
Comments on Viganò's Excommunication: "Will He Be Given a Church in Rome to Celebrate Liturgy - like …

Let us pray and support Archbishop Vigano. He is and has been our stand-in Pope since the emergence of the heretic Bergoglio.

Schneider: Excommunication of Viganó "Will Increase Divisions"

Schneider Agree: "Will cause divisions." Disagree: "Viganò's positions have “no foundation.”

Secret Commission: Is Francis Preparing His Next Attack On the Church?

Protestants in great numbers already receive Holy Communion without confession or belief in the Real Presence. These are the majority of Novus Ordo Catholics who, effectively, are Protestants.

Viganò: We Must Separate From Francis to Remain in Communion with the Apostolic See

Agree with Vigano who we should consider our stand-in Pope who provides us the truth about the Church and the world.

Viganò: “For Fear of a Seasonal Flue”

Archbishop Vigano always has the right words at the right time. Thank God that He has given us a stand-in Pope in the person of the Archbishop.

Viganò: Fratelli Tutti Professes Francis' Masonic Belief

Thank God for Archbishop Vigano who has become God's true spokesman of the Catholic Church to the world. Bergoglio is a usurper, a heretic and a Chinese Communist operator who does the work of the devil.

Viganò Rejects Raked Up Ratzinger Quote About Vatican II

Vatican II was a catastrophe for the Church. It must be abrogated in its entirety.

Archbishop Gullickson: Corona May Be the Coup de Grâce for the New Rites

The big upside of Covid is that the Novus Ordo has become a bit more tolerable. In our parish gone are the lay readers, most ministers of the Eurcharist, bad singing, the greeting before Communion.
God does work in mysterious ways.More
The big upside of Covid is that the Novus Ordo has become a bit more tolerable. In our parish gone are the lay readers, most ministers of the Eurcharist, bad singing, the greeting before Communion.

God does work in mysterious ways.

Viganò: Enemy Has Systematically Occupied Key Posts in the Church

Archbishop Vigano is 100% correct: Vatican II was an intentional subversion of the Catholic Church and its doctrine by Modenrist/Marxist/Freemasons. The present present Church will largely dissolve and be replaced by a truly orthodox and much smaller one. This process began when Vatican II ended and has gathered significant momentum since the emergence of Bergoglio. This should be clear to most …More
Archbishop Vigano is 100% correct: Vatican II was an intentional subversion of the Catholic Church and its doctrine by Modenrist/Marxist/Freemasons. The present present Church will largely dissolve and be replaced by a truly orthodox and much smaller one. This process began when Vatican II ended and has gathered significant momentum since the emergence of Bergoglio. This should be clear to most serious Catholics.

BREAKING - EWTN News President Resigns

Is Raymond Arroyo next?

Archbishop Viganó: Apostasy Under Francis "Unprecedented"

Such pagan apostasy now being baked into the Church by Pope Francis can be attributed to the hidden apostasy of Vatican II whereby the so-called Church of Christ was longer to be considered the exclusivity of the the Catholic Church but was extended to all mankind regardless of their religious beliefs.

Forbidden Amazon Liturgy Again on the Table

Not a surprising development right in tune with the devilish vision of "Pope" Francis.

Heroic Brazil Archbishop Fights „Dragon Of Traditionalism”

It's nice to be noticed. We are making progress by occupying Brandes' mind.

There Will Be No Schism: It Will Be Much Worse – by Father Reto Nay

I agree. Why the WTF indication of consternation?

There Will Be No Schism: It Will Be Much Worse – by Father Reto Nay

Sedevacantism doesn't believe the Church has been abandoned. Go to Novus Ordo Watch and assure yourself. Make a comment like you made to me and see the response you receive.

There Will Be No Schism: It Will Be Much Worse – by Father Reto Nay

Agree totally. The only alternative for serious Catholics will be an underground Church or sedevacantism. The Catholic Church hierarchy today is secular humanist and likes it that way. And 80-90% of Catholics like it this way too. And why not.?
The Modernist secular humanist Catholics like their sexual freedom and a practically assured eternal life endorsed by the Pope no less. What do Traditional …More
Agree totally. The only alternative for serious Catholics will be an underground Church or sedevacantism. The Catholic Church hierarchy today is secular humanist and likes it that way. And 80-90% of Catholics like it this way too. And why not.?

The Modernist secular humanist Catholics like their sexual freedom and a practically assured eternal life endorsed by the Pope no less. What do Traditional Orthodox Catholics have to offer? Hardship and sacrifice hardly stand a chance. Vatican II intended to Protestantize and Church and it has worked like a charm.

What we should expect now is divine intervention to show that God is still in charge of His Church. Our Lady of Good Success told us this would happen centuries ago. But few listened. Now our stance is to pray, do penance watch and wait. God have mercy on us all!

VaticanNews Admits: Pope Francis Widely Accused As A Heretic

Catholicism is being transformed into a new pagan religion by our "Pope", e.g., Amazon Synod. It will be a form of Neo-paganism featuring emphasis on Man and the absence of God. There will be priestesses and priests often married. The sacraments will be replaced by various New Age woo-woo therapies, Jesus will become a Communist revolutionary fighting for the poor, the creed will involve protection …More
Catholicism is being transformed into a new pagan religion by our "Pope", e.g., Amazon Synod. It will be a form of Neo-paganism featuring emphasis on Man and the absence of God. There will be priestesses and priests often married. The sacraments will be replaced by various New Age woo-woo therapies, Jesus will become a Communist revolutionary fighting for the poor, the creed will involve protection of the environment and a Communist ideology. We could go on but why bother as surely God will intervene.

Francis Church: The New Act of Contrition

Sounds about right. Though my guess is Francis would simply eliminate the need for an Act of Contrition because, he would say, we were already for given is we are sorry for what we did.

Bishop Believes He Must Be A Clown to be “Close to People”

Clowns are distractions from the seriousness of life. A Bishop clown is a symbol of what they have become.

Francis: “I don’t separate Catholics, Orthodox and Protestants”

"Pope" Francis is the first anti-Catholic Pope--if he was really the Pope.