Schneider: Excommunication of Viganó "Will Increase Divisions"

The Vatican should think twice before excommunicating Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò, Auxiliary Bishop Athanasius Schneider of Astana, Kazakhstan, told (June 24). "I think the pope …More
The Vatican should think twice before excommunicating Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò, Auxiliary Bishop Athanasius Schneider of Astana, Kazakhstan, told (June 24).
"I think the pope would be wise and prudent not to excommunicate Archbishop Viganò".
He added that “with this act, the Holy See will increase divisions even more.”
Mgr Schneider suggested that Vatican officials should invite Viganò privately, rather than in a judicial setting, to smooth over differences.
Viganò's public statements are not helpful, Mgr Schneider added: "I lament that Archbishop Viganò uses disrespectful language."
Schneider considers Viganò “in error, because he is voicing a new theory of the probably invalid theory of Francis’ illegitimate election.” Viganò's positions have “no foundation.”
The bishop has asked Mgr Viganò to avoid using "disrespectful language" about Francis.
"I think that today the church has so much internal division that it would be imprudent, even if there is some canonical …More
Schneider Agree: "Will cause divisions." Disagree: "Viganò's positions have “no foundation.”
Whoever was on the fence on Francis as Vigano's claims, this surely will push them to the other side.
la verdad prevalece
Schneider is a TRAITOR hireling who is in full communion with the apostate Bergoglio. Any priest who remains united with Bergoglio has joined his rebellion, as did the apostate angels who preferred to be faithful to LUCIFER and disobey God.
Archbishop Viganò: 'Bergoglio is one of the main activists of the hellish LGBTQ + agenda' - LifeSite (
If what you say is true the 80% of catholics are traitors for being in communion with Francis in the Novus ordo. Sorry, but no...
Boanerges Boanerges
Majority followed Baal at the time of Elijah. The remnant is foretold for the End times, too.
You are comparing Baal with the novus ordo mass in which the Eucharist happens... so 80%of catholics then are lost... im i hearing you right? This is why novus ordo people wont listen to you guys... Justice with no mercy is all you have, when it should be both Divine Justice and Divine Mercy.
la verdad prevalece
@yuca2111 Most of the Novus Ordo priests have put Bergoglio above God. What do you call someone who joins a criminal, a murderer, a thief? An accomplice. They have joined Bergoglio in his rebellion against God, just as the apostate angels did when they joined Lucifer and disobeyed God.
la verdad prevalece
Why do you think it is called the Great Apostasy? Apostasy translates as the Great Rebellion.
The problem is how you say it... Baal thingy is generalizing... Schneider is just clueless, but you wont see him blessing gay couples and some otjer bergoglian thing. Many priests are embracing obedience in a wrong way for sure. But they are Baal worshipers or traitors when they give you your last rites, confess your sins or when transubstanciation occurs. It isnt just falling in the same game of …More
The problem is how you say it... Baal thingy is generalizing... Schneider is just clueless, but you wont see him blessing gay couples and some otjer bergoglian thing. Many priests are embracing obedience in a wrong way for sure. But they are Baal worshipers or traitors when they give you your last rites, confess your sins or when transubstanciation occurs. It isnt just falling in the same game of words the world is using through wicked priests who actually denounce traditionalism.
la verdad prevalece
Respect the apostate Bergoglio who has betrayed Christ and the Church? Bergoglio should be in jail paying for the crimes of covering up child sexual abuse.
John A Cassani
Schneider has always struck me as trying positioning himself to be the last bit of prey devoured by the lion.
Faith In The Ruins
Reminds me of a movie quote: "Remember when I said I'd kill you last? I lied." I honestly think he and other sympathetic concilliar bishops are going to get chopped before the SSPX does.
Jan Joseph
Wij staan voor 100% achter Mgr. Vigano.
1. Daarom verwerpen wij de verkiezing van paus Franciscus tot Paus. De verkiezing was niet objectief, een kardinaal behoort onbevooroordeeld het Conclaaf in te gaan, dat is niet gebeurd bij de verkiezing van paus Franciscus.
2. Daarom verwerpen wij het Tweede Vaticaanse Concilie.
3. Daarom verwerpen wij praktiserende homoseksuele priesters, bisschoppen, …More
Wij staan voor 100% achter Mgr. Vigano.
1. Daarom verwerpen wij de verkiezing van paus Franciscus tot Paus. De verkiezing was niet objectief, een kardinaal behoort onbevooroordeeld het Conclaaf in te gaan, dat is niet gebeurd bij de verkiezing van paus Franciscus.
2. Daarom verwerpen wij het Tweede Vaticaanse Concilie.
3. Daarom verwerpen wij praktiserende homoseksuele priesters, bisschoppen, kardinalen en paus Franciscus.
4. Daarom verwerpen wij priesters, bischoppen, kardinalen en paus Franciscus die niet meer geloven in God.
5 Daarom verwerpen wij de communievieringen.
6. Daarom verwerpen wij het synodale proces.
7. Daarom verwerpen wij dat de priester naar de gelovigen toestaat.
8. Daarom verwerpen wij dat de communie niet aan de communiebank worden uitgedeeld.
9. Daarom verwerpen wij dat mensen van hetzelfde geslacht kunnen worden gezegend en getrouwd.
10. Daarom verwerpen wij dat gescheiden mensen de Heilige Communie mogen ontvangen.
11. Daarom verwerpen wij dat de Tridentijnse Romeinse Heilige Mis wordt verboden.
12. Daarom verwerpen wij de Novo Ordo vieringen.
13. Daarom verwerpen wij dat leken de sacramenten moet bedienen.
14. Daarom verwerpen wij het verbod op het Rooms Katholieke geloof van voor het Tweede Vaticaanse Concilie.
15. Daarom verwerpen wij, wie kan dit aanvullen ?
I understand Vigano is fearful for his life, he doesn’t want to be killed... and that on itself is sad to hear, priests and all of us should embrace martyrdom, but i l know is easy said than done... Come oh Lord Jesus to straight us out. 🙏
Christopher Shahrazade
I hope Vigano doesn't end up like CArdinal Pell. I would not put it past Francis' VAtican that CArdinal Pell's death was a hit job to silence him....done by one of the VAtican hired queers lurking in the shadows.
Boanerges Boanerges
If Viganò is the only bishop who freely speaks what we all know to be the Truth, why should he volunteer to be killed and therefore silenced?
Martyrdom is Heaven in a silver platter.
Poor Schneider... I understand his poor understanding of what is going on, he still clings to blind obedience. We should obey God rather than men said St Peter, yet the rotten fruits of Francis won’t open Schneider eyes... by his fruits, Bergoglio's fruits, he has shown clearly who he really is, and no false prophet can be a true pope, such simple math even any kid would be wise enough to sum, but …More
Poor Schneider... I understand his poor understanding of what is going on, he still clings to blind obedience. We should obey God rather than men said St Peter, yet the rotten fruits of Francis won’t open Schneider eyes... by his fruits, Bergoglio's fruits, he has shown clearly who he really is, and no false prophet can be a true pope, such simple math even any kid would be wise enough to sum, but not Schneider... It is good Vigano open his eyes, yet we didn't need Vigano to see the fruits, bu tsure is helpful. Poor Schneider, his eminence is blind to see the truth.
Carol H
Archbishop Schneider's understanding of Canon Law is far superior to yours. Only a person/s of equal authority can rule on the Pope. That is the cardinal law of the Church. It is the divine law. And until there has been an official Church ruling, a Pope and his Holy Office cannot be separated. Even if a Pope should be a suspected heretic, we still owe him due respect because of the Office he is …More
Archbishop Schneider's understanding of Canon Law is far superior to yours. Only a person/s of equal authority can rule on the Pope. That is the cardinal law of the Church. It is the divine law. And until there has been an official Church ruling, a Pope and his Holy Office cannot be separated. Even if a Pope should be a suspected heretic, we still owe him due respect because of the Office he is attached to. The Church is a hierarchy and we are its subjects. And regardless of how we may feel about this Pope as a person, we are bound in both charity and duty to speak of God's appointed leader with the respect due to this Holy Office. To set yourselves up as a lynch mob is not Catholic; it's socialist.
He is not suspected heretic he is
Carol H
Innocent before proven guilty in any court of law. That includes the Church court. Promoting sede-vancantism as your own personal dogma is a heresy.
Carol H card Bergoglios' heresies are irrelevant to the fact Church law / Constitution forbids any man whatsoever to usurp Petrine Office. Due to the fact pope Benedict XVI was removed by globalists and esslesiastical freemasonry, however he continuously claimed Petrine Office (see papal documents) untill deceased, thereby anyone other elected in the years 2005 - 2022 has fallen into material usurpacy …More
Carol H card Bergoglios' heresies are irrelevant to the fact Church law / Constitution forbids any man whatsoever to usurp Petrine Office. Due to the fact pope Benedict XVI was removed by globalists and esslesiastical freemasonry, however he continuously claimed Petrine Office (see papal documents) untill deceased, thereby anyone other elected in the years 2005 - 2022 has fallen into material usurpacy pending to be formally declared by Church. Nevertheless the material is subject to be publicly revealed before facts and evidence formally confirmed, all "pro bono Ecclesiae".
@CarolH inocent? Please tell me how many atheists have convert since his "atheists do good and we'll meet there", here in Tampa bay many priests are giving the Eucharist to irregular couples and all thanks to the confusion by him.
How many muslims have converted? What about protestants? Instead they have doble down due to his reassurences...
Please tell me carol h, blessing gay couples is a sign …More
@CarolH inocent? Please tell me how many atheists have convert since his "atheists do good and we'll meet there", here in Tampa bay many priests are giving the Eucharist to irregular couples and all thanks to the confusion by him.

How many muslims have converted? What about protestants? Instead they have doble down due to his reassurences...

Please tell me carol h, blessing gay couples is a sign of darkness or light? Will irregular couples and gays will cease their grave sin due to the apostate document fiducia supplicans... by his fruits he has shown he IS a false prophet and those are the words of the Lord, not mine.

That st Peter statue in Argentina in which a thunderbolt strip the halo and key is a sign to think about, his fruits, Bergoglio's fruits have shown us who he really is.
Carol H
Both of you miss the point. You have no authority to judge anyone let alone a Church superior. Even if the Pope is guilty of all you say, you do not have the authority in the eyes of God to judge him. And the logical reason for that - apart from the danger of an endless multitude of wanna-be popes, is to avoid a headless body; a headless Church. For in disposing a Pope, one must also have the power …More
Both of you miss the point. You have no authority to judge anyone let alone a Church superior. Even if the Pope is guilty of all you say, you do not have the authority in the eyes of God to judge him. And the logical reason for that - apart from the danger of an endless multitude of wanna-be popes, is to avoid a headless body; a headless Church. For in disposing a Pope, one must also have the power to elect a new one. This brings us to Sede-vacantists. Those who hold to this heresy are acting as their own Magisterium. They insist over and over again that sede-vacantism is a "truth" and insult those who do not accept their personal judgment. In other words, they are claiming binding authority as a layman as if they were a Pope or council. This is protestant, and it is revolutionary - power to the people! Socialism.
Moreover, I challenge either of you to present one binding doctrine - that harms our faith and directly contradicts previous binding doctrines - that the last number of Popes have introduced. If Pope Francis is a manifest heretic then please show us what dogma he has officially denied (to be a heretic one must publically embrace a formal heresy).

Meanwhile, stop with the usurper nonsense. Pope Benedict made it crystal clear that he was abdicating on his own free-will and that the seat of Peter would be temporarily empty until a new Pope was elected: Translation from the Latin: “Therefore, well aware of the seriousness of this action, in full liberty I declare that I resign the ministry of the bishop of Rome, of the Successor of St. Peter, entrusted to me through the hands of the Cardinals on the 19th day of April, 2005, with the result that, from the twenty-eighth day of February 2013 [see below], at the twentieth hour, the see of Rome, the See of St. Peter, will be vacant; and I declare that a Conclave to select a new highest pontiff needs to be convoked by those to whom the duty belongs.”
It was a saint who said: when the sheppards are sleep the dogs mist bark... do you know that phrase refers to wolves attacking the sheep. No one attacks the sheep better than Francis and nobody says anything, and even worse, he persecutes anyone who corrects him, perhaps thats why no one says a thing. When Peter stood condemned Jesus came to his rescue, then he frailed again St Paul was there... we …More
It was a saint who said: when the sheppards are sleep the dogs mist bark... do you know that phrase refers to wolves attacking the sheep. No one attacks the sheep better than Francis and nobody says anything, and even worse, he persecutes anyone who corrects him, perhaps thats why no one says a thing. When Peter stood condemned Jesus came to his rescue, then he frailed again St Paul was there... we have no one out there speaking, somebody needs to tell the world about a wolf in sheep clothing. The end.
Carol H reality of pope Benedict XVI claiming Petrine Office untill deceased proves you with absolute certainty wrong.
Ivan Tomas
Oh yes, for Schneider "divisions" is only what concerns him. How about a heresy and apostasy?
Since when are those words disappeared from the vocabulary of the Churchmen your excellency?!
Live Mike
Why I don't trust Auxiliary Bishop Athanasius Schneider of Astana, Kazakhstan as far as I can throw him by his eyebrows.
Liam Ronan
Strong language from the Apostle Paul. Disrespectful of his brethren.
"O foolish Galatians! Who has bewitched you that you should not obey the truth, before whose eyes Jesus Christ was clearly portrayed among you as crucified?" Galatians 3:1
Father Karl A Claver
I guess Bishop Vigano is fed up with the manure coming out of Francis and has no more patience with him. Everyone has a limit on how much he can tolerate, and I guess Vigano has reached that point. To me both bishops are very holy and wise. I pray for them both daily.
Bill Schuetter
And having been fed up - and I agree with you, Father - Vigano is forcing the evil people to declare their loyalties, just as Trump's actions are forcing the Deep State out into the open. I'm with Vigano, mistakes and all, but he stands for the real Church of Christ, while Bergoglio stands for the atheistic New World Order and Satan's "church."
Carol H
Bill Schuetter: Pope Francis may, on a personal level, stand for the New World Order, but the Office that he is attached to is not. The Church is not an ordinary institution; it is divine. Which means that the Seat of Peter cannot be soiled or touched by error and remains in place. By divine law - which cannot be broken except by the Church itself - Pope Francis remains attached to that Holy Office …More
Bill Schuetter: Pope Francis may, on a personal level, stand for the New World Order, but the Office that he is attached to is not. The Church is not an ordinary institution; it is divine. Which means that the Seat of Peter cannot be soiled or touched by error and remains in place. By divine law - which cannot be broken except by the Church itself - Pope Francis remains attached to that Holy Office. On a human level this means that if we show disrespect or refuse to acknowledge the authority of Pope Francis (when he speaks for the Church), we are showing disrespect and insubordination to St. Peter. There is no doubt that on a personal level, Pope Francis is a terrible Pope. But in light of what he represents, and how he is perceived by the outer world, it is in our own interests to tread carefully and with great prudence. With the monarchies leveled, the visible Church is the last great bastion pushing back against the enemies of Christ. Take away the Pope, the central authority, and you take away the Church.
Naomi Arai
I’m not sure Francis and more than 3/4 of these bishops/cardinals really care and want to divide like the devils. The same thing as happened to Archbishop Lefebvre…