livinus Ugwu
Reactions to Fiducia supplicans Predictably, as soon as Tucho's statement on universal blessings appeared, the episcopates and bishops most aligned with the Bergoglio regime came out to show their …More
Reactions to Fiducia supplicans
Predictably, as soon as Tucho's statement on universal blessings appeared, the episcopates and bishops most aligned with the Bergoglio regime came out to show their happiness and support. Infocatholic published a provisional list of these cases.
Curious has been the case of the president of the Austrian Episcopal Conference who warned that priests cannot refuse to give the blessing to homosexual couples. We find the paradox that most professions have the possibility of conscientious objection to not access certain practices, except for the priests who are part of the Bergoglio Synodal and Dialogue Church.
We asked contrary reactions although we suspected that they would be very few. Here I leave a list of those known so far, which I will update, if there are updates, in the coming days:
Episcopal Conferences
1) Malawi Episcopal Conference. (Here)
2) Zambia Episcopal Conference (Here)
3) Nigerian Episcopal Conference (Here). Particularly harsh statement …

Caminante Wanderer

por Henry Sire Conferencia pronunciada para la Latin Mass Society de Londres el 24 de noviembre de 2023. Cuando Joseph Shaw me propuso esta charla a principios de septiembre, le sugerí …
Opera 369
They call this shameless megalomaniac tyrant "pope"?? The clergy, high and low, has totally lost its holy radar!