Marcus Martin
Marcus Martin

FSSPX: No Consecration of New Bishops

Exactly. Theee aren’t contradictory statements. Abbé de Journa made no announcement. Just said to be prepared for when it happens (it will)
Marcus Martin

FSSPX: No Consecration of New Bishops

Where is your source for this? Also Abbé de Journa made no official announcement, he just said be prepared for when it happens. If you know how the Society actually works, you’d know that he wouldn’t say such a thing unless they are actively talking about it. Being in Europe close to many society priests, they are actively talking about it btw.
Marcus Martin

Le cardinal Zen sur Traditionis Custodes : Ne pouvaient-ils pas attendre la mort de Benoît XVI ?

Peut-être François mourra avant Benoît?
Marcus Martin

Germany: FSSP Hands Out Plate Communion (Video)

As disheartening as it is, at least they're not receiving in the hand as I'm sure the bishops have tried to make them do