Carolyn johnson
Carolyn johnson

Cupich: Anything Goes As Long As It Is NOT Catholic

These liturgies are in your face demon worship.
Carolyn johnson

Cupich: Anything Goes As Long As It Is NOT Catholic

Cupich is an LGBTQ, McCarrick spawn. Evil is in the Vatican and in every Bishop and cardinal Bergoglio appoints.
Carolyn johnson

A Franciscan Leaves the Franciscans to Remain Catholic

He would find the Faith at Benedictine Clear Creek Abbey in Oklahoma. Franciscans are a questionable bunch at best.
Carolyn johnson

A Franciscan Leaves the Franciscans to Remain Catholic

We all saw the Franciscan venerating Pachamama and many are openly gay
Carolyn johnson

Traditional Priest Catechises Polish Police (Video)

Love of God cancels out the fear of death.
Carolyn johnson

Vatican Refuses Request for Dialogue

Francis doesn't deal in dogma just idolatry
Carolyn johnson

What A Sign! Christ Drops From the Cross (Video)

Jesus has spoken.
Carolyn johnson

Müller: Many Bishops Became Heretical

But if what she is teaching is both sinful and in error?
Carolyn johnson

Francis' New Interview Book: “Celibacy Is Decisive Grace”

Francis has thrown out the Natural Law and the teachings against sodomy in Scripture and now says that we must accompany them in their sins. The thought of homo priests and bishops putting their filthy hands and mouth on the Eucharist is revolting.
Carolyn johnson

Francis' New Interview Book: “Celibacy Is Decisive Grace”

Celebacy is a grace in the Latin Church but is it essential? Pope Benedict would say yes. I bet Francis will soon say no. He'll "accompany" married priests in the Amazon and South America
Carolyn johnson

Francis' New Interview Book: “Celibacy Is Decisive Grace”

Waiting for his next bombshell
Carolyn johnson

Schneider: Francis Silently Tolerates German Heresy Bishops

Where do we go?