Rising_suns shares from Rising_suns
The Big Silence 2012 (Reality TV meets Monasticism) 1 of 3 The 2012 sequel to the acclaimed "The Monastery" series (2005), which aired on the BBC channel. In 'The Monastery,' Worth Abbey invited five …More
The Big Silence 2012 (Reality TV meets Monasticism) 1 of 3
The 2012 sequel to the acclaimed "The Monastery" series (2005), which aired on the BBC channel. In 'The Monastery,' Worth Abbey invited five participants to live along side the monastic community and discover for themselves the wisdom of St Benedict. Now in 'The Big Silence,' five new participants are invited to take the wisdom of silence found in the monastery and take it into their everyday lives. Copyright BBC.
Rising_suns shares from Rising_suns
The Madonna of Medjugorje - clip #1 A short clip from the movie "The Madonna of Medjugorje", originally produced by the B.B.C. with the journalist Mary Craig. Clip includes early interviews with the …More
The Madonna of Medjugorje - clip #1
A short clip from the movie "The Madonna of Medjugorje", originally produced by the B.B.C. with the journalist Mary Craig. Clip includes early interviews with the children.
Franciscan University Press
Franciscan University of Steubenville
Steubenville, Ohio 43952, USA
Is Gloria TV promoting this scam again?
Medjugorje is nothing but an devilish lie
Rising_suns shares from Rising_suns
Religious Vocation | A Higher Calling - clips of monastic life. A video for those discerning a vocation to the religious life. Compiled from www.religious-vocation.com. Original source files from …More
Religious Vocation | A Higher Calling - clips of monastic life.
A video for those discerning a vocation to the religious life. Compiled from www.religious-vocation.com. Original source files from exaltavit.com
Rising_suns shares from Andre Luiz
A visit to Medjugorje - documentary by Natasha Beliaeva - 2010 A visit to Medjugorje - documentary by Natasha Beliaeva This video tracks a young woman from Russia who visits Medjugorje with no expectations …More
A visit to Medjugorje - documentary by Natasha Beliaeva - 2010
A visit to Medjugorje - documentary by Natasha Beliaeva
This video tracks a young woman from Russia who visits Medjugorje with no expectations. She visits not as a believer in the visions, but as an observer. This is the most complete immersion experience into Medjugorje I have seen. Among the highlights;
1. ascent up cross mountain
2. testimonies by members of community Cenacolo
3. talk by Fr. Svet
4. visit to "the Castle" (retreat house for priests and religious, owned by Patrick and Nancy Latta).
5. testimony of ex-drug addict I thought the tour guides in this video were particularly helpful to this young woman; in sharing the true spirit of Medjugorje. ---------------------------------------------------------------- *note, this is a mirror from the original Vimeo video by Natasha Beliaeva, here: vimeo.com/18239098 Original video description: "We are ("two or three"), friends from Russia, Ukraine and Hungary made this …More
Rising_suns shares from Gloria.tv
3-[Catechesis] - Sexuality. Catechesis videos in sexualityMore
3-[Catechesis] - Sexuality.
Catechesis videos in sexuality
Monkeys and oral contraception. Male Monkeys are not interessted in feman mokeys, when they are put on chemical contraception. The male monkeys start to masturabate and rape. Interview with Vicky Thorn.More
Monkeys and oral contraception.
Male Monkeys are not interessted in feman mokeys, when they are put on chemical contraception. The male monkeys start to masturabate and rape. Interview with Vicky Thorn.
Rising_suns shares from h2onews.org
Russia. videos about Russia; russian culture, russian church, russian liturgy...More
videos about Russia; russian culture, russian church, russian liturgy...
Choirs in Moscow. In Moscow, about 15 choirs attended the children’s festival of spiritual singing, which was held at the OrthodoxSvyato-Tikhonovsky University of Humanities. This Festival marks a very …More
Choirs in Moscow.
In Moscow, about 15 choirs attended the children’s festival of spiritual singing, which was held at the OrthodoxSvyato-Tikhonovsky University of Humanities.
This Festival marks a very important stage in the revival and development of the spiritual tradition of choral singing in Russia, because the tradition had been severely interrupted during the Soviet period.
"The spirit of unity is the spark which skips between two people from heart to heart. Not from any organization leading with its political plans.
This is free-spoken knowledge, recognition of man, recognition of his spirit, of his faith. This knowledge is synonymous with the act of living itself".
During the 15 years of its existence the Orthodox Svyato-Tikhonovsky University has made a lot of friends in Russia and abroad. They communicate news of their events with Orthodox and non-orthodox Christians, in order to serve the enrichment of each others belief.
Thus, people come to know each other in the Faith.
Rising_suns shares from h2onews.org
Russia. videos about Russia; russian culture, russian church, russian liturgy...More
videos about Russia; russian culture, russian church, russian liturgy...
Organ Festival in Moscow. In early July in the Catholic Cathedral in Moscow, the second festival-competition of young organists, SOLI DEO GLORIA, was opened. The festival was organized by the Charitable …More
Organ Festival in Moscow.
In early July in the Catholic Cathedral in Moscow, the second festival-competition of young organists, SOLI DEO GLORIA, was opened. The festival was organized by the Charitable Fund "Art of Good", which supports young musicians in the performing of spiritual music. The chief organist at the Vatican, Gianluca Libertucci, was invited to Moscow to be the chairman of the panel of judges. About 10 participants from Russia, Ukraine, and Armenia took part in the festival. The panel was composed of professors from France, Poland, Russia, and Austria.
"I was really surprised by the very high standard of these young people, which I really did not expect. Clearly the Russian organ school is one of the best in the world.
They are very promising young men and women, and I'm sure that in a few years some of them will be known on an international level and will win some very important competitions."
Gianluca thinks that there is one very important aspect not to forget: that …More
Rising_suns shares from Amfir String Quartet
Russia. videos about Russia; russian culture, russian church, russian liturgy...More
videos about Russia; russian culture, russian church, russian liturgy...
Chesnokov. Cherubic hymn. Amfir String Quartet. Concert in St.Mary Catholic Cathedral, 2.11.2008. St.Petersburg, Russia.More
Chesnokov. Cherubic hymn.
Amfir String Quartet. Concert in St.Mary Catholic Cathedral, 2.11.2008. St.Petersburg, Russia.