FSSPX: No Consecration of New Bishops

The consecration of new bishops for the Priestly Society of Saint Pius X cannot be excluded a priori, but it is not currently on the agenda, said Father Davide Pagliarani, the superior general. According …More
The consecration of new bishops for the Priestly Society of Saint Pius X cannot be excluded a priori, but it is not currently on the agenda, said Father Davide Pagliarani, the superior general.
According to CorrispondenzaRomana.it, he made this statement during a meeting of the Mouvement per la Jeunesse Catholique de France on 29 and 30 June in Chateauroux, France.
Pagliarani thus denied an announcement made by the superior of France, Abbé Benoît de Jorna, in his circular.
Picture: Davide Pagliarani © FSSPX.news, #newsXygtwsldhx
Marcus Martin
Where is your source for this? Also Abbé de Journa made no official announcement, he just said be prepared for when it happens. If you know how the Society actually works, you’d know that he wouldn’t say such a thing unless they are actively talking about it. Being in Europe close to many society priests, they are actively talking about it btw.
True Mass
It's called go along to get along. Where is our modern day St John the Baptist?
True Mass
No… de Jorna did not make any such “announcement” formally nor informally. Instead, what he said was that it is time to “consider” the episcopal consecration of new Bishops for the Priestly Society. And he confirmed that when or if such an announcement is made, it would come from and be issued by the Superior General himself, who is the appropriate authority from which all such communiques of …More
No… de Jorna did not make any such “announcement” formally nor informally. Instead, what he said was that it is time to “consider” the episcopal consecration of new Bishops for the Priestly Society. And he confirmed that when or if such an announcement is made, it would come from and be issued by the Superior General himself, who is the appropriate authority from which all such communiques of this nature should come.
Marcus Martin
Exactly. Theee aren’t contradictory statements. Abbé de Journa made no announcement. Just said to be prepared for when it happens (it will)
I guess they're letting +Williamson handle all of it. That's probably going to work out better anyway.
Christopher Shahrazade
Big mistake. I how they are not kow-towing to homo Pope Francis and company.
Sean Johnson
Naomi Arai
must be doing something wright to generate this amount of hatred.