Marie Broussard
Marie Broussard

Exclusive: A Former Monastic Sister Of Bethlehem Looks Back

Indeed! It was all about the image and the numbers.
Marie Broussard

Exclusive: A Former Monastic Sister Of Bethlehem Looks Back

And here are the damning revelations of a former brother who was a superior at Bethlehem. He brought this dossier to the Vatican.…-de-Bethleem-les-revelations-accablantes-d-un.html
Marie Broussard

Exclusive: A Former Monastic Sister Of Bethlehem Looks Back

That's the could only speak to the so-called starretz who had total control over you and manipulated you.
Marie Broussard

Exclusive: A Former Monastic Sister Of Bethlehem Looks Back

Here are more testimonies by ex sisters. For so many years they suffered in silence unable to speak the truth.éthléem.pdf
Marie Broussard

Exclusive: A Former Monastic Sister Of Bethlehem Looks Back

One of the main cultish elements of this order is its great vow of silence...meaning it is forbidden to tell anyone on the outside about all the 'precious secrets' of Bethelehem. This is a major sign of a cult. Their aim is and has been to preserve their precious image before the Church and the world at all and any costs.