
The Outlook for Cardinal Burke Is Bleak. By Dr Geoffrey Brushwood MD

(Gloria.tv) I am sorry to hear that His Eminence Leo Cardinal Burke is in intensive care receiving ventilatory support after contracting Covid-19. There was speculation about his illness, when Deacon …More
(Gloria.tv) I am sorry to hear that His Eminence Leo Cardinal Burke is in intensive care receiving ventilatory support after contracting Covid-19. There was speculation about his illness, when Deacon Donnelly in his blog reported that the Cardinal was fine and suffering merely from a sinus infection. However, the Cardinal himself tweeted on the same day that he had tested positive for Covid-19 but was well, with the grace of God.
It seems however that events have taken a turn for the worst and His Eminence is now in respiratory distress and managed in intensive care with ventilator support.
For those of who are still skeptical about Covid-19, perhaps this would be a potent reminder that it’s is in fact a real disease, and with a greater mortality than common flu. The virus responsible for Covid-19 has clearly mutated, as most respiratory viruses do, and has produced several virulent strains, and yet there’s currently no known treatment of any kind for any viral illness afflicting mankind …More
Unfortunately Cardinal Burke will probably die of pneumonia like most other "covid patients." Because the doctors follow a different protocol to treat "covid," and because the "covid" protocol does not include antibiotics. A "covid patient" will not be treated with the antibiotics that will help him overcome his bacterial pneumonia.
Further, if Cardinal Burke had been treated with the I-MASK protocol …More
Unfortunately Cardinal Burke will probably die of pneumonia like most other "covid patients." Because the doctors follow a different protocol to treat "covid," and because the "covid" protocol does not include antibiotics. A "covid patient" will not be treated with the antibiotics that will help him overcome his bacterial pneumonia.

Further, if Cardinal Burke had been treated with the I-MASK protocol when he first started feeling symptoms, he likely would have avoided the death trap...er...I mean hospital...altogether.

If and when Cardinal Burke dies of untreated pneumonia, please realize that pre-"pandemic" around 50,000 people per year in the USA died of pneumonia (the 9th leading cause of death).

Dr. Brushwood failed to explain that following the I-MASK protocol will prevent and treat "covid." He failed to mention that hospital protocols forbid treating "covid patients" with antibiotics, which would save the lives of these pneumonia patients. I would not trust his advice.
Dr Geoffrey Brushwood, where have you been published besides Gloria.tv? I understand if you don't wish to unmask a nom de plume if that is the case. I would like to see more of your work.
It yet the unvaccinated are still the highest number getting Covid?! So, what is their outcomes? Alive and well?! I hope.
Israel data showing the decay of vaccine efficacy over time. Y-axis is cases per 1000 from July 7 to Aug 10, for unvaccinated, and for people vaccinated at different times Cases are higher in those vaxed earlier Despite world-data caveats, this seems quite compelling