
Shocking Profanation Of Eucharist During Easter Mass

A profanation of the Eucharist has been recorded on two videos in Trieste, Italy. During Easter Mass at San Giovanni Decollato in Trieste, Italy, a putative drug addict arrived in front of the priest …More
A profanation of the Eucharist has been recorded on two videos in Trieste, Italy.
During Easter Mass at San Giovanni Decollato in Trieste, Italy, a putative drug addict arrived in front of the priest with a body-camera.
A 35 second video (below) shows the priest distributing Communion saying "The Body of Christ."
The man replies: "Thank you" asking sarcastically: "What part of his body is this?”
The priest answers in the local dialect, “Eat.” The man screams, “I eat when I want to eat. I’ll eat, I’ll eat, keep calm.”
Then he goes away holding the host it in front of his camera and repeating twice, "Is this the body of Christ?" adding "come on, this here is [...] mamma mia, alright."
And: "How can one turn a potato chip into the Body of Christ? Come on…" – then there is a censorship beeps in the video.
Some sources say that the man was then blocked by a parishioner who ordered him to consume the particle. But there are doubts about this as a new video appeared showing him outside the …More
Holy Cannoli
This is a subject with the potential for many different opinions and how to handle the situation if one chooses to get involved. This is mine.
The mass does not seem to be well attended which leads me to believe the incident occurred on a weekday with no ushers. Had it been on a Sunday, there likely would have been ushers present for back-up.
In this …More
This is a subject with the potential for many different opinions and how to handle the situation if one chooses to get involved. This is mine.
The mass does not seem to be well attended which leads me to believe the incident occurred on a weekday with no ushers. Had it been on a Sunday, there likely would have been ushers present for back-up.

In this particular case, I would have had my eyes on him from the moment he entered the church. His tattoos, spiked hair and earrings are unusual and separate him from a typical parishioner. 👌

At the very least, as he left I would have followed him outside the church to see where he went and possibly would have followed him to where he lived and noted the address. I don’t believe he drove to church (he’s a druggie) but if he did I would have gotten the license number. All of this must be done with care given to avoid notice or any attention from anyone.

Trieste is located in the far north of Italy so it is doubtful that there are any ‘wise guys’ living up there. If there were, this would be easy. Regardless, if following him didn't work, it shouldn’t be too difficult to locate this bustard (likely in the seediest part of town) and have a private one on one discussion in which there wouldn’t be too much talking. Upon our meeting, I would break both of his hands with my miniature Louisville Slugger baseball bat. 😡

This is why, in this case, being on my own without any wing men, one has to be cautious and you definitely don’t do it in the Church. There are too many witnesses and too many ‘do gooders’ that would get in the way. If it occurred on a Sunday, that’s different and there would be a few ushers to help stop him and, if necessary, take him down.

But you say, Cannoli, “what you are planning to do would be a sin.” I agree. However, that’s what confession is for. Bada-boom, bada-bing. Your sins are forgiven and everybody starts off fresh except for the goofball who is wearing casts on both of this hands. 👏
Mary 17
Not in his right senses if he's a drug addict, Communion on the hand should never have been introduced.
These evil doers are having their day but the day will come when they will call upon the mountains to fall upon them and hide them from the angry face of Christ.
These prophecies of Marie Julie Jahenny are not the usual ones relating to the New Liturgy (Novus Ordo). They are stating the manner that God's Chastisement will commence in France.
The prophecies are incredible, ( in French but can be translated with Google Translate) Our Lord told Marie Julie many things that we are seeing now! Churches being burned down, terrible sacrileges against the Blessed …More
These prophecies of Marie Julie Jahenny are not the usual ones relating to the New Liturgy (Novus Ordo). They are stating the manner that God's Chastisement will commence in France.

The prophecies are incredible, ( in French but can be translated with Google Translate) Our Lord told Marie Julie many things that we are seeing now! Churches being burned down, terrible sacrileges against the Blessed Sacrament, Earthquakes, Chastisements against many Countries, wars caused by foreign usurpation everywhere, Ireland, Uk, many places, permitted by Christ because we chose to abandon Him, and were responsible for committing many blasphemous outrages against His Will, preferring Satanic Laws to His own.

Our Lord said these Sacriliges would become so terrible that the Angels would remove the Tabernacles to prevent the Profamation of Our Lord's Sacred Body and Blood. He also warned against foreign planned invasions and He said that we would be forced to fight for Christ or be damned www.marie-julie-jahenny.fr/les-propheties-…
Something similar to this happened a few years ago in England. A man entered the Communion line to receive the Blessed Sacrament, and caused a loud disturbance. He attempted to leave the Church with the Eucharist in his hands. A pensioner rugby tackled him to the ground whilst the Police were called. The man was taken into custody for attempting to steal Church property.
sacraligious ,today evil has no fear
Pray for him, Hell is hot
And FOREVER! It never ENDS!
Christina ofs
It is the duty of all parishioners and especially ushers to have ALL eyes on people coming and going from the church, especially during Holy Communion.
Holy Cannoli
What do you do if you see this occur and the freak refuses to 'eat'?
Another lash to the Body of Our Lord made possible by the idiotic practice of Communion in the hand, which is a profanation in and of itself. The Church sanctions such a practice as licit, knowing full well it not only makes Him vulnerable, as it did here, but it is irreverent and serves to erode belief in the Real Presence.
This guy is mentally disturbed, drug addled, or possessed in some way. …More
Another lash to the Body of Our Lord made possible by the idiotic practice of Communion in the hand, which is a profanation in and of itself. The Church sanctions such a practice as licit, knowing full well it not only makes Him vulnerable, as it did here, but it is irreverent and serves to erode belief in the Real Presence.

This guy is mentally disturbed, drug addled, or possessed in some way. What's the Church's excuse?
Holy Cannoli
What do you do if you see this occur and the freak refuses to 'eat'?
I don't want this guy to consume the Blessed Sacrament in the state he's in at all. I think it's reasonable to assume he is not in a state of grace so his consumption would be a sacrilege piled upon whatever other issues he has. For this guy's own good he needs to turn the host over to one or more ushers, however many it takes to convince him that he's outnumbered, and he has no choice but to comply. …More
I don't want this guy to consume the Blessed Sacrament in the state he's in at all. I think it's reasonable to assume he is not in a state of grace so his consumption would be a sacrilege piled upon whatever other issues he has. For this guy's own good he needs to turn the host over to one or more ushers, however many it takes to convince him that he's outnumbered, and he has no choice but to comply.

Communion in the hand needs to be abolished.