Gia B Yan
Gia B Yan

No Conspiracy Theory: Opus Dei Cardinal “Defends” Francis

We are alive at this very moment, at this very time and it is a privilege to know and stand for the Truth. We are in a battle and yes, victory is ours…guaranteed for we stand with God!
We are with Jesus and we are with Mary who will always lead us to her Son. Ad Jesum per Mariam.
Gia B Yan

Failed Vatican II: Spain Loses 40% of Seminarians

Are you referring to St.Charles Borromeo Seminary in Philadelphia? It saddens me if indeed it is. Such a beautiful campus and I was there in 2017 to attend the ordination of two deacons from Sri Lanka to the priesthood. Thank you for your courageous defense of our beautiful Catholic Faith. Arigatogosaimaste.
Gia B Yan

Williamson Has Ordained Fourth Bishop

@Kenjiro M. Yoshimori Your beautiful witness to the Catholic faith as a Japanese is a testimony that the blood of the Nagasaki martyrs has nurtured the Faith through the centuries despite the very small minority of Catholics in Japan today.
Arigato gosaimaste. Ad Jesum per Mariam.
Gia B Yan

THIRD Roman Rite Pilgrimage to Germany's Most Important Shrine

Yes, we know that Truth will prevail and God is victorious in the end…in the meantime we pray our rosaries, all fifteen decades daily, in Latin along with the Memorare that those who oppose the Latin Rite will not prevail. Ad Jesum per Mariam.
Gia B Yan

Video from Synod Philippines under the title, "Walking with Jesus... this is the synod way." After …

As a Filipino Catholic this does not surprise me…and I am not a fan of C. Tagle either.
Gia B Yan

The Sisters of Nagasaki

How do I watch this?
Gia B Yan

Vatican releases the logo for the Holy Year 2025 in a variety of languages

Is this PRIDE all over?
Gia B Yan

It's a mental health crisis

How on earth did he even last for a minute underwater?
Gia B Yan

May 20, 2022: A Bono Pope That Inspires The Doomed World

Love your clarity Mr. Walker because Truth is beautiful.
Gia B Yan

The Result of Madrid's Synod: Emptiness

Yes, only TLM for me…I cried and used my veil to wipe my tears at the beauty, reverence, and sacredness of the mass which I have never experienced in the novus ordo.
Gia B Yan

Hour by hour follow Our Lord’s Passion

Thank you so much
Gia B Yan

Francis Presents Untruthful Apology

@Caroline03 and Just me.
Thank for your beautiful and insightful comments, full of God’s truth in the Catholic faith. Ad Jesum per Mariam….always.More
@Caroline03 and Just me.

Thank for your beautiful and insightful comments, full of God’s truth in the Catholic faith. Ad Jesum per Mariam….always.
Gia B Yan

Francis Effect: 13 (!) Polish Priests switched to PiusX

Awesome post…thank you
Gia B Yan

Vocations: Francis Effect Hits Hard

Excellent history in a nutshell. Is this seminary St. Charles Borromeo on the Main Line? Thanks.