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Cardinal Müller Reveals How They Are Killing Religion

What fundamentally "challenges" Christian theology is the "denial of the existence of a human nature," Cardinal Gerhard Müller told PillarCatholic.com (December 24). Müller warns of "constructivism"…More
What fundamentally "challenges" Christian theology is the "denial of the existence of a human nature," Cardinal Gerhard Müller told PillarCatholic.com (December 24).
Müller warns of "constructivism" which believes that men are a product of psychological and sociological processes and accidental conditions. He lists some wrong theories like:
• The soul is "not a substance but a bundle of associations" (Hume)
• The human species is "an accident of evolution" (Darwin)
• The individual is "a result of social conditions" (Marx)
• Behaviour is "an appearance of the unconscious on the surface of consciousness" (Freud).
The followers of these ideologies use them to "reassemble" a concept of human person according to their agendas (right of the strongest, classless society, pleasure principle) and thus create a “new man,” Müller explains. He calls this a "radical nihilism.”
The problem: A "paradise on earth" without and against God is "necessarily doomed to failure,"Müller explains, because "…More