
The Outlook for Cardinal Burke Is Bleak. By Dr Geoffrey Brushwood MD

Dr Geoffrey Brushwood, where have you been published besides Gloria.tv? I understand if you don't wish to unmask a nom de plume if that is the case. I would like to see more of your work.

FSSP: Dijon Archbishop Claims That Nothing Has Happened

Sounds like the University of Paris vs. the Friars during the middle ages all over again. All one has to do now is invoke Aquinas' "Contra Impugnantes" document for the resolution.

Viganò Corrects Himself: Not Trump - But Church - Holds Back Evil

The faithful. What's taken away is anti-christ or the types of ant-christ:
"That is, let each one remain in the faith which he has received of us, and let him not permit himself to be deceived by any discourse, as coming from us. let those who shall then be in the world keep their faith, remaining firm in their belief and attachment to the Church of Christ, until antichrist, that man of iniquity,…More
The faithful. What's taken away is anti-christ or the types of ant-christ:

"That is, let each one remain in the faith which he has received of us, and let him not permit himself to be deceived by any discourse, as coming from us. let those who shall then be in the world keep their faith, remaining firm in their belief and attachment to the Church of Christ, until antichrist, that man of iniquity, shall be taken away."

Viganò Corrects Himself: Not Trump - But Church - Holds Back Evil

Haydock's commentary should be reviewed before accepting any of Vigano's "commentaries":
"2 Thessalonians 2:7 (HCBC): Ver. 7. The mystery of iniquity already worketh, or is now wrought, by the precursors of antichrist; i.e. by infidels and heretics. For, as S. John says, there are many antichrists, precursors to the great antichrist, and enemies of Christ. 1 John c. 2. Wi.—That he who now holdeth …More
Haydock's commentary should be reviewed before accepting any of Vigano's "commentaries":
"2 Thessalonians 2:7 (HCBC): Ver. 7. The mystery of iniquity already worketh, or is now wrought, by the precursors of antichrist; i.e. by infidels and heretics. For, as S. John says, there are many antichrists, precursors to the great antichrist, and enemies of Christ. 1 John c. 2. Wi.—That he who now holdeth, do hold. That is, let each one remain in the faith which he has received of us, and let him not permit himself to be deceived by any discourse, as coming from us. Or rather, let those who shall then be in the world keep their faith, remaining firm in their belief and attachment to the Church of Christ, until antichrist, that man of iniquity, shall be taken away. Calmet.—According to others, it is an admonition to the faithful not to be beguiled during this day of trial by such, as under the garb of religion, and with an ostentatious parade of zeal for the holy Scriptures, seek to deceive them. When the mystery of sin shall be revealed, then shall we plainly discover that apostacy from the Catholic Church is the obvious and certain road to a dereliction of all religious principle; yes, to antichristianism and to atheism."

Priest Suspended For Participating In Pagan Dance (Video)

Alabama's new Bishop should be suspended too for similar offenses.
Alabama's new Bishop should be suspended too for similar offenses.


Schneider: Bishops Use Coronavirus As Pretext To Spread De-Sacralisation

commenting on every post here since January makes you look like a bot. your effectiveness is laughable, and credibility, zero.

Francis Slaps Religious Sister's Hand

The man to his left in the red tie raised the sister's hand up, and Francis slapped it. In the most recent incident where Francis was grabbed and pulled, the woman to the left of the grabber with the teal phone guided Francis' hand to the grabber's. Both of these incidents appear to be staged in some way. A form of street theater, involving handlers.