Rand Miller
Rand Miller

Martyrdom Is Necessary for Salvation for Some | The Fatima Center

@The Wandering Recluse @Live Mike Briefly, the title is false and misleading. And Aquinas never said martyrdom was necessary for salvation for some. Then you say martyrdom might not save a person. Why not stick to the facts about martyrdom and especially stick to the facts about salvation.
Rand Miller

The book 'Ukraine's Crimes Against Humanity (2022-2023)' contains more than 400 testimonies of victims …

Ukraine kills civilians almost daily, since 2014. (with US assistance of course).
Rand Miller


Hype but no reality.
Rand Miller


Trump our savior! Ha ha.
Rand Miller

Hunter Biden Indicted on Federal Gun Charges – Three Counts Related to Possession of Gun While on …

Hardly worth mentioning compared to his and his father's corruption in Ukraine.
Rand Miller

Is Fr. Jim Altman a Sedevacantist?

Two errors noted : 1) To be a sedevacantist means you have to believe there hasn't been a pope since 1958, 2) A sedevantist is a protestant. People love to brand sedes with false accusations.
Rand Miller

Ave Crux, spes unica

Protestants missed the Seventh Ecumenical Council of Nicaea. They jump from St. Paul to Martin Luther.
Rand Miller

TikTok video #7277478336820038944

Disturbing disinformation.
Rand Miller

EU Chief Boasts About Vaccine Passports, Calls For More Global Digital Collaboration - Paving The Way …

Her nickname is von der Crazy. (given by Alex Christoforous).
Rand Miller

There is No Salvation Outside of Christ - SSPX Sermons

Pretty good homily. except the SSPX Lefebvre, Fellay, Schmidberger, and presumably all in the SSPX believe the heresy that non-Catholics can be saved.
Rand Miller

‘Palestinian’ Terror Leader Funded by Biden Defends Hitler, Holocaust – Allah's Willing Executioners

Hitler was not anti-Jewish, he was anti communist. Do some research!
Rand Miller

Posted by Kevin Sorbo on Twitter

How quickly we forget the past, even the recent past.
Rand Miller

Jill Biden’s positive test is all part of the plan

First off, the test is meaningless.
Rand Miller

Erik Møse, president of the commission: The UNO doesn’t have sufficient evidence to recognize the …

There is plenty of evidence that Ukraine nearly daily targets civilians.
Rand Miller

Miracle in Leon, Spain, Paves the Way for Canonization of Opus Dei Leader, Alvaro del Portillo

Opus Dei teaches false ecumenism and religious indifferentism. It cannot produce saints. Period.
Rand Miller

Russia: Francis' Oligarch Friends Suddenly Attack Him (Video)

I don't know of any Russian saints. Are there any?