
Exclusive: A Former Monastic Sister Of Bethlehem Looks Back

Gloria.tv talked to a former nun of the Monastic Sisters of Bethlehem, who spent more than a decade in the cloister and prefers to remain anonymous. She talks about liturgical abuses, psychological …More
Gloria.tv talked to a former nun of the Monastic Sisters of Bethlehem, who spent more than a decade in the cloister and prefers to remain anonymous. She talks about liturgical abuses, psychological dependencies and New Age influence.
According to you, what was the worst abuse you encountered among the Sisters of Bethlehem?
I would say that the greatest abuse concerns the Eucharist. The sisters are in the monastery to love, adore and serve Jesus Christ above all else, and yet his Body and Blood are repeatedly profaned.
In what way does this happen?
The foundress, Sister Marie, asked the sisters to make bread hosts for Mass. She said that Bethlehem means “the house of bread,” and so she decided that the hosts should be made of bread. I was the sacristan in two different monasteries, and so I saw firsthand that it is impossible to prevent crumbs from falling off those hosts. I always very carefully brushed off as many crumbs as possible from every single host when I prepared them for Mass …More
From the outside, it lookds very calm and peaceful
(pictures from New York)
Marie Broussard
And here are the damning revelations of a former brother who was a superior at Bethlehem. He brought this dossier to the Vatican.
Mature phrase, "I don’t like to think of myself as a victim. I don’t think it’s particularly helpful, especially in the spiritual life."
Marie Broussard
Here are more testimonies by ex sisters. For so many years they suffered in silence unable to speak the truth. avref.fr/fichiers/TEMOIGNAGE-collectif-Béthléem.pdf
They say the same as here. Most incredible is the use of a "pendulum",
One testimony reads, "Unlike many of my sisters, who were treated for a disease that was never clearly identified but that the oscillations of the pendulum indicated (!), I was never ill, except for a definite amenorrhea at the age of 33."
Four years later this ex-nun was told by a doctor that she shouldn't have developped this …More
They say the same as here. Most incredible is the use of a "pendulum",

One testimony reads, "Unlike many of my sisters, who were treated for a disease that was never clearly identified but that the oscillations of the pendulum indicated (!), I was never ill, except for a definite amenorrhea at the age of 33."

Four years later this ex-nun was told by a doctor that she shouldn't have developped this in developed countries. "Given the diet we were all losing weight, and Sister Marie - concerned about her figure - preferred longish sisters: an external sign of monastic austerity..."
"All the sisters smile" - sounds like facades being highly important.
Marie Broussard
Indeed! It was all about the image and the numbers.
There is a former Carthusian monk now married I now (playing the organ in a Tridentine Mass). When he left the monastery he was the same as when entering. One would have expected a deep development (in about a decade as hermit) - but there was nearly nothing. When he became father, he changed (positively).
May God will heal this former nun after such a difficult lifetime. Thanks for sharing it. Grateful.
Marie Broussard
One of the main cultish elements of this order is its great vow of silence...meaning it is forbidden to tell anyone on the outside about all the 'precious secrets' of Bethelehem. This is a major sign of a cult. Their aim is and has been to preserve their precious image before the Church and the world at all and any costs.
De Profundis
I wonder how one can live with this silence. It is human to tell at least one person (not a superior) about what's on the heart.
Marie Broussard
That's the point...you could only speak to the so-called starretz who had total control over you and manipulated you.
Margarethe Fischer-Santner
the "precious secrets"? all i can say is that it is impossible to read their rule of life as an outsider.
Über diese Informationen bin ich sehr froh und dankbar. Ich kenne die Gemeinschaft nur von Videos. Rein von aussen gesehen hatte mich Vieles in diesem Orden angesprochen. Es ging mir ähnlich wie zur Zeit, als ich zum ersten Mal eine byzantinische Liturgie miterleben durfte, oder auch, als ich mal eine Woche bei den Zisterziensern verbringen durfte. Es ist aber letztlich nicht die Ästhetik von …More
Über diese Informationen bin ich sehr froh und dankbar. Ich kenne die Gemeinschaft nur von Videos. Rein von aussen gesehen hatte mich Vieles in diesem Orden angesprochen. Es ging mir ähnlich wie zur Zeit, als ich zum ersten Mal eine byzantinische Liturgie miterleben durfte, oder auch, als ich mal eine Woche bei den Zisterziensern verbringen durfte. Es ist aber letztlich nicht die Ästhetik von Kirchenraum, Liturgie und Musik, welche lebendig macht, sondern der Geist der Wahrheit und der Liebe. Da ist die Weisheit der Väter zu loben, welche viele solche Gefahren aus eigener Erfahrung kannten. Wer glaubt, er stehe darüber, wird tief fallen. Es wäre dem Orden zu wünschen, dass er sich an Haupt und Gliedern im Licht einer gesunden Tradition erneuern kann, denn abgesehen von den eucharistischen Praktiken, welche einer grundlegenden Überprüfung bedürfen, lebt die Gemeinschaft auch einige sehr schöne Elemente, welche der Gesamtkirche zum Schmuck gereichen könnten. Aber alles was nach New Age stinkt müsste ausgemistet werden.
Some days ago I met a former nun of Benedictine sisters. She spoke after five sentences of "spiritual abuse", "I was not allowed to ask any questions."