Christina ofs
Christina ofs

Belgian Bishops Publish Liturgy For "Blessing" Homosex Liaisons

Why doesnt the Bishop of Rome excommunicate; no! Why would he when he is leading the way of the church of the people and not of God!
Christina ofs

Belgian Bishops Publish Liturgy For "Blessing" Homosex Liaisons

perverts, not holy Bishops, and not Catholic
Christina ofs

Belgian Bishops Publish Liturgy For "Blessing" Homosex Liaisons

I have no doubt in my mind they are not only modernists, not Catholic, but are gay themselves, and there is extra push on it because they are perverts!
Christina ofs

Shocking Profanation Of Eucharist During Easter Mass

It is the duty of all parishioners and especially ushers to have ALL eyes on people coming and going from the church, especially during Holy Communion.
Christina ofs

Bishop Launches Crusade For Communion in the Hand

Its the deliberate agenda of the liberal fake cardinals planted by Freemasons; many who make up the Roman Curia yes for decades after Vatican II and still today with increased help of Theodore McCarrick who is still training freemason soldiers for homosexuality and other blasphemes of our Jesus Christ. Lord! Deliver us from all evil!