William S Gibson
William S Gibson

'My Childhood Was RUINED:' Detransitioner Chloe Cole Talks About Trans Procedures

Chloe is 'giving back' what she had stolen from her by sounding the alarm on this open-ended abuse of children by the 'open society' of Liberal/Progressive/Modernist/Evolutionist Moloch-worshippers that we the majority have allowed to govern and have all material power in Western society. Shame on us Christians (Catholics, in particular) for lying with the seductive Materialistic sirens & whores …More
Chloe is 'giving back' what she had stolen from her by sounding the alarm on this open-ended abuse of children by the 'open society' of Liberal/Progressive/Modernist/Evolutionist Moloch-worshippers that we the majority have allowed to govern and have all material power in Western society. Shame on us Christians (Catholics, in particular) for lying with the seductive Materialistic sirens & whores giving up our Love for God for love of money/manna/lust/sloth/gluttony/vanity.
William S Gibson

🤔 What a powerful message

Very good animation story-line of the slavery of today's tech. I don't know the musician, but powerful message in the song - a bit 'paradoxical' watching animation of not-black children with (apparently) a black rap song playing with it.
William S Gibson

Destroying Father Rupnik's art, restoring trust and living the Gospel

Yes, destroy it ALL! - in public actions by The Church, invite press and make each instance an opportunity for The Church to invoke JUSTICE and acknowledge it's continued need to BE REAL & ACTUALLY PROTECT all vulnerable people and GET RID of ABUSERS.
William S Gibson

How the upcoming Synod on Synodality seeks to destroy the Church

I listen to The Station of the Cross regularly on their mobile app. Do it!
William S Gibson

9/11 Mysteries. "When you eliminate the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the …

Watchinig this "911 Mysteries" in better quality on Odysee led to this extensive/intensive interview:
Dimitri Khalezov - Demolition Expert - 911 was underground Nuclear Demolition
Dimitri Khalezov - Demolition Expert - 911 was underground Nuclear DemolitionMore
Watchinig this "911 Mysteries" in better quality on Odysee led to this extensive/intensive interview:

Dimitri Khalezov - Demolition Expert - 911 was underground Nuclear Demolition
Dimitri Khalezov - Demolition Expert - 911 was underground Nuclear Demolition
William S Gibson

9/11 Mysteries. "When you eliminate the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the …

Watchinig this "911 Mysteries" in better quality on Odysee led to this extensive/intensive interview:
Dimitri Khalezov - Demolition Expert - 911 was underground Nuclear Demolition
Dimitri Khalezov - Demolition Expert - 911 was underground Nuclear DemolitionMore
Watchinig this "911 Mysteries" in better quality on Odysee led to this extensive/intensive interview:

Dimitri Khalezov - Demolition Expert - 911 was underground Nuclear Demolition
Dimitri Khalezov - Demolition Expert - 911 was underground Nuclear Demolition
William S Gibson

August 25, 2023: A Dysfunctional Francis Leaves Us At The Mercy Of The Serpent

I'm learning how to listen to better follow your streaming conversation - as your insights and knowledge and sincere desire that "God Save The Church" comes across loud and clear. I need modeling like yours as a true Catholic man. God Bless you and yours, Mr. Walker.
William S Gibson

8/25/23 - Jim Havens and Fr. Stephen Imbarrato recap the latest in the pro-life movement, including …

Gotta sign the petition for the SCOTUS to declare that the 14th Amendment must be upheld for ALL not-yet-/un-born children from the moment of conception. These precious, defenseless unborn brothers and sisters, must be unequivocally recognized by SCOTUS as "persons" as defined by the US Constitution and BoR. Watch and catch the REAL PROLIFE news here and sign that petition - and make it to DC if at …More
Gotta sign the petition for the SCOTUS to declare that the 14th Amendment must be upheld for ALL not-yet-/un-born children from the moment of conception. These precious, defenseless unborn brothers and sisters, must be unequivocally recognized by SCOTUS as "persons" as defined by the US Constitution and BoR. Watch and catch the REAL PROLIFE news here and sign that petition - and make it to DC if at all possible. God Bless Fr. Imbarrato, Mr. Havens & all who fight and love and pray for God's Glory thru the saving of all our children!
William S Gibson

Fr Paul Kramer interview; Bergoglio - founder of the new church, biological war, climate science, …

What is the program with this interview and who is the host?
William S Gibson

Where is Synodal theology leading us? Modernist theologian organises an inter-religious rave for the …

Assuredly God cannot be excluded by any type of sounds (even techno), but it sure as heck can carry people away from The One True God
William S Gibson

August 9, 2023: Our Francis Of Fatima

to your ending question/comment - yes it would! 😂 😂 and the francis problem would be solved, also.