
Cardinal Burke In Induced Coma

“Cardinal Burke has been placed in an induced coma,” reports Father Matthieu Raffray, a priest of the Institute of the Good Shepherd, on Facebook.com (August 17, Screenshot below). He adds that the next twenty-four hours are crucial.

Another source, Royce Hood, writes on Facebook that Burke remains on the ventilator and has severe pneumonia that is not responding to treatment, “They are trying a new drug today [August 17] but are not optimistic about his chances of survival”, And, “A friend who knows nurse in the room confirms accuracy of grave condition.”

Robert Moynihan reports in a LifeSiteNews.com video that the Minnesota hospital staff is preventing Burke’s family and even his sister from seeing him. No visits from cardinals, bishops or priests are allowed. Only the hospital chaplain visits Burke once a day.


Worth noting Pope Francis has been in an induced coma practically since his election and it hasn't stopped him one bit.
"D" is for "dummy", Steve. I'm poking fun at Pope Francis instead. ;-)
Fair enough, @Steve D :)
Praying for Cardinal Burke. Please give him Ivermectin and steroids. I ask this in Jesus name. Amen. Please pray for this man! St. Michael, St. Gabriel , St. Raphael, please intercede , ask sweet Jesus to let him live, it it is God’s will. Amen.🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏
The MODERNIST MAFFIA wants Burke out of the game, pray for Burke
alfred dunn
I wonder if he is being murdered?
Jeffrey Ade
No doubt! That is what will happen when you are older and go into the hospital. It is part of a world wide satanic ritual!
The most disgusting thing is seeing some Catholics spiking the ball and seemingly delighted that Cardinal Burke is ailing.
Abp Vigano appeals to Burke's doctors to try using the existing treatments that have been demonstrated
Jeffrey Ade
The drs are ama and will not deviate from the ritual, i mean procedure or they will lose their license!
May God watch over Cardinal Burke. Same news here
Jeffrey Ade
God does watch over us all. It just seems it is time for the good cardinal to die well!
De Profundis
Let us pray.
Minnesota hospital staff are preventing family from seeing Cardinal Burke The staff have also banned any visits from cardinals, bishops or priests. The hospital chaplain is only able to visit Cardinal Burke once a day.
Source: youtube.com/watch?v=murG3EDY0BMMore
Minnesota hospital staff are preventing family from seeing Cardinal Burke The staff have also banned any visits from cardinals, bishops or priests. The hospital chaplain is only able to visit Cardinal Burke once a day.

Source: youtube.com/watch?v=murG3EDY0BM
etheldreda symms
I pray for His Holiness to be delivered from this awful virus. If the Good God calls him, he must go.
Kazimierz Paczkowski
Please let the Cardinal Burke have a chance and treat him with 100%safe Amentadyn (Polish Dr Bodnar specializes in his clinic, 99%sauces)
Have Mercy on Cardinal!!More
Please let the Cardinal Burke have a chance and treat him with 100%safe Amentadyn (Polish Dr Bodnar specializes in his clinic, 99%sauces)

Have Mercy on Cardinal!!